Recurring dream memory


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Today I remembered a recurring dream I used to have quite often when I was around ten years old. I had this dream for a number of years on and off but never got the chance to discuss with anyone what it may have meant.

It would be a dark stormy setting and there would be a tornado in the middle of a very deep hole in an opening of the earths surface. I would walk up to the hole, stare down it and jump, jolting myself awake.

It may have just been a result of the suffering children often go through when they are younger, but do you have any thoughts?

(i'm sure i'd be able to figure this out on my own if i learnt more about dreams, however i'm just trying to ease myself into the networking, because it sure seems daunting at first)
Hi Immersion,

Do you remember what situation(s) that could brought on this recurring dream and when did it stop for you? I would say that this type of dream is pretty common when being triggered by a specific life situation or a problem that keeps coming back as "unresolved."

A "storm" usually means a turmoil experience or anger or other negative emotions. A "tornado" is pretty much similar but more like an act of outburst or potentially destructive. Both imagery can constitute an "emotional storm." If you were seeing a hole, then that could be a hidden aspect of yourself being exposed. Or, if you're jumping into it, it could be that you dug yourself into a hole as a result of your unsettling emotions and cannot get out of it. Considering that you were a child at the time, the dream would make sense. So, there was possibly a situation, or more than one, at that time that caused you to feel so strong an emotion or an outburst enough for you to hide yourself "in a hole."

This could be something for you to work with in your journal/writing, and hopefully, you have read the recommended readings (psychology list) that could help you to resolve or to understand what has happened that caused the recurring dream you've been having.

My .02 cent. :)
Zadius Sky said:
Hi Immersion,

Do you remember what situation(s) that could brought on this recurring dream and when did it stop for you? I would say that this type of dream is pretty common when being triggered by a specific life situation or a problem that keeps coming back as "unresolved."

Just before I logged back onto the network I remembered a few things I haven't thought about for many years. I did come under attack a lot when I was in primary school by children and even childminders/teachers. I also remember suffering a great deal of anxiety and depression as a result of this but couldn't understand it at the time.

Thanks for your input Zadius, I will definitely continue to write down the memories that keep coming back to me while continuing through the recommended psychology books.
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