Review: Dolores Cannon


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
-- What is the channeling method (conscious, light trance, unconscious trance, automatic writing/typing, spirit board, pendulum, alone, with a group, etc.)?
Hypnosis of a subject who then makes contact with and relays a message from some dead person or entity.
-- What is the format? Is it question-and-answer from the channel or an audience, or is the channel simply taking dictation?
Looks to be a question and answer format. She asks the person under hypnosis a question and the person will confer with the entity and then give an answer, which she writes down. Sometimes the entity gives information without a question.
-- How long has the channel been doing it, how did they start, do they channel multiple entities?
The channel, she wouldn't call herself a channel - see video link below, has been doing it since the late 70s - early 80's.

Her first entity came through as she was performing past life regression on a person and eventually identified himself as Nostradamus, who said that she must pass this new and correct interpretation of Nostradamus' quatrains to the world because big changes where coming. Later entities came through patients which relayed information about a past life (such as being around Jesus). Then she started having entities make contact who said they were aliens. Now 'light beings' are who she is communicating with through patients. What is interesting and was mentioned about the Nostradamus entity is that if she switches the patient under hypnosis the entity coming through will pick up where they left off without skipping a beat.

-- Does the channel comment on the material, research it, etc.?
Hard to tell. Didn't find any information that she researches and questions what is being said to her. Maybe the research is in her books. Haven't found anything on the web. I think what she terms as 'research' is listening to, recording and reporting what is said. At least that is the impression given in the video interview. The only thing I could find that mentions that she does research is below. One of the blurbs about her book also contains that she does research and appears on many sites that have her book to purchase:
Dolores Cannon is a Past-Life Regressionist and Hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "lost" knowledge. Since 1979, she has regressed and cataloged information gained from hundreds of volunteers. Her books explore several different topics and were written from information obtained through regressive hypnosis, often later verified by her historical research. She travels around the world giving lectures on the interesting information she has obtained.
-- Does the channel sell the material or offer other products or services associated with their channeling ability?
Yes. She sells her books through Ozark Mountain Publishing and teaches her 'style' of hypnosis in short (a couple days) classes. which it seems she owns:
DOLORES CANNON, president of Ozark Mountain Publishing and the author of thirteen books
Ozark Mountain Publishing Owned by Dolores Cannon, author of Conversations with Nostradamus, and other books
She also teaches hypnosis classes, gives lectures on the information given by entities, etc.

-- Are there any other clues that indicate a relationship to or influence by other channels, groups, organizations, etc.?
Not that I found.

Book Authors
-- Don't read it, of course, just look up the book on sites that sell it, see what the descriptions are, look for reviews on the web, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. Basically, find out all you can about the content.
Didn't find much about the content. What is available seems to be the same speil but on a different sites. The only content available on the web is a summary of the main points of the Nostradamus books found at: and a few other sites.

-- What are reviews of their books like? Are there reviews on sites that promote a certain point of view, theory, prophecy, etc.
Reviews are of the type "read this book it will change your life."

-- Do they have a web site? What's on it?
Yes, which doesn't have much information on it other than information for hypnosis classes, upcoming conferences, the books she sells, and some books of other authors.

-- Does the person appear to be a serious researcher or just a promoter of some point of view?
She appears to basically record the information given by entities and then passes it along in her books and lectures about what the entities are saying. Can't tell if she does any research besides this without actually looking at one of her recent books.

All Web Sites
-- Are there links on the site to other known people or groups? Who? She does a weekly radio program on this site. You have to pay to have access. Founder, Harold McCoy, is a retired Military intelligence officer who has government funding for research.
Harold McCoy and one of our on staff healers, Rebecca Buchanan, were recently involved in a study to determine the effects of remote healing on brain tumors. This study is being conducted by the Complimentary Medical Research Institute, California Pacific Medical Center, and is being funded by the National Institutes of Health.
-- Does there appear to be an organization behind the site?
Not that I can discern.

