Regression hypnosis abduction transcripts


Padawan Learner
I've thought for a few time already to post this and since the theme of the recent Cassiopaea subtsack have been alien abductions, I decided to post. This is from a Croatian website, that's called The association Trag (which means basically a foot(print)). First time I heard about this woman that conducted this regressions was on a podcast that deals with mysteries and similar stuff. They've even mentioned channeling in that podcast and among that a few words on cassiopaean transcripts. The association even put the link of their website called Val - Znanje which basically means Wave - Knowledge, and it's the website that's based on the C's transcripts which I would say a lot of people that aren't a part of this forum are familiar with in Croatia. The website posts translated transcripts and wave series also. Although the woman in the podcast mentioned that there were inconsistencies in the transcripts. She mentioned some things that the 'aliens' may have some control over the reincarnation and that 'to not go into the light stuff' and she assumes that Karla Turner got sick and died, because she meant to write something important, something like that, nevertheless I'm going to put it through google translate and post here.

I'm interested in your opinion.

Udruga "Trag"

The woman's name is Tamara, which is labelled by letter T in the transcripts, the rest of her name if you're interested can find on their website.
They've also published (translated) a book which they also give for free, you just have to pay delivery, originally written by Johannes Fiebag called Kontakt. The book focuses on the experiences of abduction phenomena in Austria, Germany and Switzerland throughout the 20th century.

Story 1.​

This is a "story" about a woman and a young mother (30 years old) who, at the beginning of our acquaintance, was interested in all topics related to "conspiracy theories". They did not include aliens, so our conversations looked like I would "insert" them here and there as a possibility.

She said about herself:

"Otherwise, I knew how to read various conspiracy theories and I heard about the existence of aliens, but I didn't attach any importance to it. I looked at the subject in such a way that I thought that if they did exist, it certainly had nothing to do with me. When I read about the abductions, I was I was very skeptical and even thought that people were making it up so they wouldn't be in the spotlight. Later, as I somewhat accepted that kidnappings are real and that most people don't talk about it for the sake of publicity, my opinion changed. But then I thought: OK..... there are abductions, but why would they abduct me? I guess they abduct some people who have abilities that attract aliens... or they abduct people who want their attention and interaction Do you know what reason they oppose? I don't touch them, so there's no reason for them to me either."

I did regression with her, both out of curiosity and because of traumatic events in my childhood. Guided by the symptoms to the cause, we came to one and the same event in childhood and girlhood. Both times she was awakened in the middle of the night, but we couldn't go any further than that. They would simply end up in the scene if she was woken up, if she didn't feel comfortable, she came to the corridor, and from the corridor she can only go to the attic!

However, regardless of the vagueness of the events, it caused a very strange feeling in her conscious state that she could not explain. With further work, we managed to slowly break through the blockages - more precisely, we managed to break through what is called the "memory screen".

What was manifested in her conscious state never gave any indication that she would even think that she had been abducted by aliens. Indeed. She attributed most of her emotional problems to unsettled emotional relationships within her own family.

The following is a presentation of the session in which the blockage was broken!

T: Where are you?

B: In that house, I'm bigger.

T: How much bigger?

B: 15 years.

T: Okay, why are you there, what's going on, why are you at that event?

B: I'm up there in the corridor, standing. That scene again. (in one of the previous regressions she was already in that corridor) I am alone and again I am aware that my people are far from me, that they are never there. I mean they are with me, but they are not their own.

T: What are you doing in that corridor, why are you standing?

B: I'm here, they called me again! (surprised when she says the word called!)

T: Who?

B: Some voices.

T: Okay, now focus your attention and clear your thoughts, focus your attention on the voices, clear your thoughts...

B: (continues quietly) They call me, I'm coming and tell me that they will give me something...

T: Who are they?

B: Well, I see them should I vikings....some kind of women warriors....they are like some kind of supreme beings and they are me chose and now they call me and I come...

T: Where did you come from?

B: Well, I'm still in that corridor and I hear them calling they want me to go to them, and I haven't gone to them yet, I'm just standing...

T: So go on, what's going on?

B: (sighs) I'm going to them...

T: In what way, describe to me what going to them looks like?

B: Well, like leaving that house. It's like I'm going to another dimension where it's light.

T: How bright is it?

B: White. It's white and it's as if it's cold, it's not as warm as the one that belongs to's kind of white, now I'm here and on the one hand I'm confused, and on the other hand I'm happy that I belong to them, that I'm leaving there from my home. ...

T: Okay, focus your attention on that light and your feeling about it, focus your attention and clear your thoughts - focus your attention on your feeling and the do you feel?

B: Well, it's like I'm honored to be here! Because I was chosen, I'm happy that I'm not there in that house, I know that's not all...

T: Now focus your attention on everything inside that space and light...what are you doing? Focus your attention...

B: They look at me...

T: Go deeper, focus your attention, clear your thoughts, there you go deeper, focus your attention, clear your thoughts...look at them and describe them....

B: They don't give me, they don't give me!!!! But I won't let them not let me... So we fight - I see them - they're like over the wall... (becomes upset) Now I'm angry!

T: How over the wall?

B: As if there is some invisible glass that separates us, as if I am there to be watched! They look at me and it makes me angry! I want to see them. In a way I am aware of the trap.

T: Focus your attention on the place where you are, focus your attention and clear your thoughts....

B: Well, it's like a corridor...everything is bright, white, bright, bright, at the end of that corridor there is nothing...everything is white - it's bright and on the right side is that wall, on the left side and behind me that passage through which I can go, I guess...into reality...I can, but I'm not going there now, I want to reach them now...I'm angry, I've had enough of all that, of that life, I'm aware that I have to to break that wall, that I must come over. I try and try...

T: Okay, go on...

B: I am! So there are a lot of them now!!?!

T: What do they look like?

B: I can't make it out very well, they're kind of small and's really silly to me, they look green!!!! They are green and ugly, but now I am not afraid!

T: Okay, what are you doing there? What do you look like? Look at your feet, what are you wearing?

B: Well, that's me at 15 years old, I have my hair down, I have a t-shirt, whatever I had on in the hallway... Now I'm just walking among them, they're doing something....

T: Okay, what do they do?

B: I see some tables. It's like they're operating on someone.

T: Who?

B: Here I count the tables, three, four, I don't know, there are a lot of's metal and are the the ones for's creepy and ugly. ...

T: Choose one of them and look at it, then describe it to me...

B: I'm still angry, is that okay? Here he has long fingers, they are cold and I am cold now, they can't do anything to me, I know that - that they can't do anything to me!!!! They can't do anything to me. They can't, I won't let them. I don't allow them, I don't give and I don't give and I don't give... They can't do anything to me... (her voice changes) I'm very afraid, very, very... and I'm angry - they are so cold. Cold, cold... (I let her speak because she's in a state of abreaction, her tears are falling, but she doesn't notice them, she's very excited) They have big eyes, they're thin, thin, very thin, thin, they can't do anything to me , some of them are like insects, they just splash something on that table...

T: What are they spewing, look...

B: (surprised) There are people there!!!! There are also pregnant women! This one, he opened everything...(her voice trembles)

T: What all?

B: They do something, change something, put something, something...

T: Pay attention, direct it to what they are doing...focus your attention on one event, clear your thoughts...

B: I don't know, the table is cold...

T: (obviously lying down!) Where are you?

B: I'm in that room!

T: Where exactly? Where are you, clear your mind...where are you?

B: Well, it's like a hospital!

