Related NEORMM


The Force is Strong With This One

Related to the question NEORMM I think that this links can help in anyway.

(Sorry for my bad english.I'm spanish)

Thanks for your work ,Laura.
A present for you:



eri mulsion

orm ethian







89 fibonacci and prime number.

Hi Heliotropodeluz and wellcome,

I don't understand what you mean here, could you somehow explain it other way? (if possible), I've only found this on the Cass transcripts related to the Neormm item:

Cass said:
June 7, 1997
Q: In a previous session where you introduced the concept of perpendicular realities, you stated that (T) was connected to a particular reality called ‘Neormm.’ You also designated the ‘thought center’ of STS as Ormethion. I noticed the similarity of the names. Is there a relationship?
A: The orm is close to orimulsion. Look it up.

Q: Well, what I am asking is about the possible relationship between Neormm and Ormethion...
A: Our answers have meaning best not to presuppose!
Hi Pryf.

It's only my ideas over the search of word NEORMM.
Following the links perhaps appears a new idea to solve the puzzle.

A: Our answers have meaning best not to presuppose!

"...Pero, de hecho, creo que las pistas en esta sesión realmente merecen un análisis más profundo, particularmente en relación con el pueblo extraño, designado como “Neormm” por los Cassiopaeans. Esta sesión es todavía un acertijo para mí, y si alguien tiene ideas al respecto, apreciaré escucharlas."

"... But in fact, I think the tracks in this session really deserve a deeper analysis, particularly in relation to the strange town, designated as" Neormm "by Cassiopaeans. This meeting is still a riddle to me, and if anyone has ideas about that, listen to appreciate. "

La palaba NEORMM puede ser un acertijo y los significados pueden ser no lineares con respecto a la palabra,es decir,serán relativos a sus letras y a donde la busqueda nos lleve, pero como dicen los Cassiopaeans...Our answers have meaning best not to presuppose!
Yo miraría esos enlaces.El resto de las piezas puede que ya las tengan ustedes.
Tambien puede que no sea nada.

¿Quién sabe?

I fear that I have not enought knowledge to understand your work as I cannot see to what conclusion have you come. :huh:

Let's see if the subject is developed with help from other members.

Thank you
Hi Heliotropodeluz

heliotropodeluz said:



Your posting fired off a few neurons for me firstly because it contained the number 42 which I've been seeing all over the place in various synchronicities. This has been happening ever since I had an Adams-esque experience in the Underworld of the London Underground - tomorrow will be exactly two years ago.

You also reminded me that I've been meaning to write a Khabbala Calculator (or Qabalah Qalculator) for a while now, since I wasn't able to quickly find a simple one on the internet. Here is: _

Once I'd finished the Calculator, something prompted me to type in "NLP" (the only other Three Letter Acronym (or TLA) that I tried) and it also comes out to 14+12+16 = 42. Probably meaningless, but I've had issues with the techniques used by the Landmark Forum which also rang a bell with me about Gurdjieff's concerns with humanity's susceptibility to mass hypnosis.

Something else I found while playing about with 42 is that if you look at where that is in the hour ( 42 / 60 = 0.7 ) and then translate that into where that is in the year ( 0.7 * 365 ) then you come out about as close as you can get to September 11 (9/11) (actually September 12 - close enough?) because 41 minutes would be September 6 and 43 minutes would be September 18.

Days of the year can be looked up here: _

Again, probably a coincidence but it interested me at the time.

42 looks pretty in binary 101010.

I'd also thought about the connection with Orion when I watched a Stargate SG1 episode featuring the Ori which is (I read) taken from the phrase "Origin of the Ancients" and became their religion "Origin". Again probably meaningless that they're 1 number apart:

15+18+9+15+14 = 71
15+18+9+7+9+14 = 72

Main Entry: origin
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English origine, from Latin origin-, origo, from oriri to rise — more at orient
Date: 15th century
from _

No way! Just tried "QFS" on a hunch:
17+6+19 = 42
Hi,The Spoon.

My level of English is not good to explain complex ideas.

Everything is Numbers, Shapes, and Life.




Everything is full of meaning...

I use this easy way...




26 is a beauty number!!


Good work,The Spoon.
Have fun!


Gen in Spanish is equal to gene in english.

The human genome is the genome of Homo sapiens, which is stored on 23 chromosome pairs.


46+44=90=9x10 C A S S I O P A E A


Inside 22 chromosome pair is "number" 43.
Numbers inside 11 chromosome pair adds (21+22) 43

22+11=33=3x11...; 113

Note that...

X=23 X "is like..." a Chromosome and...The human genome is the genome of Homo sapiens, which is stored on 23 chromosome pairs.

but X=24 and 24x2=48...(47,48)

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26


(01,02) (03,04) (05,06) (07,08) (09,10) (11,12) (13,14) (15,16) (17,18) (19,20) (21,22)
(23,24) (25,26) (27,28) (29,30) (31,32) (33,34) (35,36) (37,38) (39,40) (41,42) (43,44) (45,46)


(43,44) (45,46)



This was pretty interesting:



89 is a Prime Number.