-- What is the central message(s), if any? This will usually be repeated often.
Quoted below says a lot about her current perspective which is reiterated in more detail in the video found at The video also provides the best information I could find on the net about how her channeling came to be and what has happened since it started. Paraphrasing what she is saying about aliens and the future (found near the end of the video):
ETs here to help us. Helping us evolve. They are not negative Some people are pessimistic and question this. The ETs follow and respect Free will, but will standoff and not do anything until humans cause things, such as atomic war or environmental destruction, that approaches the point of no return. Then if the earth can't be saved the ET's will work to save and move some humans to another planet, that is being prepared by the ETs. Abductions are being done to gather material to seed this new planet and to ultimately keep the human race from going extinct.
News from Dolores

Dolores Cannon has been a psychic researcher and regressionist for thirty years, and accesses what she calls Universal Knowledge through her clients in the somnambulistic trance state. She has learned that there is no time. Time is simultaneous. Spacecrafts are powered by mind power and frequency is the fuel.

She says the crop circles are symbols which contain blocks of information, and that this information is downloaded into the mind for the New Earth. In addition, people are receiving symbols in their heads, which are all unique, which contain bodies of information.

ET’s are healing tens of thousands of people around the world. They are extending our life spans by changing the DNA. Scientists say that some of our genes cannot be deciphered for purpose, but the ET’s say that these genes are for psychic ability. This power will return to us, and we will go into fourteen-strand DNA.

The entire planet will shift into a new dimension. The Mayans shifted en masse to another dimension and their calendar showed 2012 as the time of the next shift. Catastrophic changes are happening to the Old Earth, not the New Earth. Those who are left behind in the Old Earth will have negative Karma to work out. When you make the shift, you will be put into suspended animation and won’t know you have shifted.
Review: Doloros Cannon

Dolores said:
ETs here to help us. Helping us evolve. They are not negative. ... ET’s are healing tens of thousands of people around the world. They are extending our life spans by changing the DNA. Scientists say that some of our genes cannot be deciphered for purpose, but the ET’s say that these genes are for psychic ability.
ozarkmt said: Founder, Harold McCoy, is a retired Military intelligence officer who has government funding for research.
Gee - how 'odd' - wonder if there is a connection? (of course, if it were really relevant, they would probably hide his military background - or maybe not if they think it provides 'authenticity' to the sleeping masses.) :/
Review: Doloros Cannon

OK, so anart has recapitulated the juicy bit -- the actual conclusions or at least message that Dolores Cannon is reporting/promoting. It is very much aligned with the Quinsey/Nidle/OpTerra, etc. stuff. That is, ET saviors will swoop in and rescue us if the local human "bad guys" decide to try to destroy the world. This is an exploitation of the caveats that Ra gave along with its "all is allowed in a free will zone" message. These ETs apparently want us to believe that not only is not all allowed, but that we don't even have to worry about a thing.

The military-intelligence guy trusted with gov't funding for research is certainly going to put out the message that the PTB wants, and this is it: stay calm, keep order, everything's just fine, leave it all to Mom and Dad, go back to sleep.
Re: Review: Doloros Cannon

I disagree with your assessment. Have you read any of her books? She acknowledges their are negative ET's and that there are positive ET. Her view is that if this planet is going to evolve to 4D it has to be an inside job.
Re: Review: Doloros Cannon

Cecilfb4 said:
I disagree with your assessment. Have you read any of her books? She acknowledges their are negative ET's and that there are positive ET. Her view is that if this planet is going to evolve to 4D it has to be an inside job.

Yes, but are the Grays not the "positive" ETs feeding her her info?
The following is quoted from David Pinchbeck "2012, the return of Quetzalcoatl":
He attended a cropcircle conference in Glastonbury where Cannon was speaking.

She asserted that the "Custodians" were responsible for all the cropcircle formations.
According to Cannon ET was only interested in our welfare.

This is the most interesting part:

Pinchbeck writes: "Cannon spoke in a lulling monotone. Her flat vocal style seemed a product of her
hypnotherapy training and it had a numbing effect on her listeners - at least iy did on me. Cannon spoke, I became increasingly aware of something unusual in the room....
it seemed I could sense the entities she was discussing, hovering in the air above us. ...
my intuition was that those entities were probing... looking for entry points, seeking to fasten onto the
listeners, like mind parasites. ... I shivered.. recalling a quote from St. Paul: "For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood..... but agains the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".
:) Something new from Dolores

She said she is talking to Nostradamus, whooo :lol:

Past-life regressionist Dolores Cannon discussed her recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge." She said she's developed her own hypnosis technique-- taking clients into the deepest level of trance-- into a kind of "universal consciousness." During this state, she gleans information from them about their past lives, ETs, and the metaphysical realms.