T: Okay, where are you inside that room?

B: So I'm just standing (voice very shaky) they don't look at me...

T: Why aren't they looking at you?

B: I have the feeling that they don't see me - that's it. (as if talking to herself) They don't see me. Hmmm. And what am I even doing here?

T: Apart from those green like insects and the people you said were also inside the room, is there anyone else? Take a good look at everything, then tell me... how big is that room?

B: (barely speaking) It's very very big.

T: Describe it to me.

B: She's – in – she's underground. It is illuminated artificially with that white light. It's that ugly light that I can't stand! It is very similar to the light of energy saving bulbs. It's radiating something that really bothers me. This is a very strong, strong light.

T: How do you know that the room is underground?

B: I feel, I feel that it's underground, they work there, they work with these bodies, they just remake and remake...

T: How do they remake?

B: I don't know, some people's heads are changed, and some people's insides. The same thing is remade and inserted into the little ones, the unborn.

T: What can I do?

B: Well, some devices.

T: What does it look like?

B: Well, like small, small tiles, small, very small....very small, so they imprison those people again...

T: How do you see it?

B: They just pass, as if nothing had happened, something as if nothing had happened, it seems to me.

T: What do the people they work on look like?

B: Well, I don't know them! Ordinary people.

T: Are they awake?

B: No - they don't know anything!!!

T: How many of these insects work on humans?

B: One for each.

T: Okay, besides those tables, look around the room and tell me if there's anything else?

B: There is a ball, what do I know, I don't know what to call it. Something bright that moves, like a dome.

T: What is the room like, how would you describe it when you look at its edges, the walls...

B: As if they are not straight, they are round, but what am I doing there?

T: So what are you doing? Clear your thoughts, what are you doing there, look....look at yourself and clear your thoughts....go deeper, clear your thoughts, what are you doing there? Where are you inside that room, clear your mind, look at yourself, where are you?

B: In the middle, I'm in the middle!!!!! I watch it all!

T: Okay, clear your mind and answer me, where is your body?

B: So I'm standing and I'm looking at him! It's a bit difficult for me, as if my anger has disappeared.

T: Clear your mind, go deeper...

B: Well... as if I came here too?!!! Because they called me to come, now I can't do anything anymore! I can't even be angry because they somehow took me away!

T: Go to that place, to that feeling, go inside yourself...

B: Well, I'm aware that my anger didn't help me. Not my fight or anything.

T: How was your fight?

B: Well, I fought a lot, I screamed and shouted!

T: What were they doing while you were screaming and shouting?

B: Nothing. They are just cold, so cold!

T: What is that feeling when you stop being angry? Describe him.

B: I want to be angry and I want to fight, but... I have no strength, no use - they are so lifeless, so much like robots, I see no point in being angry with them. They are faceless and pitiful, there is no point in beating and hitting them. They are so disgustingly pathetic.

T: What do they do to you?

B: I beat them, I beat them all around me, I want to tear off their heads and take out those eyes, black and disgusting...but you can't catch them and you can't take out their eyes. While I'm doing it, I'm angry.

T: What are they doing to you?

B: I want to go! I don't let them, they gave me all that to see!!!!! They let me watch and gave me the feeling that they can't do anything to me!!!! But I can!!! It was just a trap! Trap! Now I see that it was a trap!!! I see it now, I see it now. (looks very shocked)

T: How do you see it, describe it to me...

B: Well, now I look back, they called me, they called me and I came, they introduced themselves as false deities, so that impressed me, I was listening to that kind of music... then when I came and they were staring, which bothered me terribly ( she is quite shaken) but I wanted to see them, I felt that it was a trap, so when I saw them, then I fought and then they gave me the feeling that they wouldn't do anything to me - that they would give me this honor!!! That I watch what they do, but I can't do anything. That was a lie!!! They prepared me and calmed me down in that way, that was the only way to calm me down, to honor me!

T: And what happens next?

B: Well, I got to the middle of that room - it's a trap - as I can see everything!!!! How did I get into that dungeon? How could I? That middle of that room has a beam that completely incapacitates you!

T: Go further in the event, what is happening?

B: I'm still angry.

T: Why did they disable you?

B: Because I was too afraid.

T: Go ahead, what's going on?

B: (voice gets quieter again) I'm incapacitated under that kind of white disgusting light. I feel anger, but I can't express it. Everything is in that white light so I can't even see anymore.

T: Are you still standing in the middle of the room?

B: No, I'm lying down. Somehow I ended up lying down. I can sort of step back to see from the side.

T: How do you feel lying down?

B: Well, I'm on the table!!! (surprised) I'm watching from the side...

T: How do you feel?

B: My body I cannot feel, but my self that is outside (very confused) is watching! It was a trap.

T: What do they do to the body?

B: They pass something over my body.

T: With what, describe to me.

B: It's a scanner, a light in their hand. It's hard for me to watch, hard.

T: Why difficult, how do you feel?

B: I feel cold in a small part, I can only consciously, I don't know how to say, think and want to leave, but I can't. I try to keep defending myself, but it makes no sense. They are looking at me!

T: How many are there?

B: Two, they are cold.

T: What happens when they look at you?

B: I don't know, they want something, but I don't know what.

T: Keep watching and tell me what happens...

B: They look at my face and neck, feel, feel me, every part of my body, there are two of them, they are cold, they feel me, they touch my genitals with their fingers, they can't do anything... they don't do anything else... that's it. ..

T: Go on, clear your mind and go on with the event, how do you feel?

B: Deceived and angry, I am angry, I feel that they used me for something, as if they will now control me and my life better...

T: Why, what will it enable them to do, clear their minds, look there, go deep, look...

B: I don't allow them to do that, there is my body lying there, and there is my self, my soul, on the side...

T: You separated from your body?

B: Yes.

T: Look around you, do you think those other people did the same?

B: No. Others do not seem to know or feel anything, as if they are just sleeping. Not for sure, because in the middle of that bundle that disabled me, my soul remained there!!!!

T: Is your soul where the beam is?

B: Yes. She feels cheated and looks at the body.

T: What happens inside that beam?

B: Well, I'm waiting for the body, because now I'm going to enter that body again.

T: How will you enter the body?

B: Well, I'm not sure, on the one hand, it's as if that soul - I can walk around the room, and on the other hand, it's as if they locked me in that dome!!! I'm not sure, oh no, I can walk, I can, I can. There is no one in that light, I can walk and I can take that body again, but somehow they tricked me! It's one battle, but they won't get what they want. I will fight, that was just one trap I fell into. Never mind, it was a trap. They will follow me, these are my troubles in life, where I live they don't like me, they don't want me...

T: Go further in the event, where are you?

B: I took my body.

T: In what way?

B: I just took it from the table and that's it.

T: Where are you going now?

B: At home.

T: How?

B: Well, I'm just there.

T: Are you home?

B: Yes.

T: What time of day is it, look around you.

B: Before morning.

T: Do you know when you left and when you came back? How long have you been gone?

B: I don't know, maybe an hour, it was night.

T: How do you feel now? Be in the corridor you are 15 years old, how do you feel? What are you doing? It's before morning.

B: I'm just here, I suddenly found myself there, I think I thought I had to go to the toilet! Now I know - but I didn't know anything there.

With further work, we came to the next event. According to some information, regardless of the fact that those who participate in the kidnapping of people appear to us to be destructive, which they are - it seems that sometimes they do not allow a person to die. Which reveals the possibility of planning and manipulation at a much higher level than we think. Well, people's experiences testify in both cases, in one they lead a man to commit suicide, and in the other they save his life!

