Rewriting history – clashes in Tallinn - over 300 protesters detained by Estonian police
from Russian info agencies;
During preparations of Estonian Government to ‘relocate’ the grave of Soviet soldiers, who had died during the liberation of Tallinn from Nazi invaders, authorities had infested the streets of Tallinn with policemen to scare defenders of the monument to the Soviet Soldier - Liberator from Fascism. By perimeter of a garden surrounding a monument a fence has been put up.
Bronze monument on the burial place of Soviet soldiers on Tunnismyagi in Tallinn to Soviet Soldier - Liberator from Fascism,
dismantled today by Estonian authorities under cover of night
Estonian police clashed on Thursday with anti-Nazi protesters and detained over three hundred demonstrators protesting against pulling down of the monument to Soviet WWII Soldier - Liberator in Tallinn. Rally of protesters developed into mass street disorders by the yesterday evening. Thousands of Tallinn residents marched along the Parnu highway which is only one block away from the monument shouting ‘Shame!’; ‘Fascists!’; ‘Damned vandals!’; ‘Leave the monument in peace and stop re-writing history!’
Fifteen years of systematic humiliation of Russian-speaking residents in Estonia [they are denied citizenship by Estonian authorities] have poured out as a result in today's splash in human emotions. Also it is reaction to a policy of double- and even triple standards which so is peculiar to the Estonian authorities - separate standards for the European Union, separate - for Estonians and absolutely other - for Russians living in Estonia. Arrival in Tallinn tomorrow or on Saturday of inhabitants of other regions of Estonia where many Russian-speaking inhabitants live is discussed on the Internet.
Estonian police does not cope with the situation, and is possible, that tomorrow center of Tallinn will be blocked by police. The opportunity of introduction of a ‘commandant hour’ is not excluded. In the meantime activists of ‘Night patrol‘ - an organization of Russian activists who defend a monument to Soviet Soldier - Liberator from Fascism from Estonian neonazists and attempts of Estonian Government to dismantle it, have declared that the Estonian authorities ‘break laws, humiliate people and carry out a genocide‘.
According to the lawyer of anti-Nazi movement Sergey Seredenko, Geneva convention rules are violated by Estonian authorities, according to which re-burial of military tombs is authorized only in case of the maximum state necessity - for example, in case of threat of flooding. The leader of ‘Night patrol‘ Dmitry Linter considers that ‘the situation is heated on purpose‘. ‘Someone is very interested in onset in Estonia mass hysteria and disorders. Most likely, the hand of the USA is palpable here as all has begun right after visit of premier-minister Ansipp to Mexico where he met with someone from US officials‘ - he noted.
The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Michael Kamynin said that Russia will continue to use resources of international organizations, first of all European, for rendering influence on the Estonian authorities. Michael Kamynin also emphasized that Moscow repeatedly asked Estonian authorities to not undertake any practical steps to dismantle the monument to the Soviet Solgier – Liberator from Fascism and re-burial of remains of the Soviet soldiers, and has expressed indignation of that these appeals have not lead to any action from Estonian Government.
It means only one: the Estonian Government wishes to rewrite lessons of the Second world war ‘, - the representative the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has emphasized. Meanwhile the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov declared at Russia-NATO meeting in Oslo that disorders in Tallinn ‘are disgusting’ and ‘will have the most serious consequences for the Russian-Estonian bilateral relationships’.
‘I did not see the footage, but I heard what occurs there’, - Russian minister has told. – ‘I consider that it does not have the justification. And it will have serious consequences for our relationships with Estonia. It should affect and our relationships both with NATO, and with the European Union - with the organizations which have accepted the country [Estonia] roughly trampling those values on which the European Union is based on, and in general the European culture and the European democracy’ – told Lavrov.
Police use tear gas against Soviet monument defenders in Tallinn
TALLINN, April 26 (RIA Novosti)
Police in Tallinn, Estonia, had to use tear gas to disperse protesters against Estonian authorities' decision to remove a World War II monument to Soviet soldiers.