89 can be Partitioned 45 times with each term no larger than 2.

89 can be Partitioned 705 times with each term no larger than 3.

89 is a Fibonacci Number.

The Chemical Element Yttrium has one Stable Isotope. It has 89 neutrons.

The Year 89 AD
In the year 89 AD Pliny the Younger becomes urban quaestor.

In the year 89 AD Aquincum (modern Budapest) was founded.

In the year 89 AD Han Chinese Emperor Chang Ti dies, and was succeeded by Ho Ti

I'm also interested in 43 since I had a dream one night - very intense one- and heard a voice tell me that "The answers are in Locker 43". Ark is also born in 1943.

43 is a Prime Number.

43 is a Centered Heptagonal Number.

43 is a Centered 14-gonal Number.

43 can be Partitioned 53174 ways.

43 can be Partitioned 22 times with each term no larger than 2.

43 can be Partitioned 176 times with each term no larger than 3.

43 can be Partitioned 764 times with each term no larger than 4.

43 is the number of sided 7-iamonds.

Along with atomic number 61, atomic number 43 is the only atomic number smaller than 84 who's Chemical Element (Technetium) is not stable.

It requires 43 muscles to frown.(Human)

There are 43 species of birds in Antarctica.

"The sriyantra ('great object') belongs to a class of devices used in meditation, mainly by those belonging to the Hindu tantric tradition. The diagram consists of nine interwoven isosceles triangles four point upwards, representing Sakti, the primordial female essence of dynamic energy, and five point downwards, representing Siva, the primordial male essence of static wisdom The triangles are ananged in such a way that they produce 43 subsidiary triangles."

Licor 43, also known as "Cuarenta Y Tres" (which means 43 in Spanish) is a liqueur made in Spain for over a thousand years, dating back to the time of the Carthaginians. It is a bright yellow color and derives its name from the fact that it is supposedly a mixture of 43 different ingredients.

There are 43 verses in the Old English epic poem Beowulf.

43 appears in the title of the historical British comedy show Hancock's Forty-Three Minutes

George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States.

The Year 43 AD
In the year 43 AD the Romans invaded Britain.

In the year 43 AD London was founded as the Roman town of Londinium

In the year 43 AD Chinese armies conquered Annam (northern Vietnam).

Since I am relating it to Ark's birth year, what about mine?

The Number 52
Prime Factors of 52=2x3x13.

52 can be Partitioned 27 times with each term no larger than 2.

52 can be Partitioned 252 times with each term no larger than 3.

52 can be Partitioned 1285 times with each term no larger than 4.

52 is a Decagonal Number.

52 is a Centered 17-gonal Number.

52 is a Bell Number.

52 is the maximal number of regions into which space can be divided by 6 Spheres.

Atomic Number of Tellurium (Te) = 52 (52 protons & 52 electrons) Tellurium is semi-metallic with silvery lustrous grey color.

In Humans: Adrenomedullin is a 52-amino-acid peptide observed to stimulate adenylyl cyclase activity in a platelet bioassay. It was discovered and isolated from human pheochromocytoma extracts.

In Humans: the DNA-binding domain of Myb has been shown to contain three imperfectly conserved repeats of 52 amino acids that constitute the amino-terminal end.

The Mayan Calendar moves through a complete cycle every 52 years.

Patolli is an Aztec board game utilizing 52 squares arranged in a cross form.

The Year 52 AD
In the year 52 AD King Spartacus III of Sicilia died. He was succeeded by Dionysius II.
Hello Laura, nice to see you.

43 is "like" 4 exponent 3...4x4x4...64 ; (444=4x111) 111 is 7 in binary.7 is 111 in binary.

111 is all you need...Ja,ja,ja,...

Numbers "born" this way...

64 Prime Factors are 64=2x2x2x2x2x2... 2 exponent 6 that is 26 or 62...or rotating 92 or 29


43 is like 3 exponent 4...3x3x3x3...81...9 Exponent 2... 911.Draw it! 9 exponent 2
and (333=3x111)


52 is "like" 5 Exponent 2...5x5...25 and 25x25 is like this...


52 is "like" 2 Exponent 5...2x2x2x2x2...32 and 32 is 64/2

19+52=71 prime number

and so on...

Playing with the numbers.


"The answers are in Locker 43"




This is bad:

The Number 52
Prime Factors of 52=2x3x13.

52=2x2x13 this is OK

Note that 52=2x26

26 is the only number to be directly between a square and a cube.5x5...26...3x3x3


26 is a very important number!
[quote author=Laura ]

I'm also interested in 43 since I had a dream one night - very intense one- and heard a voice tell me that "The answers are in Locker 43". Ark is also born in 1943.


Are you sure you remember correctly and that the answer is not in locker 42?


[ Sorry, but I just couldn't resist the temptation... ]

Here's the answer to Locker 43 on Flickr.

Thought it was appropriate! :cool:

7 is 111 in binary.

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