In these situations, on a subconscious level, they like to keep a person in a state of gratitude, and present themselves as saviors. This makes their work easier. At the same time, this is also an indication that in most cases the whole family is involved in the abduction event, and not just a selected individual. This woman had a problematic first birth - she almost bled out and was barely saved. Throughout her life, when she thought about it, she considered it "strange", but also felt gratitude towards the doctor who saved her. She returned to that event through regression to clarify it for herself.

B: Now I'm giving birth! I am alone and I am giving birth to my first child. It is very difficult for me and I am afraid. I'm cold, I'm alone and I'm afraid.

T: Why did you stop at that event?

B: Well, it looks ugly to me now, but I feel like I came here because of some suspicion that something was being done, very strange,....I almost died, bled out....I was in a coma....

T: So do you want to look at it in more detail now? Focus on the birth and clear your mind...go for a moment so you can see how the bleeding happened...

B: The birth was difficult and they messed up on purpose, the placenta remained...

T: Who messed up?

B: Well, sister, sister one...there was only one piece of placenta left and I was bleeding a lot, she didn't want to help me. I should have bled out there - I know that.

T: You say you know, so go to the place of that realization, go deeper, how do you know that? Clear your mind...

B: Everything was leading to my death, it was deliberately led to leave me alone in the corridor after giving birth and to bleed a lot, my sister shouted at me that this was normal. She put a blanket over me so that it wouldn't be seen. It was already night, many hours, almost midnight, the doctor came who wasn't supposed to come, there was no more visiting, he came because he was called, my soul called him, because I need this body, I still need this life, if he hadn't heard it and come, I wouldn't be here. Then I was operated on - quickly. Under the lights.

T: Under what lights?

B: Again that white, bright, cold.

T: Who operated on you?

B: I don't know, I wasn't aware anymore. Everything was done for me to die.

T: Who did that?

B: Well, the same ones, those, green ones (surprised!). I fight with them, my soul. I never give them.

T: You say never, well, I'll count from three to one, I want you to go back to some other moment when you were with them, not the one we watched, some others...I'll count...go to some other one of yours staying with them....You are there, where are you?

B: Now I see that it was the time I gave birth when I was operated on! It's not exactly that room, but I see doctors and those green....thin....grey?! So the doctor is here too?! But he doesn't see them!!!! My soul is out there again and I demand that it be returned to me, that my life and body be returned to me...I will not allow it and I will not give it...

T: Which room are you in, describe it....look around you...

B: My body is lying, I am looking at it, they are walking, I am in the middle of the room, in that light, my soul and I demand that they let me talk to someone. I don't give them a soul... (she got very excited)

T: Remove that scene, remove are....I will count from three to will return to the moment when you first met them in this life....3, 2, 1 and there you are...

B: It was childbirth again, mine, when I was born!

T: Okay, describe it to me...

B: I'm in the incubator, they're watching me! They don't like me, they want to remove me. They just came to watch...they saw that it was me and somehow marked me.

T: How did they label you? Go to that moment and describe to me...

B: It's an invisible marking, they touch you, like some kind of light...

T: What do they touch you with?

B: Fingers and it's like a stab.

T: Where?

B: Anywhere, I have a leg and that's it.

T: I will count from three to one - go to the first next meeting with them...

B: I'm back in that room when I was a little girl.

T: Okay, how old are you?

B: 4. But they didn't do anything to me. (voice change)

T: Describe what happened.

B: They were walking around that apartment... running...

T: Who else is in the apartment? Feel free to move and look, you can...

B: My family is here, my sister and parents...

T: What are they doing? What time of day is it?

B: It's night. I have a feeling, I'm not sure if they are being taken away!!!! (suprised)

T: Pay attention to it, clear your mind....what is happening, look, focus on the sister, what is happening with the sister, focus your attention....

B: I'm sitting on a chair and drawing, because I've always drawn a lot, they didn't do anything to me at 4 in the morning, because they weren't allowed!

T: Why couldn't they?

B: I had some other protection, besides me, someone else came to help. But they didn't even look for me, they took mine. My everything and they took it.

T: How?

B: I can't describe it, everyone was lying on the bed and they came, and I was just drawing.

T: Look what you are drawing?

B: Some castle and birches, that's where I run away. They took them, and later they returned them, but they were never theirs. Something was inserted into them..

T: What? (no answer) Were you awake when they returned them?

B: I did and I still drew. They are back and they are not themselves.

T: In what way do you mean that, describe it to me.

B: Well, after that, mom was in her own world, dad was drinking and shouting. Something "something" was working with their feelings and behavior. They surrounded them. It makes me very sad to watch it now.

T: Okay, now turn your attention to how they came. Do you know? Go to the moment of that night while you sleep.....

B: Well, I wake up and want to draw something. I see white light, pleasant. And I draw, as it were, in the dark, and I see. They are only created through some noise that is not real, like through a wall. It's all kind of fast. They are also created on beds and then disappear.

T: Do they have a smell?

B: I can't feel it because I'm in some light. They don't reach me.

T: What else are you doing inside that light? Go deeper, inhale and exhale, go deeper, clear your mind......I want you to go deeper and focus on yourself in the light, what are you doing?

B: I know they won't take me, but I couldn't influence mine. I could not influence.

T: How do you feel about it?

B: Lonely, but she knew it would be like that.

T: What do you think, that little girl there in that light, what does she think of them?

B: That they are wrong.

T: Go forward in time, go to the morning after that do you feel in the morning? Do you remember anything?

B: I didn't even sleep, I drew until morning. They are all in bed, as if they have never been anywhere. All is well. As always. Tension, disagreements, it's all normal.

Story 2.​

This story is about a woman (37 years old) who could not remember most of her childhood. Although this is a person who came to this by wanting to get to know himself outside of this conscious state of ours, and he undertook this work with certain techniques, he could not solve the loss of memory on his own. At the very beginning of the work, it was impossible to return her to her childhood, she would simply end up with memories that were displayed statically and were only linked to the childhood photos she has at home. This was the first indication that it is possible that in this case there is a "screen memory". In order to avoid false memories, or more specifically, memories that might not be hers, we had to check if she was alone or if she had any addictions. The procedure was performed according to the method used by Dr. W. Baldwin. As the work went on, events came out, just for a moment, that confused her. Namely, about spaceships and any interaction with aliens - this woman did not think. I didn't even think at the time, I only took into account the possibility that something like that was happening because of that initial suspicion that something was being done with the memories.

S: I see an outline. It's me, I can't see the face clearly...

T: Focus your attention...

S: Yes, I see, I see outlines and some kind of rays, like some kind of spindly wings... They go from the shoulder, but they go further behind...

T: What colors are they?

S: Translucent bluish, they shine, there are them along the entire length of the back....

T: Now focus your attention on those tell me if those wings had a different shape, what would they be?

S: It would be a jellyfish.

T: If that jellyfish could speak, what would it tell us?

S: She would tell us that - good things!

T: What is his name?

S: No.

T: How old was S. when Nei came to her, when she joined her?

S: Eight years.

T: Where did she come from, where was she before S. came?

S: Somewhere where it's very cold. At the North Pole, everything is full of ice.

T: What was she doing there?

S: She floated in the air, he keeps her so she can swim in the air.

T: She swims in the air.

S: Yes, it floats...

T: Did S. give her permission to join her like this?

