Report your meteor sighting(s)


The Force is Strong With This One
A few weeks ago I saw a spectacular meteor as I was leaving my friend's house to walk home. Striking features were the angle of descent, about 75 degrees, the colour, bright white, with a magnitude greater than Venus and that I didn't see it burn up as it disappeared behind a two storey house. Every other meteor I've seen are faint orange streaks, high up at a low angle.

Today after listening to the the Cyclic Catastrophes podcast, I looked for a site where people could report meteor sightings and found one. The Sydney Observatory. _

Interesting the number of reports. One matched the date, time and general position of my sighting too.

"Alicia - Last night I too saw a goregous ’shooting star’ driving down the M2 westbound. It was just before 8pm and at first I saw it shoot across the sky then it blazed brighter and brighter heading straight down. It was happening right in front of me while I was drving and the night sky was absolutely clear….so quiet a show! It was a bright white blaze that got brighter as it got closer to the earth. Honestly, if someone told me it landed in the Western Suburbs I’d believe them…it looked so close!!"

On the 3rd of April several people report two large orange objects leaving a trail and visible for several minutes. To read one post is interesting as he observes the people around him.

"There amongst those quietly making there way to work on top of the station - not moving with the others - was a father and son. They were more obvious because of their stance, it was not filled with the attitude of work but had more of a steady nature. People moved around them ignoring them like the eddies in a stream around rocks.
They could of been looking at the sunrise but that had not happened just yet. No they were transfixed looking sky wards on a higher plain."

One women recorded the objects on a camera. The link no longer hosts the file. I'm going to see if I can get her footage.
Report your meteor sighting(s)

Cool! I see a few around the Blue Mountains from time to time including a fireball that illuminated the landscape.
I saw one too (or so I think). South of the Netherlands. Bigger and (much) brighter than Venus. Roundish. Saw no visible trail (only a very slight haze). Time was around 23.30 CET, traveling in a north easterly direction. It passed right over me. With a slightly higher speed than a satellite, but much closer (or so it seemed) and brighter. Color was bright white/yellow. It didn't burn up and disappeared behind some clouds at the horizon. I discounted for it to be a satelite, plane, helicopter or ufo (joke!). Could it be the space shuttle?

This was the first time for me to see it for this long (I could track it for at least 20-30 seconds) and this close (and in this size...)
Re: Report your meteor sighting(s)

Hello all, this is my first post  :)

Wanted to report what I assume was a meteor. The way it behaved was exactly as shown in this video:  Though I didn't see it 'fizzle out' as it went behind some clouds.  Was blue in color, kinda like when an electric transformer explodes, was amazing and huge. Much much brighter than any star, as expressed in this article  It was at aprox. 10:58 pm eastern here in US Florida, in the southwestern region of the sky.  I will report more if I see any, donno if i'll be able to sleep or stay inside for long after that, was incredible.
May 10th 03:01 am i saw a low shooting star over Danielson CT. it lasted longer then any other i have ever seen i thought it was going to hit the ground but ii burnt out at about 400ft from the ground It was the lowest to the ground i have ever seen and i could smell burring metal smell shortly after it was an Amazing site.
Hi there, Christopher and blueroguecomet,

Could you both post a brief intro in the Newbies section? Read through that section to get a feel of how others have done so. Thanks. :)
2 Days ago (Oct 23) I witnessed a huge fireball fall from the sky and break up over the mountains looking north west from Penticton BC Canada towards kamloops. There was many shooting stars that night but this was a significant event for myself. I have never seen one that big. After reading how many of these sightings are normal I am much more relieved. A friend on my facebook witnessed another event last night, which triggered my quick study.
Hi chroter,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, how they found the cass material, and how much of the work here they have read. Thanks.

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