Review: Excerpts from the Book of Heru


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
I decided to have a look at this material as suggested by AdPop here:
I think the following quotes sum it up nicely.
From _

Karen Kirschbaum said:
… The purpose of this communication at this time is to conclude The Return of Light. I have been a long time in coming to this conclusion, but this venture was deeply flawed from its start and inevitably ended in failure. … The bottom line is that we got hold of the wrong Heru - an imposter. … Channeling, in general, is somewhat tricky. It takes a lot of discernment on the part of both the channeler and the reader … I recommend that you discard the books and do whatever it takes to deprogram yourself from all of this. …
This material pretty much speaks for itself, lots of red flags. Starts out with lots of praise for the reader and promises of redemption. Shades of Christianity.
I did some searching for more of these channelings (printed online) but have had no luck up to this point.
From _

excerpts said:
… I personally, along with others, was involved in the creation of this universe, the creation of this planet and the creation of many of the souls who inhabit this planet. So I am father, uncle and great uncle to many of you. And I would like to reclaim my own —to lift up, embrace and heal my children. …

Though some of you may at this point be heartsick, weary, soul-fatigued and damaged, you have been successful. You are the Great Heroes. There is no medal or commendation that could honor you enough. Please take this deep within your heart: that each and every one of you who has held onto even a speck of Light, even a particle of integrity, have been victorious. The promise of restoration and restitution is at hand and the time that you will actually be able to see this is very near. …

But now that we are at the turning of the tide, we can express to you simultaneously both the harsh danger we have all been in and the rescue that is at hand. …

Beloved reader, I call you forth to stand in front of myself and in front of Prime Creator; to hold forth your genuine heart and receive within it my blessing, my love, my acknowledgement of your tribulations and your ultimate triumph. I add that the same is extended from Prime Creator. I fill your heart with a golden transforming love that is the promise of full redemption, and I ask that you receive this and let it grow. …

Here, seen through the eyes of a mighty cosmic being, is a vision of reality never before offered to humanity.
The original blueprint of humanity, its degradation at the hands of the fallen and its imminent restoration.
The arrival of vast armies of Light as the arm of direct intervention from Prime Creator.
The advent of the Omniversal Energy, the transformational “finger of God” in our lives and in every atom of Creation.
The breakdown of the frequency barriers which have kept our world dark and isolated.
Planetary Ascension and healing, the fulfillment of Earth’s critical role in our universe.
The coming reunion of twin flames and soul families.
The true origins and purpose of the Light workers on Earth.
Spiritual technologies for manifestation, healing and Ascension.
Ground-breaking, profound, and deeply compassionate, The Return of Light takes us on an uncompromising journey: from memories of primordial paradise, through a descent into loss and terror, and finally to the utter certainty of restoration and redemption. What awaits us all is beyond our wildest dreams. …
More of the same and a vague description of an undefined “darkness”.

excerpts said:
Please tell us about the nature of Prime Creator; about who and what Creator is, from your own knowledge and experience.
My eyes may see what yours do not, and that is the direct vision of the wondrous nature of our beloved Creator. This is a being without beginning or end, formless and yet formed at the same time, wondrous to look upon, brighter than all of the suns put together. And not only the brightness but the purity of that Light is incredible to behold. Out of Creator streams limitless Light, streams infinite energy, streams the very space upon which matter hangs. That space is the thought projection of Prime Creator; and so Creator, being infinite, has created infinite space. …

Heru, if Prime Creator made and designed this Creation to be one of joy, harmony and perfection, what happened?
Approximately 1.3 billion years ago in your time, there was an invasion which occurred in a universe near this one —an invasion of darkness. What we will call darkness, for the purpose of these discussions, is a non-souled, non-living substance, antithetical in structure to the basic life inherent in every atom of Creation. It is not known where it comes from, or who or what designed it. It has the tendency to permeate anything that it touches, though some beings have been able to resist it, at least in maintaining the purity of their spirit. …

