REVIEW: Robert Shapiro/Pathway University


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Channelers: -- What is the channeling method (conscious, light trance, unconscious trance, automatic writing/typing, spirit board, pendulum, alone, with a group, etc.)?
-- What is the format? Is it question-and-answer from the channel or an audience, or is the channel simply taking dictation?
Not sure, appeared to be some Q+A.
-- How long has the channel been doing it, how did they start, do they channel multiple entities?
Claims to have been a "professional trance-channel for over 25 years".
I got into this work because I wanted to leave the world a better place for my having been here. That may sound corny but I know a lot of you feel exactly the same way. Oh I grant a call to Channeling may be out of the ordinary and certainly unconventional, nevertheless it is one of the things I do best and most benevolently.
Yes, he claims to channel multiple entities.
-- Does the channel comment on the material, research it, etc.?
Not that I could find.
-- Does the channel sell the material or offer other products or services associated with their channeling ability?
Books etc...
-- Are there any other clues that indicate a relationship to or influence by other channels, groups, organizations, etc.?
Book Authors -- Don't read it, of course, just look up the book on sites that sell it, see what the descriptions are, look for reviews on the web, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. Basically, find out all you can about the content.

-- Can you tell if they have a "major" publisher?
-- What are reviews of their books like? Are there reviews on sites that promote a certain point of view, theory, prophecy, etc."
Amazon Review of "Shamanic Secrets..."

A very intriguing book of channeled info. Most engaging are the meditations that one can do in hopes of healing the earth and its flora and fauna as well. The author spans the globe, focusing on critical areas such as Lake Titicaca in South America,Hawaii, New Zealand, etc. and gives readings on what healing needs/should be done. I tried a few of the exercises and got some interesting results.
I'd like to see a sequel book on what mudras/ breathing exercises we can do to positively transform the Oval Office, the board room at Monsanto Corporation and Halliburton as well. So if you are reading this Mr. Shapiro-start channeling your spirit guides and get much needed information on how we can accelerate the shift from dark to light.
Jaye Beldo: Netnous@Aol.Com
Book Description
This book explores the heart and soul connection between humans and Mother Earth. Through that intimacy, miracles of healing and expanded awareness can flourish. To heal the planet and be healed as well, we can lovingly extend our energy selves out to the mountains and rivers and intimately bond with Earth. Gestures and vision can activate our hearts to return us to a healthy caring relationship with the land we live on.
-- Do they have a web site? What's on it?
Shapiro has a blog - (http:/)/
Some "red flag" material from his blog, "The Student and the Teacher, Part 1".
Long ago when there were fewer people on the Earth, people then had to live a little bit more by their senses. It is believed these days that people live by their wits but you couldn't live by your intelligence - you see you really couldn't do that then because you would often as a person, be moving from place to place according to how long it could sustain your life and the lives of your family or your clan or your tribe.
So you would move from place to place and therefore you would always be exposed to new plants, different kinds of animals and if you used your intelligence, "I wonder what this means" it would take to long you see. There would be things that could happen quickly. You would have to be able to use your feelings and that's why I talk about that on this site so much.
...Intelligence is a student. Feelings are the teacher.
-- Does the person appear to be a serious researcher or just a promoter of some point of view?
Appears to be more of a promoter.
-- Are there links on the site to other known people or groups? Who?
-- Does there appear to be an organization behind the site?
Most important: -- What is the central message(s), if any? This will usually be repeated often.

This seems to be more of the "you create your own reality", love and light stuff. Focus on your emotions (for guidance), ask "gold lightbeings" for the "most benevolent outcome" of actions/events. Another thing - they make it sound way too easy. Just ask and the lightbeings will provide for your welfare.
-- Does the material agree in large part with the work of known others?
There were some parallels to SOTT material.
by Speaks of Many Truths and Isis through Robert Shapiro

Welcome. Three things happened yesterday, and I want to know if any of them are accidents or caused by the terrorists? The Russian jet over the Black Sea exploded, seventy-six people on board. The news reports are talking about a Ukrainian training missile, but they say the range is off. Can you say anything about that?