S: No it isn't.

T: What attracted her to S.?

S: Some stillness, stillness, stillness, but not as static, stability, immobility...

T: What is the purpose of S. now?

S: To keep her in that state. It has a different effect - it grounds her, she is in contact with the earth...

T: Is she aware that with this way of being she violates S.'s free will and that this is a "hostile act"?

S: No. She needs that. That's the only way....

T: Did she ever have an existence in human physical form?

S: She was always a jellyfish.

T: Her stay in S. like this is no longer possible and she should be removed. What is the name of the place he is from? Is there a possibility that he will return home?

S: He doesn't remember.

T: Let him focus on the place where she was before S came.

S: It's a cold place, a lot of ice, a lot of gray...

T: Is that part of this planet where S. lives?

S: No, it's not.

T: So where is that place?

S: She just came here, they sent her...

T: Who sent her?

S: As a child. Just like that, everyone is like her, it's usual - coming...

T: She said like a little girl, so little S. came right away?

S: First she was in some closed cold space where she was very lonely.

T: How did she get to that space?

S: There used to be a path, like some light, some ray, everyone goes that way...

T: Who all?

S: All those jellyfish.

T: Why does she live in S.?

S: I don't know.

T: Is S. the first physical being she has joined like this?

S: I think so.

T: Can she focus her attention inside herself, let her go inside herself to reach her inner being and describe to me what happens when she goes inside herself...

S: There is a lot of some kind of current, current, electricity and air flow and some disembodiedness and lightness... current...

T: Well, I call on the forces of Light to help and guide me in this process...... The witch says, well what would she say about herself, she is associated with a living being - what is her relationship with S. who is a living being ?

S: She is a thought, a spark...

T: Does she have a physical, corporeal form in her world?

S: It has the shape of a jellyfish, but thought moves it, it feeds on thoughts...

T: Whose thoughts does it feed on?

S: He feeds on the thoughts of the one he is with.

T: Any thoughts or?

S: To maintain with any thoughts, but the current is stronger if they are dark thoughts, if they are dissatisfaction, then it is stronger...

T: Well, after everything she said, I want to tell her again that she is here without S.'s consent, which is really gross usurpation, she is basically a parasite here and it is time for her to leave. Does he want to go home?

S: Oh, she doesn't want it, she's here!

T: Huh, so I know she's fine, please put her in the light, I know she doesn't want to leave, but she can't stay here, it's violating the right to exist of the being she's on, I'll ask her to tell me what she feels when the light of the light capsule touches her?

S: He feels a burning sensation...he feels stiffness and can't move..

T: What color is the light in her world?

S: The light is bluish white.

T: Everyone in her world is like her, traveling and joining in?

S: Yes, that is their existence. That's how they eat.

T: I am asking her once again to look deep within herself and tell me what she sees?

S: See light blue white...

T: Let it go on...

S: See the reflection...

T: What glare?

S: Very...

T: Let him go towards him...

S: It's very...

T: What color is it?

S: White – pure white!

T: Let him go in it. That is its essence. How does he feel?

S: Fused.

T: Now what does he think about such a joining as S. joined?

S: She didn't know about the other one.

T: Okay, now follows a little story about the Light....she is part of the light - eternal, indestructible.....I ask her if she is ready for a new choice?

S: He wants to go home to the light.

T: Does S. allow the jellyfish to go home?

S: (pause) Yes...(niece sighs)

T: What happened?

S: If I allow...

T: You can say goodbye.....

S: Well, thank you, I don't know what to say....Hi.....

T: Please help to leave, those forces specialized for this type of entity.....What is going on?

S: I only see's moving away...

T: Do you still see her?

S: Everything goes on and on...

T: Did you see the companions?

S: They all merged into one...

T: Cleaning teams please, those spiritual healers......What's going on?

S: I feel a pleasant warmth. I didn't feel so alone.

T: How does that feel?

S: Left, I'm sorry.

T: Focus your attention on that feeling, really focus your attention, what is happening?

S: I would like, I wanted to go after them, join... (cries)

T: But you are not that entity?

S: I felt like I was...

T: What do you feel now?

S: As the warmth came over me, it was easier for me, but it was hard for me that they were leaving...

T: How do you feel now, regardless of the crying?

S: I'm fine. Somehow different.

T: What?

S: I guess I'll find another way, I know I can't deal with them...I'm here and...

T: What do you consider your home?

S: I don't know, I can't, I just miss that feeling, that belonging...

T: To whom?

S: I don't know, I have a feeling of loneliness and a feeling that I can't move, that I'm buried there now...

T: Focus your attention on the fact that you are buried, what is happening, focus your attention...

S: I can't, I was so sorry that she left, I can't move the feeling, the thought

T: Pay attention to your thoughts...

Up to this point, this session has been a simple detection in which the freaks are found - regardless of what we call earth souls, parasites or demons.

S: I can't fool around... I wanted to, but I feel some relief, that I can move...

T: Come on, move, move, you can, come's it going?

S: Difficult...

T: What is difficult?

S: It's like I'm pinned by a magnet...

T: Pay attention to that magnet...

S: I am made of some material that....holds firmly to the ground..

T: Pay attention to what is holding you to the ground?

S: Some... my legs are the highest, as if I were whole, as if someone poured jelly on me with a thick gelatinous mixture....

T: Good – stick with it! Now clear your mind to see what is happening - clear your mind - what is it? Who poured you? Clear your thoughts, go deeper, inhale and exhale, go deeper, I will count from three to 1, you go deeper until the moment when that happened that you described, go deeper, 3, 2, 1 go deeper and deeper you are in the moment of that event... ..what is it, what is happening?

S: I'm in the bath!

T: Focus your attention on her - describe her.

S: Bathtub, small bathtub, no water at all...

T: What do you do in it?

S: I'm sitting.

T: How do you look?

S: Like a boy! Some child inside. I do not know. Am I three years old?

T: Why is that boy sitting in an empty bathtub?

S: They put him there and he is now waiting.

T: What are you waiting for, move in time to see what will happen!

S: When it's filled with something, it's full of something, it's not sand, who knows, thick water, thick mass....

T: Who fills the tub with that?

S: There is no one, he is there alone.

T: What is the boy's name?

S: Ammon?

T: Who is he? Clear your mind, concentrate...

S: Sit, he is close to someone I know. Little boy, very close.

T: How strong?

S: Very close, could be a brother. Or even closer, he just sits there...

T: Let it move further in time...

S: He's playing, he was waiting for her to come, he's happy and he's fine...

T: Describe to me the space in which the tub is located?

S: When it is old, gray metallic color, that liquid came from above, it is oval in shape...

T: How did the liquid come? Look where she came from?

S: It was just pouring...there's an opening in the wall, it's an empty room, made of some material, it's as if it's in some ship, some...(surprised and confused) in a corridor, oval, round , there are no sharp edges, everything is so round...that's how I always feel, that's how I perceive people as cubes that can be precisely defined, and this is round - without orientation...

T: Then who is the boy?

S: Well, I don't know if it's me? Yes I am? I, it's me!

S: How old are you...

T: Three. My name is Amon. Do you know where you live - the name of the city, place?

S: R.....

T: Can you see the year?

S: The tub is old from...I don't know...the Middle Ages, an ancient tub, but the room is the space around that tub, it's like in some spaceship!!!! (she is very confused)

T: Now look outside that room, go see, sniff a little...

S: There are corridors, round, like a roller, everything moves in a circle... and there are no doors, all the time...

