

The website is run by Allisone Heartsong, who supposedly at some point channeled St Germain, arch Gabriel

He also draws heavily from
Mike Quinsey (St Germain, ),

Eterna (Sananda and Maitreya, www.revelations.or/g),

Karen Cook (arch Gabriel,

Dr. Heartsong appears to be a hypnotherapist, practicing in California. He (and I think it’s a He, judging from the picture here: http:(//) ) is a liberal activist (see signed petition http:(//), and also writes on conspiracy-related issues (http:(//) The channeler Eterna resided at some point somewhere close to Dr. Heartsong, and they talked personally – she has since moved. He talks to other people above over the phone or on seminars, or so it seems. Here (http:(//) is how he came to be interested in this planetary ascension thing.

-- What is the channeling method (conscious, light trance, unconscious trance, automatic writing/typing, spirit board, pendulum, alone, with a group, etc.)?

For the chanellers, trance, probably unconscious in most cases (Karen Cook is a ‘full-body’ channel).

-- What is the format? Is it question-and-answer from the channel or an audience, or is the channel simply taking dictation?

Questions from Heartsong/ answers from the entity. But often Heartsong simply relates other people’s info.

-- How long has the channel been doing it, how did they start, do they channel multiple entities?

In October of 1982, during a deep-trance session which I was facilitating for one of my clients, Archangel Gabriel spoke through my client's vocal cords and informed me that Planet Earth was about to undergo an unprecedented process of planetary transformation which would begin in 1987.


In August of 1987, during the week of Harmonic Convergence, the I AM Presence of the ascended master Saint Germain, speaking through his dedicated full-body channel Azena, gave five public presentations in Mount Shasta, for which I had the honor of making the preliminary arrangements. All five presentations were recorded on audiotape, and key portions of this material were subsequently published by Triad in 1993 as chapters 4 through 6 of Earth's Birth Changes.
Afterwards it looks like there was networking the circles and putting things together for Dr. Heartsong.

-- Does the channel comment on the material, research it, etc.?

Channeled material is presented on the site as is, at times with minimum wishy-washy commentary. The only article by him that's circulating the net (linked to above), puts channeled messages into some prospective, never questionin accuracy and validity, however. There is some putting together of things when it it comes to politics, but there too he often reproduced articles from rense or others.

-- Does the channel sell the material or offer other products or services associated with their channeling ability?

The information on the site is free. The Book of Choices: Keys to Enlightenment is available through Rising Liberty Productions (http:(//), run by Leah Lewis. Lewis acknowledges Heartsong as her spiritual teacher.

-- Are there any other clues that indicate a relationship to or influence by other channels, groups, organizations, etc.?

Planetaryascencion links directly to the websites of the above-mentioned channelers and many ‘alternative news’=COINTELPRO sites such as those of Rense, Alex Jones and David Icke. Fearorlove also links to those sites, and also quotes and acknowledged the politicians Michael Badnarik and George Humphrey.

Book Authors

The book is not available on Amazon. It appears to be published by the Rising Liberty Productions. No reviews are available. The whole setup strikes me as a way to promote a certain point of view and link to certain groups of people, sending the reader on the circle.

Most important:
-- What is the central message(s), if any? This will usually be repeated often.

1) All areas of our lives are being corrupted through deliberate dumbing down, distractions, and control
2) This is a result of a massive conspiracy of Darkworkers who are imposing NWO upon us
3) This however is only to divert out attention from a planetary transformation in progress, during which the whole new planetary conciousness is being born.
4) So, one has to understand that the choice it between unity with the Creator and opposition to him, between love and fear
5) Choosing love means that whatever is opposite and contradictory is actually complementary. One has to embrace both.
6) And – protect yourself from negative energies, stay positive, watch it all unfold, forgive, and enjoy your spirituality :)

-- Does the material agree in large part with the work of known others?

Yes, it draws from Quinsey and other channelers.

It also clearly draws on QFS and SOTT work, without ever acknowledging it.

