Report:Blowing more second hand smoke screens - Enough is enough



This is getting silly and yes Laura ,your recommendation on a podcast about this subject is long over due.I mentioned earlier I don't like smoking per se.but I do smoke,and I know the rammifications.However ,this is really ridiculous on what the government actually picks and chooses as to what is actually toxic to us.I could go on and on about countless other products (toothpaste for one small example -the more flouride the better!:P,brush three times a day!and gargle!lol)that are killing us not to mention whatever gets pumped into our water system.but anyway yeah its time for a good discussion on this.

P.S. Also the big Hitler/non-smoking campaign similarity is interesting.
Oh how i love Laura's comments on this subject. I alway thought it funny that Cali was the first state on the public ban wagon, yet you can feel free to choke on the smog during the daily commute. And check the pollution warning signs before you go jumpin' into the ocean!
Here where I live, smoking was banned EVERYWHERE EXCEPT for a large Casino. So I guess the rules don't apply if you have money.

A more interesting note is that the Healt Department was given the power to make the descion and there are NOT elected officals.

French Fries might be next.

In Australia, in my state of Queensland, new anti-smoking laws come into effect on July 1st. The amount of money the state government must have spent on the numerous fancy television advertisements and newspaper propaganda "fact sheets" would probably be enough to feed a small country. The new laws basically ban smoking in all public places, and even in the outdoor areas of restaurants. While I am not a smoker myself, and frankly I don't like the smell of smoke at all, I can see these laws for what they truly are: mind control. It is absurd to think of all the other far more toxic things the various governments allow people to consume everyday, and yet they only seem to be concerned about stamping out smoking. Any person with half a brain must surely be able to see there is something very wrong with this picture. And why should anything the government does en masse be something that is in the interest of the average person? If they were really that interested in protecting the health of the average person, they would look further into alternative treatments for such things as cancer, but they don't. Instead they ignore people who can provide positive, reliable health treatment for society, such as Dr John Holt, a man in Australia who had his own very cheap, and very effective cancer treatment. (The number of people who were cured after being told by mainstream medicine that they only had weeks or months left to live is truly remarkable. Out of hundreds of positive cases, only about ten people were not cured.) The Federal Government and Cancer Council refused to look at the evidence, I guess because no money could be made from a cheap alternative.

Anyway, according to the commercials, I can "now look forward to living in a healthier, cleaner Queensland"!!!
I used to feel safe that these types of law of smoking ban, would never come to pass in Cyprus no matter how much the government wants to make them pass. As an example, the college i work at is a non-smoking building, but i know many of the "high ranking" people who declared that if they are not allowed to smoke in their offices they would leave. So now they do smoke. But as i said, the "high ranking" people.

And in general, no matter how many non-smoking signs hung in the pubs, the airports, the clubs, the restaurants, etc, people still go about smoking. Cypriots like smoking and they do it a lot. But now with entering the EU and all, we are being pressured by all government organizations to become more Europeans (!?) and in regards to smoking, the ministry of health has created tons of programs to help people quit smoking. And being that Cypriot people have this subtle feeling that they are "lacking" in general compared to the rest of the european countries, i see them starting to try to "catch up", europize themselves.

I am curious to see what will end up happening when the force of smoking ban becomes more intense.
LOL! Sorry,Mods,if I took the little play on words a little far on the topic name.Just thought it was cool and went with it.I'll be a lil' more careful.
It's okay. We understand. Now and again we are tempted to make similar remarks ourselves!
I think that the prisons have stopped filling up in the past few years. They were growing in previous years because of the of War On (some) Drugs. So, criminalization of nicotine, say, 15-20 years down the road, should revive that gravy train nicely.
Ah yes, I shall but quote the haunting final paragraph of the SotT guest editorial, "An Environmental 911" by Mathew K. Kiel:

"Had we addressed pollution, and the Truth that it is the Real source of our increasing and terrible sicknesses, of our increasingly early but so very lingering and painful deaths; had we invested ourselves and our efforts in stopping polluters and pollution with all of our vigour and resources over the entire course of the past 40 years; had we given ourselves over to prosecuting polluters and all who would protect or enable them in their polluting, in every way possible, and given ourselves over to enforcing an end to their polluting with exactly the same absolute beliefs in it being the totally and most right thing to do, and using exactly the same measures and fortitude societally as we have done in going after smokers and attempting to eradicate smoking instead, how might the world have now been very different for us all?"

No, I do not think they will ever entirely outlaw smoking. They are this very day, with yet another worldwide furor over smoking's "dangers," using their "Great Anti-Smoking Smoke Screen" to effectively kill all mention and awareness of the global holocaust of lethally radioactive Depleted Uranium particulates now pouring down from the skies.

The fallout from U.S. munnitions of all kinds, including every bullet and mortar and bomb being used by U.S. forces Iraq and Afghanistan, is raining down this very hour upon every milimeter of the planet, penetrating skin, lungs, membranes and all else, with toxic radiation that will last for more than 4.5 billion years.

But, fear not, oh People of Earth, for the global Pathocracy will protect you from harmless Environmental Tobacco Smoke, and demonise the smokers who produce it so that your deflected rage and fear can have them as the targets for your wrath. No, I think they will not ever outlaw smoking. It is too useful to them.

The other day I saw on television this so-called expert going on about the best ways to prevent alzheimers. One of his tips was to "give up smoking". He made this point in the context of better overall fitness, however he clearly had done no research, or else he would have realised that nicotine is in fact quite helpful in minimising the effects of alzheimer's!

A 1996 CNN article mentioned that
smokers are statistically less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, researchers say. A new study published in a journal of the American Chemical Society Tuesday went even farther, suggesting that nicotine could actually prevent the brain-destroying disease.
So as early as 1996 it was officially shown that nicotine could well be beneficial for alzheimer's, and yet ten years later incompetent "experts" get up on television giving know-nothing advice.
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