Residual Memories. Need abit of help or Insight.

luke wilson

The Living Force
I have a problem that has been plaguing me for quite awhile now - since my teens. I have certain images, I could maybe only refer to them as residual memory that I dont know where they came from. They are not dreams, they are almost like memories and fragmented ones at that so it is really hard to decipher them. From what I have read on here, I know it is possible for people to have some past life memories, but the problem with these particular memories is that they arent exactly from the past, infact they are not from the future either. It's more conversation, or words. Discussion between me and either one other person or a group of other people but with no images so it is hard to say what time period it was from. The only reference I have with regard to time is that we were talking about certain aspects of this life. I have tried maybe marching what is said with what experiences are happening in my life(inorder to establish if they are entirely fictional or not), eventhough there is some correlation, it isnt a strong one at that, some things happen differently, some things change and usually it's hard to have an exact clear image of a particular memory until you live through something or see something that illuminates that exact memory, then you notice ok, something is different but it kind of is still connected somehow. I dont know if my mind is just making this stuff up. It is so confusing - i have tried getting rid of them but I cant, they are just there.

At some point in the past, I also had memories of another life. It is weird because it wasnt a dream, but it was just another life. But it was not a past life, it was almost a parallel time period to this one. This same time period we are living in except in this memory things panned out differently as they are now. My life took a different turn when I was about 17/18. I did not continue with education once I finished highschool. I am just going to throw this out there and say it, it is weird and so unbelivable and that is why I find it sooo hard to trust any of this, but in this alternative life path, I became a proffesional football player. I am not even athletic. However, as part of this memory, I do know that someone told me that something isnt right, that I was not right(at some point when I was about 17/18 in this alternative life path I changed, like I had certain new things I could do and this person, it wasnt a person, it was almost like a spirit and she told me that I hadnt changed right, that I wasnt how I was meant to be) and I was how? I feel fine, I feel great(one of the very first things I used my new abilities for was to get myself a girlfriend). Everything was ok, So I lived my life but I wasnt right, I couldnt be what I wanted to be in my head so I had to re-adjust myself to live with certain deficiencies, but I played football proffessionally. Then at some point, I dont know how far into the future this was but something happened, a cosmic thing, I remember rushing to see a girl almost like time was running out then I can only remember standing on a road with who I can only assume was my girlfriend in that life path and I was trying to tell her something (the weird part of this is that this was the past, we were at a road by our highschool talking, so it was like I had gone back to the past to when we were just starting to date). It was more like I was trying to break up with her (to stop our relationship from really becoming something serious), I was telling her she didn't love me because of her free will - I manipulated her into loving me, I knew what buttons to push and I pushed them and because she didnt have knowledge she was powerless against it or so I thought to myself, so it was like almost it was designed for her to love me, but she wouldnt listen despite me trying to explain it to her. Then she went on to tell me something and this something I cannot remember but it resonated with me quite strongly. At this point I looked up in the sky and it was glowing and this is where the memory ends.

This memory is plaguing my real life in a real way. First of all, it is like I am subconsciously looking for this girl. I dont know how she looks like, how her personality is, I just know that I feel really strongly for her ( living ones life in hope of meeting someone that might only exist in ones head is not advisable but I am powerless to fight against it, as it almost seems to be subconscious). Also, I do remember that in my alternative life path, I cheated on her(in the future - after highschool) and she was heartbroken. So I suppose this is why I went back to the past to try to tell her that she didnt love me out of her own free will in order to make our relationship not happen so she wont be heartbroken in the future - but I remember that I really really did love her. And this is where the problem lies, this is not just a memory but it almost extends itself into a feeling so I find every single girl I meet doesnt match up to this other girl so its almost like I am still hang up on some fictional girl that has only existed in my head! The sooner, I get rid of this the sooner I can start living - I feel like I have some invisible baggage. It is so hard to fight against this because it almost seems to be part of the fibre of my own being.

I do know that I am only concentrating on a specific aspect of this, that being the girl part. Maybe I should concentrate on other aspects eg. what wasnt right with me?. But I cannot because as I said it is fragmented, just words here, images there no full picture to really analyse except that the girl aspect of it and me having broken her heart and feeling bad/guilty as a result carries the heaviest emotional punch so maybe that is what is anchoring me to this particular memories.

This just confuses me because I did not dream them, if I did why are they still there, I thought dreams vapourise with time.. Could it be just an over-active imagination? At this time in my life, when this memories showed up, I was kind of depressed(If I remember right), something seemed to be missing in my life, I felt my life wasnt how I wanted it to be. So maybe inorder to make it more interesting, my mind conjured up a story in my head?? Is this something that can happen? Because, the chances of any of this actually having happened in any kind of reality is soooooo slim, next to nuthing that maybe there is some other explanation. However, reading about comet dusts now and it making the sky glow and maybe this might be what happens in the future, just makes it harder to let go of this memories because they atleast confirm some part of it as being real eventhough now that I think of it, the sky was glowing because there was almost like a huge ball of fire but I dont know what it was. What I dont understand is why it would glow in the past, when I was speaking to her on the road -when we were in highschool. It is meant to be a future event. So after getting some confirmations on certain aspects, I have somethings like that, that just make it more confusing, make it less real.

Does anyone have any idea as to what they might be - these memories, and how to deal with them?
Possibly bleed through from an alternate reality? I have some similar "memories". I just observe them and consider them possible messages from an alternate self, a part of me that is experiencing another reality and learning other lessons. It could be useful to write them down and see if there is a pattern or something.
opossum said:
I just observe them and consider them possible messages from an alternate self, a part of me that is experiencing another reality and learning other lessons.

