Receding Gums


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Most of the people older then 30 suffer from this conditon to a bigger or lesser extent. Smoking also doesnt help.

I was quite horrified when I woke up one day and found out that gums around my one canine tooth had significantly receded, so much so that the neck of the tooth started showing. Most probably the process was not so sudden that it happened over night but thats how I noticed.
Dental check up and x ray didnt show any problems with the tooth and as I was preety much aware before it seemed there is no effective treatment for this condition.
Most medical practitioners and dentists will advise you to take metronidazol which is a huge mistake, as this is very powerful antibiotic and antiprotozoik agent which just happens to have good effect on the gums but for a short period of time.
The damage this medication can do to a healthy organism its far bigger then beneficiary effect on the gums. And that was pretty much it when it comes to medical establishment.
But then I found advice to rub the affected place with coenzyme Q10.

Ubiquinone or CoQ10 is normally sinthetized in the body during the young age but with years its production significantly decreases. It is a powerfull antioxidant and essential substance in cell respiration, electron transfer and ATP production. In short it is responsible for healthy circulation all over the body, be it gums, brain or myocard.
Q10 has latelly become quite famous since most of the skin care products advertise it application on the skin through antiaging products. But ladies, dont waste your money. This doesnt have any scientific base as the resorption of this coenzyme through the skin is practically insignificant.
Since these products are usually quite costly it might be worth to inform people that this is just a marketing scam.
On the other hand application of Q10 on the gums makes much more sense. There is great number of available preparations on the market but the most appropriate for this are the capsules.
I purchased preparation of well known supplement products brand which contains 30mg CoQ10 suspened in Soya oil.
I devised combined application i.e one day I would massage the gums with the contents of the capsule and next day I would take the capsule orally. The massage never lasted more then 5 min for the entire gums.

Five days have passed and I am amazed with the results. The gums around affected tooth are now covering the neck of it and are almost equal to the rest of the gums.

I am not saying this is a miracle cure as its to early to say what is going to happen with my gums in a long run. For now I can say that my gums never looked healthier and I thought this might be valid advice for people who suffer from the same problem.

If you are taking any medication it might be worth to know that certain medicines have antagonistic effect on Q10, so better check with appropriate source before throwing money down the drain.
I'm very interested in your suggestion and the results, do you know anything about the source of the Q10?
From what plant (I'm taking a guess it's not of animal origin) is this derived?
I ask this because it seems hit & miss as to whether or not the source is specified on many vitamins and/or supplements.
As far as I understood it is mostly of syntetic origin which means that is mainly produced by the proceses of industrial fermentation . There are certain producers who use organic synthesis. I wouldnt know the details of the proces and particulars of the materials used in it . You have presented interesting question and if I manage to find the answer I will post it here.

The bulk of the CoQ10 on the western market is supplied by Japanese and Chinese industrial plants.

I also found this web site very useful


4. If CoQ10 is so effective in the treatment of heart failure, why is it not more generally used in this country?

The answer to this question is found in the fields of politics and marketing and not in the fields of science or medicine. The controversy surrounding CoQ10 likewise is political and economic as the previous 30 years of research on CoQ10 have been remarkably consistent and free of major controversy. Although it is not the first time that a fundamental and clinically important discovery has come about without the backing of a pharmaceutical company, it is the first such discovery to so radically alter how we as physicians must view disease. While the pharmaceutical industry does a good job at physician and patient education on their new products, the distributors of CoQ10 are not as effective at this. This education is very costly and can only be done with the reasonable expectation of patent protected profit. CoQ10 is not patentable. The discovery of CoQ10 was based primarily on support from the National Heart Institute of NIH (National Institute of Health) at the Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Wisconsin.
Z said:
As far as I understood it is mostly of syntetic origin which means that is mainly produced by the proceses of industrial fermentation . There are certain producers who use organic synthesis. I wouldnt know the details of the proces and particulars of the materials used in it . You have presented interesting question and if I manage to find the answer I will post it here.

The bulk of the CoQ10 on the western market is supplied by Japanese and Chinese industrial plants.