[Elora]: We have seen how our Creation was invaded by an alien darkness against which it had no defenses. Heru has explained that angels, Ascended Masters, Creator Gods, and other beings who were created in Light have had to stand against darkness in order to prevent the fallen universes from collapsing entirely. None of the beings in this Creation were made to be warriors. When it was finally seen that the dark invaders were both soulless and unredeemable, our Creator formed an entirely new Creation. From this Creation were born the beings whom we call Light Warriors. Light Warriors are created for one purpose only —to eradicate darkness in all its manifestations. They traveled to our universe hidden and cloaked in the Omniversal Energy. On August 12, 2004, Heru told us that the uncloaking had begun.
Heru stated that the Light Warriors were beginning to uncloak themselves all over our universe and throughout the fallen quadrant of our Creation. “They are beyond count,” he said, “and they are more than sufficient to do the job.” He stated that it would take about two years (from the summer of 2004) to win the battle for Earth. This time frame corresponds with statements made by other channels, although none that I know of have spoken of the existence of the Light Warriors. When we asked why it would take that long, he replied that it takes time for humans to change. …
Apparently we have nothing to do but sit back and wait for our saviors.

excerpts said:
In terms of our lifetime, how can we contribute to this healing? Is that part of our task?
Much of what humanity has labeled tests and lessons from God or from higher levels, are in fact not something that was created by Prime Creator but are the result of living in a fallen universe. Many of the trials and tribulations in each person’s history have nothing to do with evolution, and have only to do with being imprisoned in this gloomy place. For even though you yourself do not have shackles around your ankles, and you do not live in a prison with walls, this whole planet has been imprisoned and this universe has been imprisoned.
Therefore I would have you redefine your evolution and your self worth in that manner. I would also have you rejoice in the fact that the one and only test, if you would call it that, has been your commitment and adherence to the principles of Light. It is miraculous in each and every being that has held to the Light; it is a miracle to rejoice at. As far as jobs go, that really was the only job that mattered. Each of you came to this universe with a task in mind to do, but could not complete that task due to the nature of the dark. Therefore, remaining in your soul is that longing to do service. That was what brought you here, and that is what has been frustrated in not being fulfilled. But the greatest work that you did was to hold enough Light so that this planet could be saved and to hold enough so that this universe can be saved.
Now that the Light Warriors have been released, by and large that work is complete. Therefore I would have you protect yourself, remain in a safe place, and await with joy the coming influx of the multitude of beings from the other universes who have awaited all these eons to be able to help in healing. They will be here within your lifetime. And they will bring you to the better part of a whole place, so that when you drop your body and your twin soul drops his body and you are reunited, it will be a union of harmony and Light. …
After this they proceed to describe some meditation techniques, of which I am hardly an authority, so I left it out of this posting. I may revisit it after I have educated myself more on that topic. Apparently you can use these meditations to enter Heru’s world.
Next they delve into a little YCYOR

excerpts said:
Would you please speak about the process of manifesting in your world?
The best way would be to have a clear intent before going in, perhaps one issue, idea, or desire per session. That would be easier than coming in with a whole list. State your intention as clearly as you can within the Void, and that is sufficient.
Should it be repeated, condensing it into a point? I noticed you are doing that with an intention I stated.
I will do that if the issue or idea is not sufficiently concentrated. The more emotion behind your manifestation—and I mean this in the sense of a true emotion, not as in “being emotional”—and the more concentrated the intent is, the more powerful the manifestation. So if somebody comes in with an idea that they have, which takes them a paragraph to state, I will work them into that fine concentrated point for it to have greater power. [Perhaps that would also work well with something that is a bit abstract.] Yes, and for that type of issue this is a very effective way to do it.
How about visualization?
This can be done also. For each person it will be somewhat different, and for each issue it will be somewhat different, so a great variety of things can be experienced in there. …

