REVIEW: Alienshift Website



(Alienshift(dot)com) is a Site that has “everything but the kitchen sinkᾠ in it. I have looked through many sites with this type of format. There seems to be two major types. They both have a page, which is loaded with hyperlinks to other pages. The difference between the two types can be distinguished by surfing through the huge web of hyperlinks. Type 1 leads the reader to an agenda to become a “followerᾠ of the collective consciousness or group. Type 2 is just a ton of new age unconnected info. A good example of the later is [www(dot)bibliotecapleyades(dot)net].

The Aleinshift site was created in 2004 by Saeed "David" FARMAN:

Earth arrival 1955 Tehran, IRAN, July 21st, Leo Cacerian.
Incarnation # 357, Old soul from Atlantis and Egypt, 2 more incarnations remains to finish the cycle of life and death.
U.S citizen, migrated to the USA in 1979.
Business background: 20 years of Computer industry Experience in Sales & Marketing Management.
UFO researcher for well over 20 years.
Research subjects:
Meditation, Sufism ,Spirituality, Remote Viewing, Pyramidology, Mars, Alientology, Future Predictions, Time Travel, Pole shift, etc.

The site agenda emerges after the reader is lead in with:

“ALIENSHIFT is where you can access Information about Aliens, UFOs, Alien Races, their culture, belief system, if they are positive service to all or negative service to self like many humans, their purpose of being here and the spiritual message behind their contactᾠ.

Then it pulls the reader further with the scary stuff about the pole shift, the reptile bad Aliens and the secrets the PTB have been hiding. Then comes all the channeling from the good aliens and what to do. Because:

“ALIENSHIFT is the Connecting point of all missing links in our present time.ᾠ

The bottom line is there are good aliens and we can all be saved by joining the Alienshift group, which is being formed all around the world.

“ALIENSHIFT is an International Organization with different groups and affiliates around the Globe.
Our goal is to make multiple Close Encounters of 5th kinds with the positive service to all Aliens of all
races for possible coloniztion of other planets and or safe lift off and landing during and after the coming Pole Shift.ᾠ

The question remains, who is really behind this? And, after I surfing through the site more, I still am not sure. It is possible that Mr. Farman is alone and not influenced by the usual disinfo crowd. However, I found some familiar nefarious names.

John Lear, Art Bell, Dr. Dan Burisch, Richard Boyland, Alex Collier, Tomas Castello, Branton, etc….

And Mr. Furman’s heros:

Peter Robins, Nick Pope, Paola Harris, Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, Jim Marrs,_Grant Cameron, Paul Davids, Dr. Robert Wood, Dr. Micael Salla, Dr. C. B. Scott Jones (behind Salla), Timothy Good._Front row from the left: Dr. William Birnes, Cheryll Jones, Richard Hoagland, SB, Dr. Thomas Van Flandern, Stanton_Friedman, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, William Hamilton, Ann Druffel and Terry Hansen._Photo courtesy of Heide Wessel

And This:

Cassiopaeans _The Cassiopaeans are supposedly a highly advanced intelligent race of humanoids from the star system of (Cassiopeia. Several New Age groups proclaim to channel these beings via telepathic communications. This is another possibly another race based in more myth than fact. They have be described as beings of light, beings with halos or appearing in a dimensional energy form surrounded by light. Note: Coming form a former channeling cult I cannot place much stock in depending on channeled information as a source for credible information dealing with entities or aliens.)

In conclusion, the site is very confusing and has many mixed messages. The information, for the most part, may lead people to a path of believing and not doing because they will be ok if they become an Alienshifter. Whatever, that may be. The religious ritual type stuff is obvious, the disinformation is there but not cohesive, the money making is obvious but the real leaders are not. If anyone could research who owns the IP address, we may know more. I joined the forum but it was so nauseating with New Age everything and people that I could hardly read anything.

Final words, Don’t Bother.
Cheers, ljvh
So, it seems Farman could be compared somewhat to Sheldan Nidle in that his sources, whomever they may be, do indeed reveal the controlling oligarchy/plutocracy, potential cataclysms to come, and other versions of probable truths, which lure people who've discovered a little bit. He takes this further than Nidle by admitting to the existence of "bad guy" aliens. Well, at least that opens questions in some minds.

Also like Nidle, he has formed a worldwide organization of followers who want to get in with the "good guy" aliens to save themselves. 3D concerns. Presumably, joining up answers the "what do I do?" question.

Based on his namedropping and hero list, I'd say he's not very discerning about where information comes from, and that appears to be reinforced by the myriad links, mixed messages, and generally scattered and disorganized approach.

Worse yet, he seems so taken by 3D concerns that descriptions of 6D entities get them put into the "mythical" category. This seems odd because his list of research subjects suggests that he should be well aware of the probable nature of 4D, at least. Maybe he just naturally leans more towards "nuts and bolts" theories, or perhaps he's exaggerating his research experience.

Anyway, the extreme non-discernment and unfocused nature of the site suggest that he's doing a good job of adding to the static, confusing issues in minds, creating a powerful distraction. In other words, he may be a "noisemaker." Hey! Over here! Look! Wild and crazy stuff! Get lost in my fascinating and endless maze of unverified data!

Any idea where he gets his personal information? I mean, who told him, "incarnation # 357, Old soul from Atlantis and Egypt, 2 more incarnations remains to finish the cycle of life and death."
Hi AdPop,

This site is a type that we can lump with quite a few others. I like your characterization of New Age distraction and static. The personal info on Farman may have come from a person who channels the entity called Michael. I see you have listed the Michael Teachings to review. I would like to do this because I have had several readings by psychics who say they channel Michael. I have read the books too. Anyway, the Michael Teachings hook many people into a frozen spiritual growth state. I will elaborate in the review.
cheers ljvh
ljvh768, okay, cool. You might to check on other Michaels, too. I think there are a lot of them. My first impulse about different people who claim to be channeling the same entity is that they are channeling (if they actually are) different ones. I remember reading a book Messages from Michael back in the 80s that categorized people's souls by a naming system that was seemingly more complex than the astrological one. I've never seen the like of it since.
If Thomas Castello was really permanently abducted/killed after his interviews (SOME bits and pieces of them are interesting if you read this article _ then he didn`t get killed/abducted for nothing. I am not sure though.
Cassiopaeans _The Cassiopaeans are supposedly a highly advanced intelligent race of humanoids from the star system of (Cassiopeia. Several New Age groups proclaim to channel these beings via telepathic communications. This is another possibly another race based in more myth than fact. They have be described as beings of light, beings with halos or appearing in a dimensional energy form surrounded by light. Note: Coming form a former channeling cult I cannot place much stock in depending on channeled information as a source for credible information dealing with entities or aliens.)
In just five sentences they managed to slip an impressive quantity of misrepresentations :
* the Cs are humanoïd
* the Cs are channeled by several new age groups (according to channelers' claims)
* the Cs are a race
* It's more based on myths than facts
* the Cs are described as beings of lights, beings with halos
* and of course the c... word
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