Review : Orin and Daben Website


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
The "Orin and Daben" Website ( displays channeled material about wealth, health, love,...

Different products can be bought from the site (audio, books, seminaries access,...)
Adpop said:
What is the channeling method?
Conscious channeling. No support (crystal ball Ouija board) seems to be used.

Adpop said:
What is the format ? Is it question-and-answer from the channel or an audience, or is the channel simply taking dictation? ?
Recording the channeled dictated material

Adpop said:
How long has the channel been doing it, how did they start, do they channel multiple entities?
The female channel, Sanaya Roman, has been channelling the "gentle and wise spirit teacher Orin" for over 25 years

The male channel, Duane Packer, has been channeling the "guide DaBen, a scientific and healing entity" but as far as I know the duration of the interaction is not specified.

Altogether two entities are being channelled : Orin and Daben

Adpop said:
Does the channel comment on the material, research it, etc.?
Sanaya and Duane don't seem to research the channeled material. In the website most of the material seems to be the dictation of Orin and Daben
Adpop said:
Does the channel sell the material or offer other products or services associated with their channeling ability?
The material is mostly sold. In the website, you can get some summaries and meditation exercices for free. You can also ask for light (it can be handy if you have lost your matches) Audios, books, seminaries access are for sale.

Adpop said:
Are there any other clues that indicate a relationship to or influence by other channels, groups, organizations, etc.?
I didn't find any

Adpop said:
6 books for sale
Publisher is HJ Kramer Inc
Books reviews are made by the authors, they include summaries and table of content.
The channelers have their own website (see address above)

Adpop said:
Does the person appear to be a serious researcher or just a promoter of some point of view?
No research is mentioned

Adpop said:
Are there links on the site to other known people or groups? Who?
No links found

Adpop said:
Does there appear to be an organization behind the site?
Luminescence production

Adpop said:
What is the central message(s), if any? .
Sending light, developing your higher body, seeing the light around you, finding your guide,…

Adpop said:
Does the material agree in large part with the work of known others?
It seems to be in accordance with the message delivered by most new age authors : you create your own reality, make money while doing what you love,…

Adpop said:
Does it suggest that you actually DO something (particularly with channeled messages)? What?
Yes, buy it
Adpop said:
Are there comments on current or recent events?

Adpop said:
Are there specific predictions of the future events (and are any kind of dates given)?
No specifis prediction, no date given.

Well one short quotation from the "creating your own money" program :

orinanddaben said:
Receiving and Radiating Love, you will call upon the Great Ones in a celebration of love. You will draw their love into your heart center and become a beacon of love for humanity
So, Axel_Dunor, it sounds like these folks are focused on offering people ways to feel better, physically or mentally. In other words, serving entirely 3D concerns. Self-help, by "spiritual" means. If so, this might be, basically, the kind of thing that others, using entirely different terminology, might call magic?
AdPop said:
So, Axel_Dunor, it sounds like these folks are focused on offering people ways to feel better, physically or mentally. In other words, serving entirely 3D concerns.
Yes since they provide technics helping to get money (that can be considered as a major 3D concern) however they also insist on developing the higher self, developing the light body, contacting divine self, things that could be considered as transcending 3D concerns.

AdPop said:
Self-help, by "spiritual" means. If so, this might be, basically, the kind of thing that others, using entirely different terminology, might call magic?
It's difficult to say because the means (the technics) are not precisely described in the website, to get this knowledge you have to spend money in order to get the books, audios and conferences accesses. It's worth it since the technics will help you get much more money ;)

In my previous post I stated that Orin and Daben don't mention prophecies. After a closer look at their site I noticed this page about prophecies http:(doubleslash) (mostly focusing on the 2012 date and what might occur). Here's an excerpt summarizing their point of view :

Orin and Daben said:
DaBen and I do not see cataclysmic
earth changes on a global scale.

There will most likely be a continuance of the kinds of weather patterns, hurricanes, floods, droughts, volcanoes, and earthquakes that you have already been experiencing. We see an increase in the earth's activity, and continued dramatic weather patterns in some locations for the next ten or twenty years. This will be followed by a quieter period of earth activity.