"Everything has consciousness," and people have lived previous lives vibrating at different frequencies as plants, rocks, and even air, she declared. The ETs involved in alien abductions are among the "archaic ones" who created mankind-- "they're monitoring humans over health and environmental concerns, Cannon said. Their original plan was to create a perfect species who could live forever, without disease, but a meteor hit Earth bringing bacteria and illness, she noted.

The ETs built underground cities deep below the earth, connected by tunnels, with the entrances underneath pyramids, Cannon continued. She also spoke about 2012 in terms of being a dimensional shift into "the New Earth," and touched on her work with Nostradamus. She believes she communicated across time with the great seer, who told her the future is not set in stone, but there are certain "nexus points" (an event or personality) that have to happen.
Kaigen said:
She said she is talking to Nostradamus, whooo :lol:

It is mentioned that, in the first post here, her first entity was Nostradamus and his purpose was that she "must pass this new and correct interpretation of Nostradamus' quatrains to the world because big changes were coming." That resulted in her writing Conversations with Nostradamus volumes, which I found to be a very interesting reading, especially about the comets. But, then later, she got screwed happily by the Greys.
I've also read parts of the Nostradamus books, but found that it became progressively more unfocused and subjective and didn't finish it/them. I also read Jesus and the Essenes and another book about an old hunter/gatherer and found it mildly interesting in places. To me it seemed to be middle-of-the-road newage writing.
Hi Zadius, just curious, what was interesting regarding Nostradamus and comets?

Also, what's that mean, "screwed happily by the Greys?" Thanks.
PopHistorian said:
Hi Zadius, just curious, what was interesting regarding Nostradamus and comets?

I don't have the books on hand, but when I read them back some four years ago (as well conversation with AI then), as I recall, there were mentions of a group of comets being a huge event for humanity in the volumes.

PopHistorian said:
Also, what's that mean, "screwed happily by the Greys?" Thanks.

I meant that as swindled in a deceptive sense by the Greys/ETs after her writing the books with Nostradamus.
What some of you think you know of Dolores Cannon can fill a thimble. You mention the Nostradamus series of books that she published over twenty years ago. Why don't you pick up some of her recent books. Her Convoluted Universe (1-4) are all excellent reads, all over 600 pages of therapy sessions with her clients. Her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) is a break through in personal and planetary healing. I welcome any intelligent questions after you read her recent books anything thing else is conjecture.
Fastwalker said:
What some of you think you know of Dolores Cannon can fill a thimble. You mention the Nostradamus series of books that she published over twenty years ago. Why don't you pick up some of her recent books. Her Convoluted Universe (1-4) are all excellent reads, all over 600 pages of therapy sessions with her clients. Her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) is a break through in personal and planetary healing. I welcome any intelligent questions after you read her recent books anything thing else is conjecture.

Being rude and insulting is against forum guidelines. Perhaps you should spend your time on the Dolores Cannon forum if there is one?
A surprising little video - I stumbled across it on my YouTube feed and watched expecting a whole lot of new age bla-bla only to be pleasantly surprised. Hitherto I was completely unaware of the work of Dolores Cannon and I don't know how indicative this is of her overall message. However, other than delineating 4th Density as 5th Dimensional, and a couple of very minor other issues, this could have been made as a response by us to the C's information. I think this is the first time I've come across an alternative public source that comes as close to the particularities of the C's message regarding an impending transition to a 'new earth' and the necessary alignment of frequency vibrations. Worth a few minutes of your time.

The following is quoted from David Pinchbeck "2012, the return of Quetzalcoatl":
He attended a cropcircle conference in Glastonbury where Cannon was speaking.

She asserted that the "Custodians" were responsible for all the cropcircle formations.
According to Cannon ET was only interested in our welfare.

This is the most interesting part:

Pinchbeck writes: "Cannon spoke in a lulling monotone. Her flat vocal style seemed a product of her
hypnotherapy training and it had a numbing effect on her listeners - at least iy did on me. Cannon spoke, I became increasingly aware of something unusual in the room....
it seemed I could sense the entities she was discussing, hovering in the air above us. ...
my intuition was that those entities were probing... looking for entry points, seeking to fasten onto the
listeners, like mind parasites. ... I shivered.. recalling a quote from St. Paul: "For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood..... but agains the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".
... makes me think of the vampires who gave us their minds as quoted by castaneda...
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