Hmm, might be an alternate self learning other lessons. Never thought of it this way. I wonder if bleedthroughs happen for a reason or if they are just some sort of accident. Something that shouldnt happen. Hmm, I've also never heard of bleedthroughs in terms of memories or experiences, just mainly in terms of the physical world getting somehow distorted.

Anyways, thanks Opossum. What you have suggested is probably the only thing that I can do.
luke wilson said:
I wonder if bleedthroughs happen for a reason or if they are just some sort of accident. Something that shouldnt happen. Hmm, I've also never heard of bleedthroughs in terms of memories or experiences, just mainly in terms of the physical world getting somehow distorted.
The way I thought of it was that myself, in this reality was causing some problem for an alternate self by my thoughts or actions, or that it would make sense that we (all our parts) can share lessons. Difficult to explain, but not impossible to understand. Everything happens for a reason, or has a cause, IMHO.
I had similar experiences not as strong as yours but I had memories I remember nothing about come from my subconscious mind or alternate reality. But it is short memories which I think is memories of when I was younger or alternate bleed throughs or past life memories it could be a lot of possibilities.
I have to make a confession. I am exceptionally bad with deciphering symbols, but thanks to you Opossum I think I might have made a break through.

Since I posted this, I have asked myself, why did I post this? This is clearly a bizarre post, why would I want to post something like this? Then you said "It could be useful to write them down and see if there is a pattern or something."

This is how I have been trying to deal with this for like 4-5yrs. Trying to use it as somekind of roadmap or something like that. But why? A roadmap to where? In this memory, it starts when I wake up in the morning, then I realize something is different, then this is when the spirit lady person tells me I am not as I should be but I disagree with her because I feel fine, infact I feel liberated. The next very thing I do, is I go to school, then I am in the common room, then I see this girl who I have had a crash on for some time but couldnt act on this crash before because I was afraid and I didnt have confidence before. But now, it's a different story, I am free and I can do as I want. I immediately notice the desire to prove this to myself, to prove to myself that I can have her, that I can own her. And I act on this.

Right here is where I noticed the clues as to what the spirit lady might have meant when I woke up. First of all, the waking up out of bed might be symbolic in the sense of waking up from a deep slumber like referred to here, attaining freedom. But, I wake up completely blind to objectivity i.e. I wake up utterly entranched in an STS mode and the clue to this is the action of seeking to get this girl so as to satisfy myself, eventhough I chose her because I liked her, I used this 'crash' as justification to own her in this memory. I couldnt get her before this waking up, but now I could and I did to satisfy my desires... I remember love or emotion being secondary to lust and desire. I also remember saying, I might be acting out of pure lust(which I was powerless to defend myself against btw) but I like her so I wont break her heart - this again might be a clue as to how wishful thinking blinded the objective reality. This was proven to be so acouple of years later when I cheated on her and thus broke her heart. Why cheat? well simple, to satisy the self at someone elses expense - another example of STSness.

So anyways, I asked myself after I read your post Opossum, why do I still hold onto this memory? Why does it still resonate with me? Now I think I know the answer. Because I want to get to this point of 'waking up.' But why? why do I want to wake up? Because, I cannot satisy my desires now and I want to satisfy them and the only way I can do that is by waking up. I want to use knowledge, awareness and understanding as a tool to satisfy my desires. Desires that I feel I have had to suppress all my life. I have also read when the c's say that physicality is something that leads to STSness and I disagree. I do not want to be completely ethereal, I do not want not to have a physical element. Why? Because how else will I satisy myself? OMG, I am completely and utterly STS. I have been cheating myself, the bottom line is that I am STS and this thoughts about trying to be STO and stuff might just be wishful thinking to make myself feel better, to hide this nature to myself.

This is a revelation to me. What do I do now?

In my defense, in the memory right at the end, I think my other self, realized this, be it late and tried to rectify it by going back and stopping her from loving me because this love was given rise through an entirely STS intent/action and therefore at some point somebody would get hurt regardless of whatever wishful thinking that says this wont happen. So maybe at some point, he/I did one truly STO thing. Maybe he learnt this lesson. Or maybe he went back because he felt guilty and just wanted to get rid of this feeling and the only way was to stop the relationship from happening, to free her so as to free himself from guilt. So in this scenario it wasnt STO it was STS and so he did not learn this lesson(STO VS STS). I do not know which of this 2 is actually correct as this part of the memory is very fragmented. I can only speculate.

Coming back to this life, I know we are STS right now. However, how can one not be completely blind to objectivity(that is to confuse wishful thinking for objectivity) about oneself and one's own intent? It might be easier to tell the difference between what is subjective and objective about the outside world but I think it is much harder to do this about oneself. Even when you self-observe and stuff, you watch yourself and you still cast a judgement upon yourself(when you are analysing what you saw) but how does one know this judgement is not based entirely of subjectivity(wishful thinking)? I think this is what the spirit lady meant and I disagreed because I was wishful thinking and was completely and utterly 100% blind to it, I mistook this wishful thinking for objectivity. As a result I spent a whole life learning this lesson in this alternate life.

That is how I have chosen to interpret this. I hope it is along the right lines.
I forgot to say, that in this memory I felt that my STS nature was fundamental to me. I could not act against it. I was ruled by it. It was almost like I was it and it was me. To change it was to change myself and I couldnt do that. It was bigger than me. It had real power over me. Eventhough I was free in every other way, I was not free against it.

I hope this makes sense.
I am happy you have examined this thing. Your post has helped me also, If it were not for your questions, I would not have answered my own.
We are not completely STS. If we were, we would not be trying to change. :)
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