RFID technology/Facial Recognition to be used at UK Music Festival


Dagobah Resident
According to an interview with DC Kevin Walker, published in Police Oracle on Monday, "Strategically placed cameras will scan faces at the Download Festival site in Donington before comparing [them] with a database of custody images from across Europe."

We have also learned that the Police Oracle's publication of the interview has caused significant upset for management at Leicestershire Police, who did not want any advance publicity of their "new" surveillance project.

The public would have been informed that it had been placed under surveillance after the event had ended, presumably as part of a "you didn't know, therefore it wasn't intrusive", justification for the scheme.

Download's "customers" will be issued with an RFID festival wristband on arrival which will determine what areas of Donington Park they have access to, and will also function as an electronic payment system, linked to specifically set-up customer accounts through which "customers" will have to pay for food, drinks and merchandise.

"Every single person on site, including staff, children, RIP and VIP customers will need a dog tag to get around the festival," according to the FAQ section of the site. "The only way to get around the festival and pay for stuff is to use this system. It’s not possible to opt out of this."

Download's privacy policy acknowledges that it will collect your information through the use of the cashless payment wristbands and will, typically, share that information with other companies, who will collaborate to establish your interests, purchases and household type to aid in profiling you for advertising purposes.

Little test run of what it'd be like in a cashless, even more completely-surveilled society, then?

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