T: Have you met anyone?

S: No. There is nobody.

T: Well go back to the room with the tub, when it's filled, Amon was waiting for that thick liquid, he's playing, so go further in time, what's going on?

S: (long pause) A white light appeared and it was as if someone opened the door...

T: Focus your attention look there...

S: A little man came in.

T: Describe him.

S: He's funny, short, short legs, short, human-like, smaller than a child...

T: Concentrate on the little man, clear your mind...

S: I know, now he's all narrow, thin, from a distance he looked like a little man, in fact he has narrow legs and narrow arms, it's the opposite of the space he entered, I often have that feeling about myself - from a distance he looked reduced, but now that it is closer it is narrow long thin, stick-like, everything is like that...

T: Okay, focus your attention on him, clear your mind, focus your attention, look at him and describe him to me...

S: His head is completely oblong and oval, egg-shaped, but elongated chin, oval but slightly more pointed chin like a stone...then there is a narrow body and thin hands that are long, he has 4 fingers and very long fingers, legs the same , thin and has 4 toes on her feet but much shorter.

T: What color is it?

S: The color of bones! Brownish, light brown sand color...

T: What kind of eyes does he have?

S: I can't see his eyes, (pause very long) he has big eyes, but I can't see them...

T: What happens next, there is also what happens...

S: He came and picked up Amon and carried him outside.

T: Go after them. To see where he is taking Amon.

S: Bright large round room. There are more like that...

T: What?

S: (pause takes a deep breath, she is very upset) they were waiting for those long!!!!!! They were waiting for that child!

T: What happens next?

S: They clean it of liquid...

T: Do you now know what that liquid is for?

S: It was just to be ready.

T: In what way, explain it to me.

S: To be cleansed of everything from outside influences – to be clean here....

T: What's the room like, take a look...

S: There is a luminous line in the middle, a ring, and in the middle the table is actually a surface that is not attached to anything, it just stands there...and there are more of these...oblong creatures waiting for the child to be laid on that table, on on the surface it has no warmth, it is some kind of material that adapts to the body, that's where they lowered it.

T: How do you feel, looking at the boy..

S: I can't do anything (on the verge of crying)...

T: Can you tell me now from this position if it is you?

S: I don't see the gender...(cries)

T: What happens next..

S: I don't know, I can't see (cries a lot, she's shaken) I can't do anything...

T: Okay, now pay attention to yourself - look at your feet and tell me what you have on your feet?

S: I have, I see legs, I only have, I have nothing - I'm barefoot!

T: Look at you now - is that you? Look at the hands and feet...

S: I am.

T: How old are you?

S: Big. I'm watching it now! (she is confused) I don't know.

T: What are you wearing?

S: I don't have any, I only have shorts, like some sacks - just hanging...

T: Look at your hands and determine your age...

S: Those are small hands! They are mine, but small!!!!!!

T: Apart from you, who is looking at that little boy and those beings, is there anyone else in the room?

S: No, they don't know that I'm looking at them now... They're just looking, they're all around that table and they're not doing anything.

T: Move forward tell me if you see yourself in those sack pants....

S: I stand in the dark behind, I can move in space, as if I... I can move along the wall everywhere, I stand in the dark against the wall behind them. They are still standing and looking at Amon...

T: Go forward in time...

S: I don't see from them, I think now they put him back in the bathtub and the same mixture - he continues to play as if nothing had happened, as if he was not somewhere else...and he empties himself, when he empties no more....

T: Now can you take one more look at the boy and answer the question, who is he to you?

S: I don't know, he is very close and I feel him very much, I don't know who he is.

T: Go forward in time, you said it's like a ship, go in time to the moment when the tub is empty and what happens to him, to the boy?

S: When it was empty we are no longer there!

T: Rather?

S: I feel like I'm at home! (very confused)

T: Where?

S: In the apartment! In my apartment where I live. Everything is normal, the bathroom and some woman comes to pick up the child, I don't know, maybe my mom, but...

T: For which child?

S: Get the child in the bath!

T: Who is the child in the bathtub?

S: That's the child who was in that bathtub a moment ago.

T: What is that child doing in your apartment?

S: That's my brother!!!!! His name is A.....(not the same name!)

T: What time of day is it?

S: In the afternoon.

T: What was he doing in the bathtub?

S: It was very dirty, mom washed it, she left it for a moment's three years old, I'm older, I'm 5 or 6 years old. I am five years old!

T: How do you feel there now?

S: The same as on the ship, I just observe everything, everything happens even if I'm not...

T: Clear your mind, focus your attention, get back on the ship, then tell me, look from the side and tell me, are you that boy that you said your brother and you were on the ship together?

S: Yes, we are! It's unclear to me, it interferes with me, there it's stronger, stronger I feel that child, I don't know, it's like I feel what he feels, I'm just outside - I'm watching from the side...

T: Explain that feeling...

S: It's like it's me but it's not me...

T: How do you know what he feels?

S: I feel movements and warmth, I feel the material around me, I feel the whole body, but I feel it from the outside, as if that body is thinking something of its own, and I am standing outside and...

T: Go inside...into the body you feel...

S: I'm in that tub. Me too. It's me. The body is female, I'm in the bath. (very shaken).

T: Do you want to continue this, we can stop if you want?

S: You would!

T: Remove this scene, there any place that would be ideal for vacation?

S: I would go...

T: What does the place where you would like to rest look like?

S: Next to the waterfall with the noise of the water...

T: Well I'll count from 3 to 1 go there and rest a little.....How are you?

S: Much easier! It is fine.

T: Let's move on....I'll count from 3 to 1 you will go back to a very funny event from your early childhood, 3, 2, 1 there you are....

S: In the kitchen with my brother. It's dinner time, we were alone and laughing...

T: How old are you?

S: 9.

T: Get away from that scene, I'll count from 3 to 1 and you will go back to an event that is very funny and happened before you were 4 years old....

S: There is nothing - everything is empty...

T: Okay, get out of that scene while I'll be back on your 5th birthday...

S: I only know photography! I have it...

T: Get away from that scene...go to that room with the mirror.....

S: The lower part of the picture if half of the room is light and half is dark....

T: Get away from that scene... now imagine your soul and describe it to me...

S: (long pause) I can't describe it, it's like it's not there...

T: In what way, explain to me...

S: Well, I stand and look and I can't see anything...

T: Remove the scene, inhale and exhale.....Concentrate and go to the place of the soul....

S: I have a feeling of heaviness in my chest, I don't know what it looks like, it's a feeling of heaviness and emptiness, it hurts terribly and it's piercing...

T: Get away from that do you feel?

S: Tired.

It is an understatement to say that this was a very surprising experience for her. The next time we saw each other, we moved on. Here I note that only after the session, part of which follows, she told me that she suffered from asthma as a child - and was often hospitalized. That she is a very brave woman is shown by the fact that she is healthy today - without "asthma" which she herself "cured" in her teenage years when she simply decided to stop being sick.

As the "memory screen" had already been "broken through" in the work up to that point, it was now easier to discover what was under it. This case has many similarities with the woman from Story 1 - the description of the space where both are at the time of the abduction, the elements of the corridor, the attic as part of the memory screen, everything is repeated....the description of the table - autopsy....the description of the being: thin , brightness, descriptions of the feeling that I can't act - I can't defend myself against them...

In this part of the session, she was brought back to a traumatic event in her early childhood! Sections that overlap with sections from the first session are marked...

