Relevant studies concerning the H1N1 vaccines


The Living Force
In my country they have today finally admitted that the Pandemrix shot against swine flu is connected with a 9 times increased risk of developing narcolepsia in children. They have had the opportunity to advise against this vaccine through available studies at least since the fall of 2010. I am inclined to write an open letter to the health officials and challenge them on why they didn't do so, but I need reliable facts to found my argumentation.

So, do any of you knowledgeable people on the forum have links to studies performed according to protocol (double blind, randomized etc) that concerns H1N1 vaccines?

I would be glad to have them. Thank you in advance. :)
Hi, hithere:

You might look at or google.

Here are two items I found:
not exactly the N1H1 vaccine, but flu-shot related:

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