The pole shift will hardly be noticed on the physical plane when it comes. It will open doorways into higher dimensions. You will be able to stay in higher states of love and flow more easily and often, for it will point humanity toward spirit, toward the Divine Self, and away from a consciousness based in matter. It will gradually lessen the pull of the material world, and strengthen your connection to the spiritual world. With this new direction, many more people will turn toward the light.
Well I have read one of their books (Opening To Channel: How to Connect With Your Guide). I came across it while looking for books to read in the Uni library.

Before reading a book I will look at what other books the author has written, and I did notice the one called "Creating Money: The Keys to Abundance". Such a title would normally put me off entirely had it not been for the fact that flicking through and reading some of the material it did seem to be of a "higher nature".

Sanaya first made contact with Orin through the ouija board after reading the Seth books and discussing them together with friends. After, or rather during, an automobile accident she felt a shift within her and was later able to channel Orin through her voice.
Duane’s first experience with DaBen came through bodywork. He found himself performing techniques “that didn’t stem from any previous training or knowledge, and these movements or techniques produced amazing results.”

He says
“The sense of a presence nearby was growing stronger when I worked, but I rejected the ideas of guides and psychic healing because they didn’t fit in with my scientific training. Being the scientist, I began methodically researching every bodywork technique I could find – from Eastern approaches such as acupressure and related disciplines to Western approaches such as deep tissue, kinesiology, sports performance, movement study, and a plethora of other bodywork styles and techniques.”

Duane met Sanaya through a friend who went to her for a reading. He also had some experiences where he could see/sense the energy bodies around people and by tuning in to his own body he could work out how to heal certain injuries.
“As I continued working with Sanaya, I noticed a shift in her energy and aura when she channelled. I also realized that Orin’s love and wise perspective exceeded that of any human being I was aware of. So I found myself faced with many contradictions between what I believed and what was occurring before my eyes.”

For What Purpose?:
"Orin began to tell us what was coming for mankind, going on for some time about the changes in the galaxy, the universe, and the energies that were affecting earth… They explained that humanity’s spiritual self was awakening, which would result in an accelerated desire for evolution and spiritual growth. They told us that people would need guidance not only to assist with their spiritual opening, but also to understand and use the new energies that were becoming available. A “spiritual shimmer” was being activated in humanity’s aura. The ability to reach high levels of consciousness and find enlightenment was becoming possible for more people.

Orin and DaBen felt that channelling – connecting with a high level guide or their higher selves and bringing through verbal information – would be one of the keys to assist people as they opened up spiritually… They told us that the theme of the coming age would be personal empowerment and direct experience. People would learn to trust their inner guidance, and find their teachers coming from within, self-generated and self-taught, rather than from without. DaBen and Orin wanted to make sure that people who were opening to channel a guide were assisted in connecting with high-level guides, that they learned to recognize high guidance, and that they used their channels for spiritual purposes.

They seem to use the term 'High level guide', but also mention this includes (but is not limited to) your higher self.

“High-level guides neither frighten you nor build up your ego. They do not flatter, although they will applaud your progress. They create a sense of expanded awareness and greater inner vision. They encourage you to use your own wisdom and discernment rather than blindly follow anything you are told. They never tell you that you “have to” do something or attempt to determine a direct outcome in your personal life. They support and encourage you to develop and use your inner strengths and deeper wisdom. They will encourage you not to give your power to them. High-level guides are often humble, and acknowledge that their truth is not the only truth. They may make strong suggestions and assist you in making your own choices. High-level guides may point out something that is not working in your life, but they will do so in such a way that will make you feel empowered and strong.”

“They are careful not to take away your lessons. If you are headed towards something that will teach you a valuable, but difficult, lesson, they may show you more joyful ways to learn the same thing. However if you persist in the original way they will not stop you. It is up to you to choose joy, but if you learn best through pain and struggle high guides will not take them away.”

“Channeling will not solve all of your problems. It will only change you in ways you want to change yourself. You are the ones who will make use of the words of wisdom. You are the ones who will take action, get the work done and out to the world. You will still be responsible for your life. Channeling is not a cure-all, or an end-all. Channeling as we have said, simply accelerates your growth opportunities and lessons. You may find yourself re-experiencing and finally clearing up many of the old issues in your life. Although some of these experiences may not be comfortable at first, they will ultimately result in greater joy and power.”

Personally I found the book(Opening To Channel) worthwhile reading. I can't comment on later work or the website but in this book Orin and Daben seemed to focus on spiritual growth and expanding ones awareness, and has some useful information especially for those wanting to use the Ouija board.
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