T: Look around you and tell me what you see and how old are you?

S: I don't know, I'm a little baby, wrapped up, I'm alone in bed, only a fence on all sides, white, sheets... (breathes harder, she's upset)

T: Do you know where you are?

S: I know – in a hospital room! (cries)

T: Why are you in the hospital?

S: I don't know, because I was coughing, but I'm fine and I don't want to stay here... (cries)

T: Now go to that bed, big one, go and comfort yourself like a baby. Go and comfort yourself. (she cries a lot and sighs as she comforts herself)

S: It's easier for me. I need a touch. (breathes easier)

T: Great, just be there.

S: I so wanted someone to receive me, the smell of warmth...

T: Just give yourself time, tell me when you're done.

S: Yes.

T: Now move forward in time again, go further.....Where are you?

S: I'm in the hospital again.

T: How old are you?

S: I don't know, I'm standing in the Kinderbet, there are still children and I can see into other rooms through the glass walls, through the windows...I don't know how old, I'm three years old?

T: Why are you in the hospital?

S: I don't know, I'm coughing again and my throat hurts. I can't swallow. I'm just standing and watching, I'm standing holding on to the fence, right up to my chin. I don't want to be there, but there I am, looking at everything around me...

T: How do you feel about not wanting to be there?

S: Left, they didn't listen to me, I don't want to be there. No one heard it, they are all doing something, as if my words are not reaching anyone.

T: What do your words look like?

S: Like cigarette smoke, it has all kinds of shapes...

T: What do the words of the adults around you look like?

S: They have very clear outlines, when my words go somewhere, they slowly diverge, just when they need to reach someone, they expand and lose their shape... those other words... those blows of theirs, I hear all the words...

T: And yours?

S: I don't hear, but I feel...

T: Do you think adults hear your words...

S: No, they are soft, I try to blow out as hard as possible, to make a thick cloud, I stir and it's like I'm taking a whisk to beat egg whites, they're like that and they can fly, those are my words...

T: Where do your words come from?

S: From me...Maybe I don't open my mouth at all? But I scream sometimes.....I don't know....

T: How are you dressed?

S: I have like nightgowns, pajamas, something baggy, light colors with blue dots....I'm barefoot, frills on the shoulders....

T: What do you have on your pussy and ass?

S: I have nothing, just this kind of nightgown that is put on from the front, and fastened at the back, somehow tied....I don't even have diapers, my bottom is bare....

T: Do you want to visit yourself this big and there?

S: Yes!!!

T: Then go there.

S: I just wanted things to (cry) to hear me. I wanted to be heard.....I felt like I was a ghost, now I'm real!!!!!!! (cries) I exist, so it's easier for me! (she is still crying, but she is also laughing and her visit to her little self is still going on) I showed myself the doll I got!!!!

T: What is she like?

S: My grandmother bought it for me when I stayed in the hospital.

T: Do you know why you are in the hospital?

S: I know what they told me, but I think - I know that I was breathing hard, I had no air and now it's easier for me, but I don't understand why I still have to be here because I'm breathing and eating. I didn't eat before....I shouldn't have been there, but I really don't need to be here, not even for that long!!!! I shouldn't be!!!!!

T: Are you "big" still there? Now explain everything to yourself...

S: I need to stay there a little longer, but I understand that it is good as if I am there, but I should never have been in the hospital at all!!!! I don't know, I shouldn't have been there.

T: What is your opinion about what they call the breathing problem?

S: It happened that I couldn't sleep, that I couldn't breathe, I could while sitting, but I couldn't lie down and sleep...

T: Why?

S: I couldn't breathe. I wanted to, but it was as if my lungs had no permeability...

T: Why?

S: The rest was out of order, as if, huh, the question is why..I was breathing shallowly with the top all the way up, that was enough for me, I couldn't move, I would cough, but if I was calm and if I was sitting and I'm breathing slowly, I've had enough of that, and I know I sounded funny....those noises, it was beeping everywhere, everyone was worried...

T: When it first happened, step away from the scene you were in and go to the moment when it first happened - this kind of breathing.

S: I don't know, I'm very small...

T: Try to see, focus your attention, what is happening? Where are you?

S: I'm sitting on the big bed, crying and everything around me is agitated and thick, somehow...and I'm breathing hard...I can't find a way to breathe...

T: Why?

S: Everything is covered with some mixture...

T: Focus your attention...

S: Like a muddy, swampy ground that you can fall through...

T: Where is that ground?

S: On my lungs, I can't find....a clear path through which she could breathe...

T: How was that soil formed?

S: It covered me, it covered me (cries) I'm all over.....covered....(cries)

T: How old are you?

S: I don't know (can't speak, cries a lot) – I'm all sticky, with that...(cries) it's getting harder for me, I want space to breathe as if the air is thick...

T: Where are you?

S: (crying, sobbing) Afraid to look at me. I'm afraid....

T: What are you afraid of?

S: I feel some strange energy, someone, something unknown, new and uncomfortable and I'm all covered with it like a monster from the swamp that emerged from something... sometimes I feel like I'm standing, sometimes I'm lying down, my legs are completely wooden, ( cries a lot, hardly speaks)

T: Where are you?

S: In some space.

T: What does the space look like?

S: It is full of rays of light. It's as if it's dark, and then a ray of light penetrates, like a shed made of boards that is dark and then rays of light penetrate through it...

T: Focus your attention on the rays of light and take another look at the space...

S: I don't know, dim light comes from all sides equally, it's strange, dim, but quite strong, as if it gradually increases inside the space, and comes from outside...

T: Are you alone?

S: I'm not, I'm in the attic, in fact it's not that - it's the area for rabbits at grandma's, my cousin and I climbed up there and closed it, there's only a little light there, I don't know how we even got up there... I'm going to open the door, it's stuck, I push, we push, he me, I the door, I pushed hard and fell down... (this is all said with relief, even cheerfully - there - everything is known - magical screen memory!)

T: How old are you?

S: I don't know if I have 6?

T: Get away from that scene, go back to that hospital room and if you want, go comfort yourself some more...

S: I'm fine...

T: Now move back a bit in time, go to the third year.....where are you?

S: Everything is empty, the picture is only of dad holding my brother and me, but it's heavy for me - I feel weight in my if I'm nailed to something, I don't know what's happening...

T: Focus your attention...

S: I don't know if I'm lying down or standing, as if a magnet pulled me by the leg, through my back and head, my legs are pinned, as if someone is holding my legs...

T: Look around you...

S: (cries a lot again) I can't open my eyes I'm scared (she's very scared, speaks softly through crying and panic)

T: You are right next to me, this is just a look at it.....

S: As if someone, something, I don't feel comfortable, there is a strange atmosphere around me...

T: Strange in what way?

S: There is no smell, I don't feel any airflow, there are no sensations, I only feel the weight on my back and my arms as if they are attached to the floor...

T: Look at your hands and describe to me what you see?

S: Something is holding my hand.

T: How old are you? How are your hands?

S: Small, small hands, small hands, I can do anything with them, they are small, they are small and fat...

T: How old are you?

S: I am two years old!

T: Who is holding your hand, what kind of surface are you lying on?

S: The surface is smooth, perfectly smooth, it is flat, but it has raised edges and it's like a small one - like an autopsy table. The surface shines through, it looks like the point of a pencil, granite, shiny, gray reflection, it is perfect, smooth and round and as if it were glass... I don't know how to describe this material - some perfect material...

T: What's it like to lie on it?

