Recurring Dream.

luke wilson

The Living Force
I have been having a recurring theme in my dreams. Basically it involves, a meal with family members some of who I havent seen in quite awhile. It's like celebrations or something. We are like at a table, most of everybody is there and we are just eating and talking - in one dream I could even taste the food. There is one person that has been there in nearly all of them and that is my dad. If it isnt family, the dream sometimes just contains food. Like i'd be queuing up at like a cafe to get food or something like that. I say recurring because it now pretty much happens every night. I am either with family eating or I am by myself queuing up to get some food. If it is not food, it involves a meeting of some sort with a family member, a social meeting where we just chat.

Any ideas what the food and family recurring dream might mean?
I'm no expert on dream interpretation. A useful generality is that the characters in your dream are in fact aspects of your own personality. You could search some of the dream interpretation websites on the web and see if anything materialises that you relate to.

t could be that you're just looking forward to Christmas.
luke wilson said:
Any ideas what the food and family recurring dream might mean?

The awareness of a need to feed? But then, that goes for all of us I reckon, whether from dining to intellectual/emotional/spiritual nourishment. Maybe you just have more of a visceral awareness of it?

I could be off, though.

I hope you are, at least, familiarizing yourself with the basic psychology recommended reading. The understandings therein will answer a lot of questions before they are even asked.

Not that you shouldn't ask questions, just that context and more detail makes a more complete picture.

On the other hand, there's Pob's idea that maybe you're just looking forward to Christmas. :D

(Happy Holidays in advance, in case I forget later).
Look up dreamforth and dreammoods - they're both dream interpretation sites.
But don't depend on them, they're not always right. Rather, just use them as a reference. Up to you to decide if the interpretations are accurate or not.
luke wilson said:
I have been having a recurring theme in my dreams. Basically it involves, a meal with family members some of who I havent seen in quite awhile. It's like celebrations or something. We are like at a table, most of everybody is there and we are just eating and talking - in one dream I could even taste the food. There is one person that has been there in nearly all of them and that is my dad. If it isnt family, the dream sometimes just contains food. Like i'd be queuing up at like a cafe to get food or something like that. I say recurring because it now pretty much happens every night. I am either with family eating or I am by myself queuing up to get some food. If it is not food, it involves a meeting of some sort with a family member, a social meeting where we just chat.

Any ideas what the food and family recurring dream might mean?

What do you think they mean? What is the overall emotional tone of the dreams?
Thanks for the replies. Thanks for the recommendations Galatea. I had a look and it's quite interesting interpretations. One thing I noticed whilst reading some of them, is if it were positive, I was happy and if it were negative, I wanted to ignore them and say, nahh cant be true. Nonetheless, I find the interpretations quite interesting but I dont know what one is to do with them. For example, on food, it says:

"To dream about food suggests physical and spiritual sustenance and vitality. The different foods that you dream of can represents a variety of things."

What does one do with that?

Odyssey said:
luke wilson said:
I have been having a recurring theme in my dreams. Basically it involves, a meal with family members some of who I havent seen in quite awhile. It's like celebrations or something. We are like at a table, most of everybody is there and we are just eating and talking - in one dream I could even taste the food. There is one person that has been there in nearly all of them and that is my dad. If it isnt family, the dream sometimes just contains food. Like i'd be queuing up at like a cafe to get food or something like that. I say recurring because it now pretty much happens every night. I am either with family eating or I am by myself queuing up to get some food. If it is not food, it involves a meeting of some sort with a family member, a social meeting where we just chat.

Any ideas what the food and family recurring dream might mean?

What do you think they mean? What is the overall emotional tone of the dreams?

Uhmm, I dont know what they mean. I have grown accustomed to ignoring dreams because I dont know what they mean or why someone dreams and what we are meant to use the dream for... I used to be able to remember my dreams but over the past month or 2 I forget pretty quick as soon as I wake up. The reason I remember these ones is because they have been recurring. I really dont know what they mean but if it's anything to go by, I have been feeling really good of late like spiritually/emotionally. I have finally come to terms with certain things that used to bother me - or atleast I think I have. This might not necessarily be a good thing. I think they represent, "work" as in "esoteric work" and my progress along it or rather how I am finding the effort of trying to do work.

Interms of overall emotional tones, I cant really say because I cant remember. However, I think I made a confusion, I said I dreamt of my relatives but no I havent. Now that I think of it, the recurring dreams have been entirely of a different group of people. I got the impression that they were relatives but they arent but they feel like relatives. I remember sitting on this table and they were acouple of them and we were talking, like they were telling me stuff - it was like an introduction where I was there to meet them. They seemed like they had status or something, then in another dream I was in this house I used to live in way back when I was young and I walked out the house, I remember looking for the dogs or anticipating seeing the dogs because we used to have dogs that loved running around in the garden when I used to live there but I didnt see them, then I remember walking towards the gate then I turned to my right and there used to be a hospital down the road but this time it was like some kind of restaraunt. I dont know who I was with but I was invited for a meal in the restauraunt, the table we were sitting was on the balcony, it was more a feast than just a meal and there were other people at the table who I think I mistook for relatives but nonetheless it was a good meal/feast and as far as I can remember I enjoyed the company.

The only family member in my dream in relation to this recurring dreams is my father and sometimes a cousin of mine that I really admire. Infact, scrap that, I am not sure, all I know is that the feeling I get is the feeling I get around both my father, that specific cousin and other relatives in general. What does this do?? I suppose it puts me at ease. Maybe that is how my brain interprets my relation with this "made up people." Another weird thing that has been recurring in my dream, that I want to ignore because it's hard to pin it down, is that there has been this girl in alot of my dreams and what makes her weird or unique is that a) we are friends and I dont know who she is and b) she seems to have a life of her own and c) I swear to God, I might be mistaken but her appearances keeps changing in that in every dream she is different but somehow I know it's the same person. She seems to be like somekind of guide or someone that comes across as a helper, giving advice and reassuarance. Atleast that is the feeling I get. How I interpret this is, maybe she represents feminine energy within my being...

This is why dreams are a pain, its so easy to confuse things or think wrong once one wakes up and the dream fades into the past.
Hi luke wilson!

luke wilson said:
Uhmm, I dont know what they mean. I have grown accustomed to ignoring dreams because I dont know what they mean or why someone dreams and what we are meant to use the dream for...

I would like to quote here something that Trevrizent, another member, often brings up as to how to work with your dreams, because I find it really helpful (I hope that's okay for you, Trevrizent?). I've adapted it to your dream imagery, luke.

Trevrizent said:
Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.

Here are some questions to ask your-self, they may help. Or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

What is ‘food’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know ‘food’), what is ‘food’ like in your dream? What does ‘food’ mean to you? How does it 'work'? How do you feel about it? What is it used for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about it)

Does ‘food’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?

Ask similar questions about ‘celebrations’.

What are ‘family members’? What is 'family members' like in your dream? What kind of personalities? What does 'family members' mean to you? What are ‘family members’’ doing in your dream? How do you feel about 'family members'?

What is your working, etc., relationship with ‘family members’’ like?

Is there some part of you that is like ‘family members’’?

Ask similar questions about ‘your dad'.

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.
Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc)

Imagery is often idiosyncratic yet culturally moulded, for example Victorian houses suggest attitudes held are Victorian, and might be those of the dreamer.

Rooms suggest areas of concern.

The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

Think about the dream as you go through the day, and test insights and ideas gained. Understand obvious metaphors. Keep using language and images of dream whenever possible. Interpretations may spring to light. String descriptions together to bridge dream experience to any situation in life. (Ref: adapted from Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney)

This may help, or not.
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