Thanks for the info Z! I wondered if you had any further comments about this - i know it was way back in 20057 - as i was thinking about maybe trying it out. I'm doing oil pulling, bicarb plus natural toothpaste, 'flossing' etc... My mother suffers from it quite badly and so i think genetically we may be predisposed. Whilst i no longer consume sugar, like my mother has throughout her life, and have transitioned to keto, i still feel i need a few more tricks to have at hand.
I've had bruxism (teeth grinding at night) for a few years. The last few biyearly dentist visits they point it out to me. I think I just store tension in my jaw and when I sleep I clench my jaw. This has lead to a little of gum recession, and after my last visit, I figured it's time I do something about it.

They usually tell me to try a mouthguard at night, but I haven't looked into those. And it seems kind of gross, and that you'd have to clean it out well. But what I've done is start oil pulling twice a day with coconut oil. I will do colloidal silver sometimes too. To be honest, the recession doesn't look that bad to me, and is nothing like some of the scary pictures you see on the internet.

So it's been a few weeks and I don't really notice a difference. I'm also drinking sage tea, which has antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. I'll keep up on doing this to see how it goes, but I've noticed that 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil twice a day quickly depletes the jar. I have another one though. I also try to brush away from the gums, so as to sort of "comb" them towards the tips of the teeth.

And there are some accupressure points you can do near your temples and ears. These help a bit, but I've always just taken my knuckles and pressed them into my jaw. A rolling style massager helps with that too.

I've not looked too much into CoQ10, which is supposed to help grow gums. Anyone know of a good supplier that isn't sourced from Japan?
Thanks for reviving this thread 3D. I have some slight gum recession around a few of my upper premolars. I'm going to order some CoQ10 to try out. I'll take before and after photos to post here.
itellsya said:
Z said:
As far as I understood it is mostly of syntetic origin which means that is mainly produced by the proceses of industrial fermentation . There are certain producers who use organic synthesis. I wouldnt know the details of the proces and particulars of the materials used in it . You have presented interesting question and if I manage to find the answer I will post it here.

The bulk of the CoQ10 on the western market is supplied by Japanese and Chinese industrial plants.

Thanks for the info Z! I wondered if you had any further comments about this - i know it was way back in 20057 - as i was thinking about maybe trying it out. I'm doing oil pulling, bicarb plus natural toothpaste, 'flossing' etc... My mother suffers from it quite badly and so i think genetically we may be predisposed. Whilst i no longer consume sugar, like my mother has throughout her life, and have transitioned to keto, i still feel i need a few more tricks to have at hand.
Just saw this now, sorry.
Well 10 years later I still have all the teeth :) My gums haven't receded more, I didn't keep up with Q10 - occasionally ( when I remember) I do some oil pulling - 1 table spoon of coconut oil with 2 drops of oregano oil and that's about all gum care I do- in addition to daily dental hygiene ( brushing and flossing) .
Just following up. I got a Co-Q10 supplement from the brand "Prescribed Choice" listed as 100mg of "Crystalline Coenzyme Q10" with 375mg Extra Virgin Olive oil per gel cap. I chose this brand because it was the least expensive choice for Co-Q10 in olive oil without extra ingredients.

Each night for the past ~10 days I've been massaging the oil into my gums for a few minutes after I brush my teeth.

You can see from the attached photos that there is very slight or no noticeable improvement after ~10 days. I think that my gums are a healthier shade of pink and I was convinced there was a small improvement until comparing the images, but now I'm not so sure. Sorry the before photo for the left side isn't that great, I didn't do a good job explaining to my photographer what she was taking a photo of... :-[

I'm going to continue the treatment until I run out of the gel caps, I think there are about 20 left (30 total). I plan to modify my massaging technique to encourage the gum tissue down onto the exposed part of the tooth and see if that makes any difference. Will post another follow up in a week or two.


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Thanks Z, I think so too, I just wanted to see if the CoQ10 would reverse the minor gum recession.

I haven't seen any changes since my last post so I'm not going to take the time to post more followup photos.
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