Recurrent insomnia


The Force is Strong With This One
As far back into childhood as I can remember, I have always had disturbed sleep and bizarre dream experiences. Throughout my teens, I went to the doctor several times with acute exhaustion caused by either lack of sleep or intense dream activity. My mother tells me even as a baby I was very unsettled at night. Even now, as an adult, I am the same. It was only when a couple of years ago I spoke to a woman who works in an alternative therapy clinic that the concept of "Psychic attacks" came up, and my head still spins with the implications of this.

I am now trying to record dreams and experiences as much as possible, and try to take note of my environment at the time of dreaming - the phase of the moon, my menstrual cycle, my stress levels. All I have noted so far is a similar pattern has manifested in my partner and my housemate. When I don't sleep, they don't either, and when i suffer nightmares and sleep terrors, they often do too. This has been happening since the three of us moved into a new house several months ago, and with that, a complete change of lifestyle means we are much more in tune with each other than we previously were. Maybe there is an energy that needs cleansing in my house?
If the disturbed sleep seems to originate from yourself, try protective measures: Do not let any psychic doors be open for malevolent will; look for emotional disturbances in yourself that are unrecognized and goes under your mental radar. Do not pray to unspecified entities, do not accept support from entities you feel the presence of, say POTS morning and evening. My 0,02. :)
Hello Rosemary,
Before considering the psychic aspects, did you examine the effects of diet? Sometimes it can have a strong effect on brain functions and affect sleeping and dreams. It could be toxins also.
Rosemary said:
As far back into childhood as I can remember, I have always had disturbed sleep and bizarre dream experiences. Throughout my teens, I went to the doctor several times with acute exhaustion caused by either lack of sleep or intense dream activity. My mother tells me even as a baby I was very unsettled at night. Even now, as an adult, I am the same. It was only when a couple of years ago I spoke to a woman who works in an alternative therapy clinic that the concept of "Psychic attacks" came up, and my head still spins with the implications of this.

I am now trying to record dreams and experiences as much as possible, and try to take note of my environment at the time of dreaming - the phase of the moon, my menstrual cycle, my stress levels. All I have noted so far is a similar pattern has manifested in my partner and my housemate. When I don't sleep, they don't either, and when i suffer nightmares and sleep terrors, they often do too. This has been happening since the three of us moved into a new house several months ago, and with that, a complete change of lifestyle means we are much more in tune with each other than we previously were. Maybe there is an energy that needs cleansing in my house?

Actually, I think your diet is playing a significant role here. It can really distort your sleep wake cycle, and that will throw off other energetic systems. How often do you exercise? If you don't have a regular routine of exercise, women especially can cause psychic disturbances in their surroundings.

Emotionally, women are prone to building rapport with others in a living situation that can make a kind of feed back loop between a group of people. I had the problems you mention from childhood too, and it calmed down only when I removed the big four from my diet (dairy, corn, soy, and wheat), and made sure to do gentle regular exercise (dog walking, yoga, recumbent bike).

Whenever something weird happens, look for the physical possible causes first, it keeps you from missing anything that's simple to fix. ;)
You're absoloutely right about the physical aspect, it's something I look into continuously, and ever since I moved out of my parent's house several years ago, I have changed my lifestyle and diet to something a little more balanced. It's still something I am working on, and sometimes I am not as in control as I would like to be - I have weird shift patterns at work, and while at work, I have to eat whatever is offered (and it's almost always something I would never choose to cook for myself - I just tell people at work I'm a vegetarian, it's easier that way)

My sleeping patterns have improved a little since moving house and living in a more harmoniuos environment. I do some excersise, admittedly not that much over winter, but now the days are warming up, I go cycling, walking, hiking and climbing whenever I can. I cycle to and from work instead of getting the bus so that I get a minimum amount of physical activity every day.

As for the psychic aspect.... There are huge implications in the dreams I have that definitely a story for another day, but there are forces at work that are beyond my control. it is like something that is happening to me, externally and internally, but only a few times have I felt really, physically under threat. When i go home and stay with my parents, I really struggle to rest peacefully - there is a strong malevolent force in that house. My sister admitted to me recently that she sleeps with the light on when she goes home to visit.
Rosemary said:
there is a strong malevolent force in that house. My sister admitted to me recently that she sleeps with the light on when she goes home to visit.

"A strong malevolent force" is such a loose term, it can mean almost anything. Maybe it'll be wise to analyse what's going on with the tools that are availiable to us?

I was thinking of the following in particular:

Narcissism "Big Five"
Myth of Sanity - Martha Stout
The Narcissistic Family - Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. PressmanTrapped in the Mirror - Elan Golomb
Unholy Hungers - Barbara E. Hort
In Sheep's Clothing - George K. Simon

Now, that book has been recommended to me a few times now, as a friend commented once: "I've met your parents, and it's quite obvious how narcissistic they are."

To be honest, I haven't read any of those books yet :-[ , so here is a big thank you for reminding me to get on with that!

There is a thread here that I am getting through:

Thank you everybody for sharing!
Novelis said:
Rosemary said:
there is a strong malevolent force in that house. My sister admitted to me recently that she sleeps with the light on when she goes home to visit.

"A strong malevolent force" is such a loose term, it can mean almost anything. Maybe it'll be wise to analyse what's going on with the tools that are availiable to us?

You're not wrong, it can be almost anything... I have speculated a lot, but without sound research, I am at the mercy of my own imagination.

Thanks for the book list, I'll treat myself to a couple of new books when I get paid :lol: I am trying to alternate between reading old english classics and factual books. Both hard work... :/

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