This was caused by a weapon, but it was not a conventional weapon. It appears to be something that is disguised, very carefully disguised.
This represents a clandestine war. There is and has been some suspicion for a while, in various intelligence communities around the world, that a group of individuals is actively operating who are attempting to stimulate a global war, as well as a global crisis. Some of the individuals in these communities feel that the intention is to create a global calamity that will involve literally every continent, although not every country. The scenario, observed by many of these well-established intelligence communities, is that the victims or those suffering are connected with the former and recent global wars. Therefore, it is most important to study who fought who in World War I and, more to the point, World War II. Those who are really behind this intend to create enough crises that they can usurp power. They [the Sinister Secret Government] do not intend to create a negative global government, per se; but they do hope to be able to usurp power, depress the stock market, obtain rights, privileges and authorities that are often obtainable during such crises and then exercise them later in order to influence the population.
Some of the more interesting analyses from intelligence communities, not only in the United States but elsewhere, suggest that it is possible that this represents an attack from an extraterrestrial source. And the possible reason (that has been proffered) is that, for one, the attempt to create suspicion is following closely (along the lines of) World War II enemies and allies. A network that might be extraterrestrial with terrestrial allies might very well try to push buttons, so to speak; not atomic buttons, but buttons of individuals, based upon sensitivities. The U.S. isn’t entirely over its experience with Japan in World War II; Japan isn’t entirely over its experience with the United States in World War II. So countries that need to be observed for victimization and real or possible terrorist acts against them are Japan, the United States, Russia and, of course, Germany.
Now, I do not wish to alarm people, but I feel the citizens of Germany and the German government need to be on very high alert. I am not saying that they have to worry about their current allies or even their past enemies; but the threat will come in a clandestine way from individuals trying to pass themselves off as somebody else—exactly the way the Trade Center disaster and the Pentagon and airline disaster happened to the United States, where there was an attempt to make it clear that the United States was being attacked by their former ally, bin Laden, and generally speaking, Middle Eastern countries with whom the United States has recently had disputes. But look at other things; Tokyo, recently, had the subway gas attack. A direct attack on citizens, again, with a trail apparently leading back to radical elements within their country. But all these are false trails, and there will be a false trail with this Russian disaster. So I want to alert the global community that these trails apparently leading to whoever the country is at odds with, or even criminal elements within the country (where there have been difficulties in the past) will be false, and that the real challenge is not only the sinister secret government, but their allies. The connection was made by utilizing their old time-travel device.
I realize that average citizens will find this all hard to believe; but my message is less for the average citizen—other than to inform people—and more for those who can . . . how can we say, turn over rocks and look in the right places. I feel that one of the better ways to combat these attacks on Earth—and this is the best way to look at it, these are attacks on Earth, and Earth civilizations—is to unite as a global community. It won’t be easy, because every one of these attacks will happen in a way that is easily traced; and that’s the problem, it’s too easily traced. A bone of contention in the intelligence communities has been that it’s obvious who did it. Why is it so obvious? It shouldn’t be that obvious; we shouldn’t be able to find out so quick, you see? Every one of them is caused by these individuals.
This allied connection from the sinister secret government through passage in time is not going back to any government or even past government in the Earth; but far back to a distant circumstance associated with the constellation of Orion. There has been, you understand, no conflict in Orion for thousands of generations; but if you go back far enough, you find conflict. The sinister secret government was able to make the connection with these people, based largely upon their personal contact with individuals from Orion. You will have to at this point, give references to previously published material. [See Shining the Light, Books 1-6 published by Light Technology Publishing]

Right. From their relationships with present-day Orions? That was the connection, you’re saying?

But the present-day Orions would represent what I would call benevolent Orions; however, the SSG [Sinister Secret Government] has been able, through capturing, and detaining a visitor from Orion whom they were able to identify, who is not paying a diplomatic call on them, but to others on Earth. They managed to capture this person, and utilizing their rudimentary time-travel potential, were able to explore this person’s Orion lineage to the past.