S: Well, I've totally melted into it, I don't have that pressure anymore on the surface, it's like I've relaxed. I surrendered.

T: Look where you are?

S: I'm on the ship, where I saw that child!!!!!! Now I'm lying there, I don't feel fear. I can't look around anymore...

T: What do you see?

S: A familiar space where I've been before, I don't know what shape it is, oval, elliptical??? On the upper and lower sides, the space is far away, so they somehow if they go in a circle, everything is somehow the same, there is no entrance anywhere....The space is from above like some vaults towards the middle, then they are in the middle part - it is different the material, I don't know if it's the windows, everything goes down, funnel-shaped....I can't determine the size...

T: What are you doing there?

S: Well, I'm lying down.

T: Okay, fast forward a bit...what's going on?

S: I feel a presence, as if someone is approaching from somewhere on the right side of my head, but I can't see anything, but I feel pressure in the lower part of my stomach, as if someone put an X-ray device on me, not put it, but brought it closer...

T: Look...

S: I see some kind of device - it doesn't touch me, that device is alone, while I paid attention to the departure it appeared above me, but it is not attached to anything, the device has a wide surface, it looks like a kitchen hood and it is standing, I feel a presence tog, as if some kind of rays are passing through me, I feel my ovaries, some heaviness in my stomach and nausea... The nausea is getting stronger and I'm stronger - it stopped me, it squeezed me... some force pulled me harder on that table, I can't I don't even want to look at who's coming, this unpleasant feeling spreads throughout my body (cries) across my chest, oh, it's spilling, like some ink, oh...

T: Do you want me to remove you?

S: No...yikes, aaa, (pause she moans)'s still there, I feel pressure in my chest, now it's easing.....a feeling of discomfort...disgust....

T: Look around the room...

S: I have a dosimeter on my feet, a device, it's not a device, but some hands are holding me...

T: Look whose are they?

S: Those are the hands of those beings...

T: How many are there?

S: Two...(cries a lot - hardly speaks)

T: Did you manage to see what you felt on the right side?

S: He came just like that - but different.

T: How different?

S: He's the same but he came close to me (she can't speak - she's crying a lot, she's terrified)

T: What's going on?

S: That presence is familiar to me!!!!!!! (she completely broke down, sobbing a lot)

T: How is he different and yet the same?

S: It looks the same, but I have a feeling that his energy is stronger, I don't know how to describe it...

T: What was he doing?

S: He was just watching me, but I'm afraid of him...

T: How did he observe you?

S: I don't know, he was walking from the right, as if he was planning something, I don't know what, they are all standing, standing still and I don't know he is just still there.....

T: Do you want me to remove you?

S: Yes.

Story 3.​

This is a story that Vladimir decided to draw and share with all of us. I have already written about him, publishing in the text "Recognition of alien abductions in children" his drawings from his youth, when he did not yet know what he was talking about and what he could be drawing.


In the late summer of 2012, I underwent a regressive hypnosis experience, the goal of which was liberation from alien abduction. During regressive hypnosis, it was used as a "base" and SIMBAD exercise by Dr. Corrado Malanga.

Through this experience of regressive hypnosis, with the guidance of a therapist, I managed to free myself from a considerable amount of implants, which were placed on my body and on my components: Spirit, Mind and Soul. I also managed to free myself from various types of addictions, and entities that placed these implants, and finally from Active Alien Memory and Passive Alien Memory.

I was kidnapped from the third month of my life, when I was a fetus, until the moment my Soul component realized what was happening.

Since I had a good "seeing" and "feeling" of those implants, I remembered them visually and in the end I tried to draw them all. The purpose of the drawings and explanations is to show other people what implants look like and what they are for. I experienced all the implants that I encountered within this work as "energetic", as if they had light or electricity in them.

A total of 4 sessions were performed in which all implants were removed. After that, I was able to work independently, within the regular SIMBAD. I couldn't do regular SIMBAD earlier, because I was blocked by implants.

Implants from the first session:

Implants by two reptiles, and they were placed in the third year of life .


1. The implant is composed of three energy disks, connected with energy threads that connect them to each other, and then extends along the spine up to the atlas, where it branches into smaller vessels. The rings are located in the spine in the lumbar region. The purpose of the implant is to block impulses from the lower part of the spine, i.e. the coccyx and pelvis, and it is connected with sexuality. It serves to satisfy the reptile with my sexual energy, so it prevents my sexual energy from reaching me. He was also appointed to Um.

2. Implants on temples. At first they were seen as two red dots, but later, when I took them out, I saw them as two scrolls. The purpose is to control the frontal lobes of the brain. It is also set on the Soul. On Duša, that implant then develops into implant number 4.

3. Cones in the head. They serve to transmit impulses from the outside to the inside and from the inside to the outside. Like a monitoring and control device. They were also placed on the Spirit.

4. The "energy field" implant that developed in front of the Soul, and is connected to implant number 2. It serves to block the Soul, that's how I felt the purpose of that implant.

5. The green cone that levitates under the plexus and is connected by veins to the spine. When I took it out, it turned into a small jellyfish; it looked similar to a real sea jellyfish. I don't know what it's for. The cone was also implanted on Duhu, but it did not develop into a jellyfish when I removed it.

Implants from the second session:

Implants by Horus-Ra, placed in the seventh year of life:


1. In the center of the head there is a ball in the shape of a golf ball. Threads emerge from that golf ball, which branch through the bone marrow throughout the body. The implant serves both as a distraction and for control purposes. What interferes is the will, and therefore controls.

2. From that golf ball also branches the implant from Horus-Ra, to the entire nervous system. We forgot to ask what it was for, but it seemed to me that it had something to do with interfering with the nervous system and therefore with the secretion of hormones. The ball is located in the center of the head and is close to or at the site of the pineal gland.

An implant by praying mantises and grays, and it was placed for the reptiles and their master "the eye in the glass pyramid" in the seventh year of life.


1 . The implant was placed on the anus and genital organ. It serves to extract energy. It also serves to control and block the flow of energy through the spinal column. Turning the life force to the other side through the ring. The thread that emerges from the ring extends along the entire length of the spinal column.

Heart implant, from Horus-Ra. We did not ask when it was installed.


1. The implant is located in the area of the heart, chest. It affects the internal interference with the interaction with the Soul component. It does not allow any penetration into the space of the heart, and at the same time it sends my negative energy out. It does not allow interaction with any energy of positive orientation.

Implants on the body and soul. They were installed by the grays for the reptiles and their master, the "eye in the glass pyramid" was installed in the third month of pregnancy, when I was a fetus.


1. Implant on the Soul. It serves to connect my "hybrid children" to the Soul. They made "hybrid children" from my sperm, which they took during abductions since I was 16, and the eggs of women unknown to me. They experimented with both spermatozoa and eggs. It seemed to me that the ring serves to draw energy from the Soul component.

2. The implant is placed in such a way that it grows with me as I develop in life. The implant is located in places called chakras in Yoga, and ends in the genital organ. It serves to block and control these places and draw sexual energy.

The "Boss" implant was placed at 6 months of pregnancy, when I was a fetus.


1. Chest plate that hangs back on the spine. It serves for control, in fact, rather "pressure" on the lowering of consciousness. It does this because the implant acts as a collector of energy from all meridians on the body. The "Boss" waited for the other entities to place the implants, and then he placed his own. While in regressive hypnosis, I stated that this implant resides in all humans. I had an insight and a feeling that it was so.

