Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran


The Force is Strong With This One
Came across this article in the Uk's Times On Line:,,2089-2535310,00.html

Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran
Uzi Mahnaimi, New York and Sarah Baxter, Washington

ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons.
Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear “bunker-busters
I doubt this means anything much. "Drawn up secret plans" is the giveaway. That's as tenuous as "affiliated with Al Qaeda" or "linked to terrorists." I shop at the supermarket, so if a reporter wanted, he could say I'm affiliated with tomato canneries and I'm linked to the frozen food industry. :)

The U.S., for example, has "secret" plans to invade every country in the world, probably even to invade every state in the U.S. There are people paid full time to draw up plans for every possible contingency. Every member of the military has trained to do some job -- that job could be applied to almost any mission. The job of peeling potatos could be embellished to "peeling potatos in preparation to invade Murmansk." (Actually, for the U.S. military, potato peeling has been outsourced to Halliburton, probably contracted at $1.79 per stroke of the peeler, with the number of strokes determined by an unreviewed formula that favors overestimates.)

So, if that's what this is, then the purpose of publishing it is to instigate fear. For publishers, they don't usually need a reason beyond selling papers and advertising, but sometimes it goes deeper.
AdPop said:
I doubt this means anything much. [...] For publishers, they don't usually need a reason beyond selling papers and advertising
I think the key sentence is:
OnlineTimes said:
Military analysts said the disclosure of the plans could be intended to put pressure on Tehran to halt enrichment, cajole America into action or soften up world opinion in advance of an Israeli attack.
The Psychos at Mossad are basically saying to the Psychos at the Pentagon:
"You losers! We gave you 911 and you did get it together to deliver the Middle East to us. Then we showed you we mean business when we massacred Lebanon. If you don't get up your lazy asses yesterday we'll drop the big one."
And that is in the TIMES.

Your right. Probably means nothing.
By the way: Today we enjoyed a wonderful summer day in New York City with temperatures
above 22 degrees Celsius (when it should be -25). ...Probably means nothing either.
<< Probably means nothing either. >>

I wouldn't say that, Fifth Way, unless you were being sarcastic. I'm sure there are plenty who'd love us to believe it means nothing. We had record-breaking temperature in New England today, too. We're supposed to average the lowest temps of the year in January, but it's been mild, and December was the warmest I can recall.

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