That was the SSG’s string to the past belligerent and warring Orions?

That’s the string. And they are using techniques largely associated with disruption of global unification, because if you look at your recent history on Earth, there have been increasingly strong business connections, forming a de facto business global community, which are being strained right now. The sinister secret government felt a distinct threat. They know their days are numbered, and they are fighting. They are using every means at their disposal to keep you all at each other’s throats.
-- Does it suggest that you actually DO something (particularly with channeled messages)? What?
-- Are there comments on current or recent events?
-- Are there specific predictions of the future events (and are any kind of dates given)?
Shapiro says he doesn't like to use exact dates.

Here are some more "red flags" found while researching:


Then you begin to do benevolent magic in one way or another, all geared toward asking for what you want for yourself. You have to start with yourself, you can’t exclude yourself, you can’t say, “What I want for the world.�� You have to say, “Hey, this is what I need, and...�� you apply it to everybody from that point forward. Because you are the foundation. That is the whole structure of material mastery; you cannot be a material-mastery student and exclude yourself.

After your are relaxed, request that gold light beings come and remove the discomforting cords that connect you to all your past discomforts in this life.

Say out loud if possible. I ask gold light beings to disentangle me from my pains and discomforts. If other teachers or guides or lightbeings of other colors want to help, I ask them to assist the gold lightbeings

Now we are entering a new phase of learning how to benevolently create events. Robert Shapiro, in his book, The Council of Creators from the Explorer Race series, channels the following: " . . . seek out more benevolent experiences for yourself. Seek out more benevolent companions and experiences of benevolence for you and your companion or your family or your people."
Around six or seven years ago, I started noticing that benevolent outcomes were mentioned in channelings, and Zoosh, through Robert, also recommends we request benevolent outcomes. I decided to try it out and started to say out loud that I requested a benevolent outcome for almost every physical event that was occurring in my life. Amazingly, everything that happened turned out for the best—including those difficult lessons in life that we have contracted to experience. So before we go too far, I would like for you to say out loud (you can whisper if it would disturb someone or bring unwanted attention), "I request the most benevolent outcome from reading this article." Did you say it? Humor me, and give it a try. Now that you have, does this sound a little "weird" or "funny"? We'll discuss that later. And I will include a discussion I had with Speaks of Many Truths and his teacher, Reveals the Mysteries, Native American shamans channeled by Robert, to better understand how this works.
Not sure the connection between Shapiro and Pathway University but here is some info on them. Looks like more of the above.
Pathway University

page 02 - Philosophy

We are committed to the expansion of the awareness of understanding the natural healing systems and abilities of the human body. Only when a person is capable of blending the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are they maintaining a balanced life of true health. Our courses are designed to incorporate the whole person into rebuilding and maintaining maximum levels of health and healing.
We incorporate the values of faith and spirituality into all levels of the natural health field as well as blending your training with traditional medicine and proven naturopathic techniques. We recognize the importance of the soul in achieving health and the ability to share that wisdom with others. We acknowledge the need for removing physical and spiritual limitations which hinder the proper restoration of the individual's own healing systems.
page 03 - Levite stone treatment

Over 10 years in development and research, the Levite Stone Treatment" is a technique designed to align and reawaken the body's innate healing intelligence, bringing harmony, health and balance; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
page 03 - The masters gatherings

As written of in Brad and Sherry Steiger's book "Mother Mary Speaks to Us," you will become involved in a rare opportunity to experience first hand the Divine energy gifted to us by "The Lady of The Light."Since 1994, she and other Masters have been presenting information through one of our intensively trained channelers.
From that first gathering many people have experienced the healing energy and reported miraculous changes in their lives. At these gatheringsthe Masters offer information on world events with remarkable predictive accuracy and usually will share with each person a brief personal message and healing.
People from all over the world have gathered to hear the informative and inspiring message and have later informed us of the astounding accuracy of their personal message and positive changes in their life. Many have been blessed to capture a photo of "the doorway" (as seen on the left), while others have reported witnessing the sun "spin." These manifestations, as well as the spontaneous appearance of precious stones and anointing oil, have inspired people to open their hearts to the power of love.
Their words touch the heart, inspire the soul and offer understanding of upcoming events and times on our troubled earth
page 08 - Spiritual counseling

Life's Pathway is staffed with some of the most spiritually gifted and world renown Clairvoyants, Tarot Counselors, and Channelers found anywhere.