Dark matter


1. Dark matter covered the entire skeleton and bones of the head, but not the bones of the face. It is in the shape of a sphere with three peaks in place of the atlas. Dark matter covered the skeleton like oil. She comes from another galaxy. That's how I felt in regressive hypnosis. We did not ask what it was for and when it was installed.

Implants from Ra, we did not ask when it was installed.


1. The rings are on the feet and hands. "Necklace" is on Umu's mind. Also, in a different form, the rings were on the Spirit and the Mind. They serve for control. The necklace served to block the Mind, in order to prevent the creation of a bridge between the Soul and the Spirit.

Implants from the third session

An implant made of grays, another type of praying mantis and a different reptile, stronger than the others in the hierarchy (I felt him as an "asura", a very arrogant and vicious character). The implant was placed three to four weeks before the session.


1. It is placed in the hips, scrotum and spine. It's purpose is a fear enhancer and component recognition blocker, but it couldn't be effective on me for some reason. It is also placed on all three components Spirit, Mind and Soul. The implant revealed "guardians" in the form of "insects" (2), which were actually hiding a reptilian shell that had been installed inside me at 2 years of age.

An implant of Ra, PM, the Boss, "the eye in the glass pyramid" and the main leader was the reptilian -asura. Posted at the age of 38.


1. The implants were very precisely designed and were very difficult for me to remove, and they were located on the hands as "gloves" (1), on the legs as "shoes" (2), and a "helmet with a mask" (3) was also placed. . The "helmet" had white tentacles on the inside that branched throughout the brain. The "helmet", "gloves" and "shoes" were connected by an energy thread through the whole body. The ghost had one version of the helmet that didn't work. The helmet was not put on Um, but "yellow glasses" were put on him. The soul had "gloves" and "shoes" implants. I had implants in my ears that looked like some kind of metal. All these implants affect the destruction of the will to live, intensify depression, encourage self-pity, destroy self-esteem, increase sluggishness, laziness. The mask served to encourage lying.

Implant from Medusa and the gray horde, 47 of them in total.


1. This is an implant placed by the Medusa entity and we discovered it in the first session. I experienced it in the form of aluminum foil. It was attached to the junction of the collarbones, on one side, and the lower part of the stomach on the other.

2. This implant was placed in the 12th incarnation from entering the PM from below, and I entered it through some kind of meditation. That event happened 39 incarnations ago. My first body was not PM. I started my development as an ordinary stone or mineral, and the number of incarnations before entering the PM is high. The implant was placed in stages, from the 12th incarnation after entering the PM, until the 17th incarnation, when it became integrated and was attached to me, until the moment when we took it off in regressive hypnosis. The moment we took it off, it no longer existed either in the present or in the past or in the future. I was 5-6 years old when the implant was installed, which I called jellyfish. That act of implantation was attended by the Medusa entity, with a horde of 47 grays. The implant is installed through space-time and works through all incarnations after its integration. The implant also develops through space-time and when it is finally developed it remains in all further incarnations. All three components, Spirit, Mind and Soul had a thread installed that did not work. Those threads belonged to the Medusa entity. I also had an implant placed in my knees by the Medusa entity. It serves as a kind of magnet for negative energy. It's not shown in the picture because I forgot what it looks like.

3. Jellyfish implant from 4 sessions. I felt that it was the part that protected the previous implant no. 2. I don't know who posted it. I felt that the implant acted as an outer sheath, holder and protection for the jellyfish. It was located on the torso, and the tentacles ended on the back.

By the way, Medusa often pretended to be an old woman or a woman or a "lover" and it was difficult for me to see her true appearance. In the end, I saw her in the third session, because by then we had removed a significant number of implants that were preventing me from seeing better. Medusa looks like it is described in Greek mythology: it had four fingers, pointed teeth, a grayish snake-like body, and it had some strange hair on its head. Its appearance is approximately like this:


Unfortunately, I did not find a more suitable image on the Internet.

An implant of 6 grey, praying mantis, female reptilian and human aliens with blue hair in white and blue uniforms, with a stylized red five-pointed star on the left side of the chest. From the beginning, the implant was not of a visual form, but of a sound form, so I could not locate it. When I located it, it became visible. It was installed in the second year of life.


1. The implant is placed above the head and blocks the access in me, to the higher Self. It looks like a toy, a tern.

Implants from the fourth session:

An implant made of "human" blonde hair. They wore white and blue uniforms with a stylized red five-pointed star on the left side of the chest. It was installed in the second year of life.


1. Residual "tern" implant above the Spirit, Soul and Mind from the third session.

2. Implant from "people" with blond hair. It is located on the top of the head. We did not find out the purpose of its placement because we were quite distracted in this session, so we forgot to ask the purpose of that implant. I also could not, because of the distraction, feel what the purpose would be. Threads branched all over the body.

By the end of the fourth session, we were engaged in cleaning the remaining parts of the implants on me, the Spirit, the Soul and the Mind, as well as locating the remaining clones or hybrid children. I did not draw those parts, because they are only parts, like a residual tentacle or some part like a ring, vein, thread or similar.
Three nights ago I had an incident involving an abduction scenario.

I was going through a flu or similar process and I had a fever and difficulty sleeping.

In these cases, it has already happened to me before that a mental process repeats itself over and over again like a loop.

It's a little annoying, but it's part of the healing process I've experienced before.

Well, early in the night (two or three o'clock) I got up to go to the bathroom and the silence surprised me. It was total and absolute, not a sound from the street with the window open, very incredible and as it simply happens to me, at that moment it seemed strange to me but I didn't relate it to anything.

Today when reading the new substack and commenting on that unnatural silence occurring in abduction events, I related it.

The strange thing that had never happened to me happened next after returning to bed.

The looping thought began to accelerate and accelerate and accelerate to an impossible pace.

It felt like my brain was going to burst.

The funny thing is that I had a kind of lateral consciousness, in which I could think independently of what my brain was doing.

From that lateral consciousness I tried to stop that frenzy of thought that repeated itself again and again faster and faster, but I couldn't stop it.

Then I let it go with curiosity (from this lateral awareness) and the loop sped up even more and more.

I came to the conclusion that my brain was going to collapse and stop working.

It was terrible, however from my lateral consciousness I was fascinated, so faced with the risk of death of my brain I decided to get up and walk around the house.

I didn't try to stop him, I simply started walking around the house calmly, concentrating my awareness on the act of walking and little by little my mind returned to normal.

So I went back to bed and that's it.

I mention it in case it is useful to someone at some point in the future in a similar situation.
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I was going through a flu or similar process and I had a fever and difficulty sleeping.
I have experienced similar incidents when I have a fever though I dont think it might be an abduction case(?). I think it must have been the brain chemicals trying to fight off the sickness. My thoughts are racing and same thing like a feeling of dying. I changed my sleeping position and focused on breathing. It took me a long while to go back to sleep.
I have experienced similar incidents when I have a fever though I dont think it might be an abduction case(?). I think it must have been the brain chemicals trying to fight off the sickness. My thoughts are racing and same thing like a feeling of dying. I changed my sleeping position and focused on breathing. It took me a long while to go back to sleep.
I am 53 years old and I have gone through hundreds of flu processes (hundreds and hundreds) and this is the first time something like this has happened to me.

And yes, I attributed it to a strange virus, until today I read the substack and what was written in it about supernatural silence.

So one extraordinary event plus another extraordinary event can indicate something.

My experience cannot be described in words.

Words are too short to fully understand the experience.
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