The incident occurred in a clash between police that surrounded a small park around the bronze statue and those who came to defend the monument and protest against the Estonian authorities' decision exhume and identify the remains of Soviet soldiers buried at the site.
Estonia started work Thursday to relocate the soldiers buried by the Bronze Soldier statue in central Tallinn to a military cemetery on the outskirts of the capital in a move that could further strain relations with Moscow, which has accused the Baltic state of encouraging Nazism and discrimination against ethnic Russians.
‘If the Nazis could not cope with living [soldiers], the Estonian government is trying to cope with dead ones,’ said Boris Gryzlov, chairman of the State Duma, parliament's lower house.
Police cordoned off the area around the memorial in the run up to May 9 Victory Day.
The six-foot statue, which could also be dismantled and relocated, has become a rallying point for ethnic Russians. Following clashes with Estonian nationalists near the statues the authorities called for the Bronze Statue and other monuments ‘dividing society’ to be removed.
Estonia's prime minister said earlier Thursday the work, being done under a Defense Ministry recommendation in mid-March, could last two weeks to four months. Andrus Ansip also said the central square was not a proper burial place.
‘We cannot talk of respect for wartime graves, when people stage rallies, wave flags and consume alcohol there,’ the premier said, adding the Soviet soldiers would be laid to rest a military cemetery on the outskirts of Tallinn.
Moscow has threatened Tallinn with economic sanctions and said it could refer the case to the European Union, the Organization for Security and Organization in Europe, and NATO.
Russia already initiated a resolution to condemn plans by the EU member to remove the memorial at the Council of Europe earlier April.
The Russian delegation in Strasbourg also insisted the European body address the recent closure by Polish authorities of a Russian exhibition at Poland's Auschwitz death camp memorial, and Hungarian radicals' plans to remove a Soviet WWII memorial from central Budapest.
The governor of the Russian enclave region in the Baltics has meanwhile suggested moving the Bronze Soldier to Kaliningrad.
from Russian info agencies;

During preparations of Estonian Government to ‘relocate’ the grave of Soviet soldiers, who had died during the liberation of Tallinn from Nazi invaders, authorities had infested the streets of Tallinn with policemen to scare defenders of the monument to the Soviet Soldier - Liberator from Fascism. By perimeter of a garden surrounding a monument a fence has been put up.

Bronze monument on the burial place of Soviet soldiers on Tunnismyagi in Tallinn to Soviet Soldier - Liberator from Fascism,
dismantled today by Estonian authorities under cover of night
Estonian police clashed on Thursday with anti-Nazi protesters and detained over three hundred demonstrators protesting against pulling down of the monument to Soviet WWII Soldier - Liberator in Tallinn. Rally of protesters developed into mass street disorders by the yesterday evening. Thousands of Tallinn residents marched along the Parnu highway which is only one block away from the monument shouting ‘Shame!’; ‘Fascists!’; ‘Damned vandals!’; ‘Leave the monument in peace and stop re-writing history!’
Fifteen years of systematic humiliation of Russian-speaking residents in Estonia [they are denied citizenship by Estonian authorities] have poured out as a result in today's splash in human emotions. Also it is reaction to a policy of double- and even triple standards which so is peculiar to the Estonian authorities - separate standards for the European Union, separate - for Estonians and absolutely other - for Russians living in Estonia. Arrival in Tallinn tomorrow or on Saturday of inhabitants of other regions of Estonia where many Russian-speaking inhabitants live is discussed on the Internet.
Estonian police does not cope with the situation, and is possible, that tomorrow center of Tallinn will be blocked by police. The opportunity of introduction of a ‘commandant hour’ is not excluded. In the meantime activists of ‘Night patrol‘ - an organization of Russian activists who defend a monument to Soviet Soldier - Liberator from Fascism from Estonian neonazists and attempts of Estonian Government to dismantle it, have declared that the Estonian authorities ‘break laws, humiliate people and carry out a genocide‘.