An attempt is made to tie the New Age paradigms with major current political events. This leads to acknowledgement of the ‘negative’ forces and ‘darkworkers’ to a greater extent than a typical New Age fare usually does. There is also a reading list provided on darkworkers, which includes the whole line-up of the liberal lore and some conspiracy. That includes Chomsky, Chssudovsky, Kaminski, Alex Jones, David Icke etc, and of course nothing from Laura, QFS or SOTT.

Another clue is that Heartsong is fond of throwing around words like ‘psychopathic global elite’, and has a detailed explanation of how psychopaths correspond to darkworkers (all psychopaths are darkworkers, but not all darkworkers are psychopaths).

However, the recommended reading list doesn’t include a single book on psychopathy. Additionally, he says things that show her lack of firm understanding of what psychopathy is, such as:

it is of the utmost importance to understand that there are three distinct stages in the psychological evolution of psychopathic personalities and their paid agents.

Whereas the first stage is characterized by dishonest or mendacious behavior and the second stage is characterized by cruel or sadistic behavior, the third stage is characterized by homicidal or genocidal behavior.

Hence, it is no exaggeration to say that understanding the psychological evolution of the psychopathic personality constitutes the key to understanding the history of humanity in the third dimension of separation consciousness on Planet Earth.
I think that this is not simply due to lack of understanding. Planetaryascension links to a bunch of websites, including those of Ruppert, Rense and Kaminski, but makes no mention of SOTT, the site that elaborated on the connection of global elite to psychopathy better than anybody else. Not mentioning it is likely to be a deliberate exclusion and misinformation.

-- Does it suggest that you actually DO something (particularly with channeled messages)? What?

Forgive the bad guys, stay centered and positive, chill, everything is going to be all right.

This is a good example:

Beloved Friends:

To arrive at a deeper understanding of the key role which George W. Bush plays in regard to the rest of humanity, I invite you to read, study, and contemplate this enlightening article by Paul Levy and then to read, study, and contemplate his pioneering masterpiece, "The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis" (2006).

The key thing for us to understand is that George W. Bush constitutes the quintessential archetype of who we are as human beings in the third dimension of consciousness.

From this it follows that to be in judgment of George W. Bush (as he engages in global war and endless battle with his projected shadow) is to be in judgment of ourselves.

Consequently, if we wish to love ourselves free from this illusory dream-world of separation consciousness, we must make the empowering choice to release our judgments of George W. Bush by practicing unconditional forgiving love even as we call for
the impeachment of both Bush and Cheney.

Once we have learned this crucial lesson by passing this extremely challenging test, which constitutes our final examination prior to
graduation, we will then be in a position to graduate from the third dimension of consciousness (characterized by separation consciousness) to the fourth dimension of consciousness (characterized by unity consciousness) by means of the planetary ascension process that began in 1987 with Harmonic Convergence and will be completed by 2012 in accordance with the divine plan prophesied by the Mayan Calendar.

Thus, forgiving Bush is the quintessential key to liberating ourselves from this third-dimensional dream-world of illusion.
-- Are there comments on current or recent events?

Nothing like a daily news digest or a news site, but some of the most high-profile events are mentioned, sometimes with a smorgasboard of other people’s comments.

-- Are there specific predictions of the future events (and are any kind of dates given)?

Yes, quite a bit from the above channeled sources, and by Allisone himself, e.g.:

Beloved Friends:

At six o'clock this morning, on 10 October 2006, I woke up from what appears to be a prophetic dream portending an imminent
conclusion to the global contest that is now taking place between the civilized love-based lightworkers who have chosen peace
and the uncivilized fear-based darkworkers who have chosen war in this pivotal year of 2006, which constitutes what is destined
to become known as the dividing of the ways.

My prophetic dream is as follows:

I am focusing my attention on the final stage of the global contest between the dark and the light, and at this point I experience that
the light is delivering and the dark is receiving devastating body blows in what seems to be a boxing match.
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