Unless I've been mistaken, Heru, you have appeared the last two times I've been in your world, and you helped me somewhat with my creations. Is that true?
Yes. That is part of this process; I am very active in the Void being a Creator God. And this will teach people the ability to truly consciously co-create their reality.
Please tell us why something we create in the void doesn't manifest in the physical, and what we can do to change that.
Remember that you are living in a world with tremendous amounts of interference. And so with that premise, it is not always going to be successful. All I can say to that is to work at finding interference, clearing interference, and then trying again. [What types of interference should we look for?] Interference manifests on every level. It is dark beings, it is unconscious thought, it is the dark, it is everywhere. It does include any self sabotaging, subconscious thought forms. And just remember that the dark beings cloak themselves and travel on many dimensions, and are many shapes and sizes.
I have been feeling the created thought as being in the present, while in low alpha, with emotion, and trying to do this every day. You said there were other ways of doing it. What are they?
Emotion is definitely a very powerful component to this, and it is my feeling that heart centered emotion and heart felt emotion give weight and power to the creation. What I’m going to give you is more of an allegory than an actual step-by-step procedure. Take the longing for this creation, for what you are creating, and really identify that longing. Place it in a chalice, a very pure vessel, and offer it up to the Creator—and then ask for it back again. For this longing has great power, but it is when we offer it up to the highest good that it then becomes something pure and not conflicted. However you would want to stage that procedure would be fine; it is the intent or the heart of it that is important. …
Looks like Karen was using channelings (dated in 2005) to sell her line of products. Taken from _ and _
about the products:
Both the music and the ReJuva essence are imbued with multiple layers of vibrations set to unfold a person into both the ascension process and the process of becoming full multi-dimensional humans. Its highest intended goal is the restoration of the perfected human in our infinite multi capabilities, which includes the rejuvenation of the physical body.
Karen and Elora had a couple of business ventures, Cosmic Essences and The Green Willow Tree.
All of this is dated prior to Karen deciding to discontinue the channeling project, but it is unclear if she will continue with the business.
Found another short channeling from Kirschbaum here: _
Pretty amusing bit of disinfo OSIT.

You stated earlier that the negative ET’s, such as the Greys and the Dracos, are races created by fallen Creator Gods. We know that the Greys in particular have been responsible for millions of abductions of humans who were used in their genetics programs. What is the current status of the negative ET’s? Have most of them been captured?

Yes, I would say upwards of 80% of them have been captured. It has not been formulated what would be done with them, so they are being held in an area. Work is being done, negotiations are being made and some experiments are being done on whether it is possible to uplift their vibration to where they are able to be integrated into the rest of the fallen sector as it returns to light.
I have heard a good deal about the underground bases on Earth, such as those in the vicinity of Dulce, New Mexico. It is believed that these bases are staffed by beings such as the Greys, Dracos, and other negative ET’s, and run by them in conjunction with the Illuminati. There are people who have gone into these bases and lived to tell—and they have seen these ET’s present in dense physical form. What is the status of the underground bases at the present time?

They are still intact; the ET’s that are there have not been captured. Of those who have left there to travel outside the earth’s atmosphere, many of them have been captured. So they are in a hunker down mode, trying to stay sheltered from the light beings. Also one thing that has happened is the communication and flow of supplies and so on to the bases has been cut off. The beings there are isolated and in a state of fear and panic—they know that their days are numbered.
You stated earlier that the negative ET’s, such as the Greys and the Dracos, are races created by fallen Creator Gods. We know that the Greys in particular have been responsible for millions of abductions of humans who were used in their genetics programs. What is the current status of the negative ET’s? Have most of them been captured?

Yes, I would say upwards of 80% of them have been captured. It has not been formulated what would be done with them, so they are being held in an area. Work is being done, negotiations are being made and some experiments are being done on whether it is possible to uplift their vibration to where they are able to be integrated into the rest of the fallen sector as it returns to light.
80% captured!!! And those wonderful lightworkers are negotiating and/or experimenting to see whether it's possible to uplift the negative ET's vibrations so that the negative ones can return and/or be integrated into the light! Wow!!! We can all go back to sleep now. Mundane things like universal free will and attempts to control (ie: "uplift their vibration") a being's inclinations are not a problem cause it's "the lightworkers" who are on the job.

Sigh. Wishful thinking a la the "savior(s) is a comin to the rescue" will getcha every time.

EDIT: Oh, and thanks, Rhansen, for wading through this book. :)
Those Lightworkers are like superheroes, eh? They never fail. Remember, Karen is the one who said that an "imposter" Heru took over her contact without her notice and went on to ruin a bunch of lives. Then she renounced the whole Heru thing -- one of the few channelers I've heard be so bold about making a grave error of discernment.
Yeah, most of the sites I looked at had direct links to returnoflight, where her renunciation of the project is posted. Doesn't look like she's trying to hide anything.
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