Trained by internationally recognized Life's Pathway founder, Rev. Marie Trump, our counselors utilize the spiritual aspects as spoken of in Corinthians. Here you will find counselors who assist you upon your spiritual path. Our counselors are trained by Rev. Trump who demands that the power and responsibility of God given gifts is always remembered and that God is recognized as the source of that gift.

At Life's Pathway we emphasize that you, as an individual, have the ability to change the circumstances of your life. We are available for private or phone consultations.
page 11 - Our Belief

It is our belief that each human possess an innate healing intelligence. That force leads us to choices that we empower through our faith. It is our desire to offer services and educate individuals on alternative and natural healing techniques so that they may make wise and empowered decisions. We incorporate healing modalities that, through our research, have proven themselves to assist in awakening that healing intelligence.
Wow, Shapiro seems to present quite a mixed bag.

Hi Rhansen -- thanks for this. Shapiro and Pathway are not connected -- they were meant to be separate searches, separate posts. But, both in one, that's okay.

<< I'd like to see a sequel book on what mudras/ breathing exercises we can do to positively transform the Oval Office, the board room at Monsanto Corporation and Halliburton as well. >>

Well, we certainly see the STS motivation of the reviewer! He wants to change others, not himself. Ego. But I see that reading Shapiro has him thinking that this kind of thing is okay.

<< There is and has been some suspicion ... that a group of individuals is ... attempting to stimulate a global war, as well as a global crisis. >>

No kidding! So, Shapiro and Zoosh (I had read bits of channeled Zoosh before) seem to present a mix of the hard reality that we're imprisoned by an oligarchy and manipulated by them for their benefit, plus some possible technical explanations for mysterious 3D events (secret weapons, time travel), plus a separate/parallel line of self-centered YCYOR meditations, incantations, and rituals (some aimed at changing outward things, some to feel better). And he appears to be entirely non-critical. Does that sound right?

The key to the polarity of Shapiro's source(s) isn't evident in these particular examples. We'd need to find an example of some advice, or replies to questions about what to actually do with all this info. If he's channeling multiple entities, they could very well be mixed in polarity. It bears investigation.

Given the words about secret weapons, an oligarchy with ET allies, and Orions, I think I'm persuaded to look more closely at Shapiro's work if I can at some point. I'm reminded of Tom Kenyon and the Hathors. I'm not suggesting they be compared or that they are of similar quality, just that I am "bugged" in the same way by both works. There is alarming data coming from the source, but the channeler just seems to lie there, not conveying any sense of urgency, and seems almost pre-occupied with self. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the first impression I get. Again, bears deeper investigation.

I'll read the Pathway University section soon. Thanks again.
AdPop said:
Wow, Shapiro seems to present quite a mixed bag.

Hi Rhansen -- thanks for this. Shapiro and Pathway are not connected -- they were meant to be separate searches, separate posts. But, both in one, that's okay.
You're welcome. I'm glad they weren't connected because I wasn't seeing it.
AdPop said:
No kidding! So, Shapiro and Zoosh (I had read bits of channeled Zoosh before) seem to present a mix of the hard reality that we're imprisoned by an oligarchy and manipulated by them for their benefit, plus some possible technical explanations for mysterious 3D events (secret weapons, time travel), plus a separate/parallel line of self-centered YCYOR meditations, incantations, and rituals (some aimed at changing outward things, some to feel better). And he appears to be entirely non-critical. Does that sound right?
That was the impression I got.

