Rene Mey, French healer, globally recognized states very clear that he lives with the angels and ghosts exist. He developed the strength of spirit and faith. Just get your hands on the healthy people.
It has the power to heal with your hands, remember events that happened when I was in the womb and previous lives, can "see" through people and transport their presence to distant places where others see and talk with him.
Who is this man and how he does?
In his recent visit to Morelia, the French, a tall man who moves thousands of religious people, spoke of many things for the radio program "Ghosts", a space through which the healer has a special affection under the similarity the actions of service given to society in general Michoacan, regardless of economic or cultural.
French agree that there are episodes in the life of man, when the brand dies and this causes in a way that these energies may be in the air, wandering, if not get a proper spiritual development in life.
Rene Mey explained throughout the world that it is important to understand our way through this life. So in this case in this area of "THE GHOST" We know a little about this man, who was last Thursday in this capital by the invitation to do Mari Carmen Calderón Hinojosa. Mey hard that day made significant acts of healing that led to the appreciation of those who went before their hands to heal.
Born in Enclave des Papes, near Avignon, Orange, France. Grew modestly in the field. Mey says that from the womb of his mother was lucky to remember the paradise, full of bright colors and stunning images, which is a reflection of all that we are if you are friendly and good among the people that live on Earth .
In this place he found light beings or angels who became his guides and escorted him shortly after his birth. Delved into the world of mathematics, and I saw them as a way of understanding life and people. This area of study is a special logic, so that the entire construction of matter is based on them.
Through deep meditation healer free Rene Mey has consulted thousands of people, including AIDS and cancer patients in several countries, current activities, also built a hospital which treats 3 000 patients daily.
His words and actions have only goal to make it clear to people who requested, on the discovery of a new awareness of life. The discovery of a new form of "human intelligence", based on mutual respect, mutual support, sharing in the rediscovery of the great potential that sleeps inside each one of us. "Love is an infinite force and is at the door of everyone," says steadily.
While listening to the angelic music background Alexia, a skinny Mexican fine voice, almost angelic, René chronicles his life from contact with extraterrestrials and contact with the paranormal world, his mission to discover the faith and contact with the dolphins, birds and especially the new revival of existential awareness.
Explained that he had been through deep meditation as it has solved problems and illnesses in thousands of people around the world. Now in its constant effort to meet people and help them with their distress, arrives to offer his healing method using a free conference.
There in the large hall of the union of University Professors René speaks with attendees Mey children, youth, adults, patients with terminal illness or otherwise, healthy people. The only requirement is to assist with an open mind and with faith that the seemingly incredible things can happen.
René Today has marked a trail of love thousands of people in the world, whether in private encounters or during national and international conferences, or through his work in Madagascar and the Ivory Coast, or inquiries are free and open to everyone, but Rene does not leave anyone indifferent.
Which is always accompanied by angels, and is known and its mission is clear in stating that Mexico hopes to help people to restore their confidence, solve problems and partly explain that spirituality is nothing mystical .
It has no connection the number of inquiries about healing, you can pass something from the first and some people need more. If it is a very serious, something always happens, even if only improve, but there he is cured.
Recognizes that many people are skeptical and unlikely to accept a visit, but so far is something you do not care. "People come alone, my lectures are free and open to the public. I can not be induced to follow me, but if they are welcome."
The French humanist have risen to the level of a being with powers almost divine. Why an angel? Bennafla Malika replied that from a video where you see Mey in session, she failed to see an angel inside and outside. "This can only be understood once it has had any contact with Rene, but it must be a sighted person. After this contact could see beings of light and the Virgin of Guadalupe."
He shared his experience with some Mexican friends who speak French and are also blind. "After watching the movie realized that the end is an angel, I asked one of them to draw a picture of what they observed, after which I took up this figure to develop the promotional poster for his lectures in Mexico."
With drawing Malika's friend wanted to interpret the presence felt while watching the video, "was physically difficult to represent a spiritual being. What struck me most about him was his heart, gave me a connection with nature, with the light without even having met him or have seen him, "concluded the woman who asked not be named.
Rene Mey, French humanist, who works around the world lecturing on spiritual topics, highlighted in the discussion we had with him: "Love is the essence of life, so no one can live well until they learn to love. People with depression need to know that love is there in them, but must be sought. "
As an example stated that France is a country where there are more depressed youths, in 2006 there were 10 thousand 500 people who committed suicide attempters and 6 000.
Helping people is one of the many expressions of love, and also why the social activist, has Mey René Foundation has developed and altruistic government projects serving the most vulnerable.
"Learning to love is not fear getting their hands dirty. You learn to love from the minutiae of love with others in everyday life." In his labor of love for others, Rene Mey participated in a Development of specialized schools for 2 000 454 children orphaned by war.
In our country launched the project "Children of the Earth by Mexico" with two pilot proposals in the State of Mexico and the Federal District, for children who leave home, find an appropriate structure that allows them to develop as human beings human.
It is recalled that he once lived with Rene Mey abandoned children in the streets of Mexico City, was with them in the sewers and in deprived areas, led to a department store with the risk that could become a ravenous desire in a disaster and acknowledges that only bought the essentials, that they would need and there was no abuse, was a remarkable experience to integrate and publish on its profanity.
In Morelia on Thursday was back, healed people, spoke with them, he laid his hands and invited them to find the new consciousness of life, based on faith and love, because the latter sentiment is what makes all change and supports all purposeful action.
Today this movement has more than 100 centers of healing and care in a time when the world is torn between the poverty of values, lack of faith and the many health problems, such as the mutation of bacteria and viruses translated into diseases that attack humanity.
Not to mention religious poverty and of climate change with the passing of the days will catastrophic results.
You ask if Mey has contact with the spirits and energies, the answer is yes, but basically states that in any case you should take our dead, he believes in reincarnation and the concept is understood that when the subject dies the spirit continues and enters another body, but some do not reincarnate and then wander or levitated by the paranormal worlds. (I) (I)