According to the lawyer of anti-Nazi movement Sergey Seredenko, Geneva convention rules are violated by Estonian authorities, according to which re-burial of military tombs is authorized only in case of the maximum state necessity - for example, in case of threat of flooding. The leader of ‘Night patrol‘ Dmitry Linter considers that ‘the situation is heated on purpose‘. ‘Someone is very interested in onset in Estonia mass hysteria and disorders. Most likely, the hand of the USA is palpable here as all has begun right after visit of premier-minister Ansipp to Mexico where he met with someone from US officials‘ - he noted.
The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Michael Kamynin said that Russia will continue to use resources of international organizations, first of all European, for rendering influence on the Estonian authorities. Michael Kamynin also emphasized that Moscow repeatedly asked Estonian authorities to not undertake any practical steps to dismantle the monument to the Soviet Solgier – Liberator from Fascism and re-burial of remains of the Soviet soldiers, and has expressed indignation of that these appeals have not lead to any action from Estonian Government.
It means only one: the Estonian Government wishes to rewrite lessons of the Second world war ‘, - the representative the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has emphasized. Meanwhile the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov declared at Russia-NATO meeting in Oslo that disorders in Tallinn ‘are disgusting’ and ‘will have the most serious consequences for the Russian-Estonian bilateral relationships’.
‘I did not see the footage, but I heard what occurs there’, - Russian minister has told. – ‘I consider that it does not have the justification. And it will have serious consequences for our relationships with Estonia. It should affect and our relationships both with NATO, and with the European Union - with the organizations which have accepted the country [Estonia] roughly trampling those values on which the European Union is based on, and in general the European culture and the European democracy’ – told Lavrov.

Police use tear gas against Soviet monument defenders in Tallinn
TALLINN, April 26 (RIA Novosti)
Police in Tallinn, Estonia, had to use tear gas to disperse protesters against Estonian authorities' decision to remove a World War II monument to Soviet soldiers.
The incident occurred in a clash between police that surrounded a small park around the bronze statue and those who came to defend the monument and protest against the Estonian authorities' decision exhume and identify the remains of Soviet soldiers buried at the site.
Estonia started work Thursday to relocate the soldiers buried by the Bronze Soldier statue in central Tallinn to a military cemetery on the outskirts of the capital in a move that could further strain relations with Moscow, which has accused the Baltic state of encouraging Nazism and discrimination against ethnic Russians.
‘If the Nazis could not cope with living [soldiers], the Estonian government is trying to cope with dead ones,’ said Boris Gryzlov, chairman of the State Duma, parliament's lower house.
Police cordoned off the area around the memorial in the run up to May 9 Victory Day.
The six-foot statue, which could also be dismantled and relocated, has become a rallying point for ethnic Russians. Following clashes with Estonian nationalists near the statues the authorities called for the Bronze Statue and other monuments ‘dividing society’ to be removed.
Estonia's prime minister said earlier Thursday the work, being done under a Defense Ministry recommendation in mid-March, could last two weeks to four months. Andrus Ansip also said the central square was not a proper burial place.
‘We cannot talk of respect for wartime graves, when people stage rallies, wave flags and consume alcohol there,’ the premier said, adding the Soviet soldiers would be laid to rest a military cemetery on the outskirts of Tallinn.
Moscow has threatened Tallinn with economic sanctions and said it could refer the case to the European Union, the Organization for Security and Organization in Europe, and NATO.
Russia already initiated a resolution to condemn plans by the EU member to remove the memorial at the Council of Europe earlier April.
The Russian delegation in Strasbourg also insisted the European body address the recent closure by Polish authorities of a Russian exhibition at Poland's Auschwitz death camp memorial, and Hungarian radicals' plans to remove a Soviet WWII memorial from central Budapest.
The governor of the Russian enclave region in the Baltics has meanwhile suggested moving the Bronze Soldier to Kaliningrad.