AdPop said:
The key to the polarity of Shapiro's source(s) isn't evident in these particular examples. We'd need to find an example of some advice, or replies to questions about what to actually do with all this info. If he's channeling multiple entities, they could very well be mixed in polarity. It bears investigation.
I'll see what I can find.
I found some more of Shapiro's channeling here: (http:/)/
Haven't read all of them yet but this one certainly looks like disinfo.
source (http:/)/

9/11/01: Heroic Acts on Flight 93 Save the White House from Destruction
Thursday, September 13, 2001
Isis, Zoosh and Speaks of Many Truths through Robert Shapiro
11 September 2001 4pm

I do not want any of you to become overly alarmed at this event. It has been predicted gently for many years that such a thing could take place, which would cause the U.S. to cooperate more fully in the establishment of a world government, and probably to lead the way to the establishment of a universal ID, the technology for which is already available, even though it is not quite perfected. So this will cause changes in the U.S., some of them short-term, some more long-term. And it will create for a time a cause for the young people. But cooler heads will prevail.

Within a week or two, in terms of national attention, many people will begin to talk, especially the young people, about forming an alternative method of service that involves cooperation between young people the world round. Email will support this and be the means of communication initially, but it will take over in other ways as well. This terrible tragedy has shocked the U.S. but know that there will be other attempts at warfare. It is not likely that the U.S. will engage in warfare with another country but there will be restrictions, especially for certain people, which may be unfortunate since they are not really at fault. So the best that you can do is to throw flower petals on the water rather than oil. What I mean is this—encourage your friends and acquaintances to do the love-heat exercise and the disentanglement.

It is not about blaming right now, it is about people becoming alert to the needs of people globally. It is not possible anymore to ignore anyone’s suffering. There are some ancient cultures in which, when any one of the people is suffering, everyone helps them, even if that suffering is self-destructive. So it is a clarion call for people globally to come to the assistance of each other, in the best way you can offer.

The real meaning of this tragedy, when you look past the ghastly aspects of it, is that it is no longer possible to ignore people who are suffering, because with today’s complex technology, they will find a way. And that way will often be to strike back at people who they think are their enemy, even though their actual enemy is that they have been unheard, and their value has not been appreciated. I am not saying that the people who have done this terrible thing are good people, but I am saying that given the nature of humanity as you exist now, it is in your nature to ignore your own pain until it commands your attention. Think about that. How often so many of you do that - maybe you take an aspirin—you don’t go to see the doctor unless it is an emergency. That is a direct analogy, you see, to how the members of your world have been treating each other. If you ignore your own pain, how easy it is to ignore the pain of others.
A society, such as the United States especially, has the capacity and the wealth to take care of its members, its citizens, and all of their discomforts and, in time, this will be done. But it must be done globally as well. So in the future I would like to give this homework to each and every one of you. Don’t ignore your own pain. Practice this for the next few weeks. If you would, when you notice that you have some discomfort in some part of your body, if you can, touch that part of your body. And if is comfortable, give it a stroke, downward if you can, meaning from the top of your head down, downward that way. And say to your pain, “Thank you for calling my attention to you. I will look into helping.
Oh, man, where would one even begin? Let me say up front that my personal assumptions or wild guesses about Mr. Shapiro and what he is doing could easily be totally wrong, but, I'll give my honest first impression of this material anyway. This is just my personal impression of the bits above. If I had to guess, I'd say he's just making it up. He's channeling himself. There definitely are such people out there -- the C's have also said this does indeed go on. The reason I think so is because, IMO, the material is not even imaginative or clever enough to be directly from 4D STS. It's not even entertaining. In the story of Flight 93, for instance, I'd have expected an explanation that suggested some false trail that leads to illuminati-land, not "the crew and passengers fought back," which is the White House story. Ugh.

Remember, though, there is a site out there for everyone, no matter what their interest, frame of mind, leaning, bias, level of knowledge, IQ, polarity, or other variable. So, Mr. Shapiro probably has an audience.

Gee, I feel like 34.9 percent of my energy was just drained by those passages.
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