Road in California suddenly rose up and crumbled and no one knows why


Dagobah Resident
I have just seen this, and it's amazing! I have never heard a this kind of phenomena. Earth Changes seems to be happen faster that ever.


A 60-metre stretch of road in Santa Clarita, California rose up off the ground and crumbled in the space of about 3.5 hours on Thursday 10 November, with further buckling reported over the next few days.

Some parts of the road are now completely cracked and unusable, while others have risen more than 4.5 metres (15 feet) above the ground, but no one’s quite sure what caused such a dramatic shift. When roads buckle like this, it’s usually due to serious shifts in the earth below caused by earthquakes or serious rainstorms, but geologists have already ruled out these possibilities.

"There was no big rainstorm that triggered this. There was no big earthquake that triggered this," University of California, Los Angeles geologist Jeremy Boyce told CBS news.

Boyce took the opportunity to get his students out on the field to see a rare example of how geological events can happen surprisingly quickly - turns out Earth’s bits and pieces don’t always move at a glacial pace.

"When we think about geology, we think about processes that happen over millions and billions of years, so the opportunity to bring students out and see something happening over a scale of hours gives them the idea that not only does geology take forever, it can also happen almost instantaneously," he said.

The best hypothesis scientists have been able to come up with is that the crumbling, buckling road is the result of a progressive landslide in the surrounding hills. Satellite images going back to 2011 show obvious cracks in the surface of the road, as well as significant shifts in the shape of the hills, perhaps due to getting saturated by a great deal of water at some point.

"[It] appears as though the soil moved underneath the road, and then lifted it up. Which is quite odd," George Dvorsky reports for Gizmodo. "Normally, a landslide would just wipe the road away. Before-and-after pics of the site show that the road is situated on a box cut, and that the unloading of material from the slope likely contributed to the landslide."

The jury's still out on this one, but for now, the 3-km stretch of Vasquez Canyon Road between Lost Creek Road and Vasquez Way is reportedly closed until further notice.
Galaxia2002 said:
I have just seen this, and it's amazing! I have never heard a this kind of phenomena. Earth Changes seems to be happen faster that ever.


A 60-metre stretch of road in Santa Clarita, California rose up off the ground and crumbled in the space of about 3.5 hours on Thursday 10 November, with further buckling reported over the next few days.

Some parts of the road are now completely cracked and unusable, while others have risen more than 4.5 metres (15 feet) above the ground, but no one’s quite sure what caused such a dramatic shift. When roads buckle like this, it’s usually due to serious shifts in the earth below caused by earthquakes or serious rainstorms, but geologists have already ruled out these possibilities.

"There was no big rainstorm that triggered this. There was no big earthquake that triggered this," University of California, Los Angeles geologist Jeremy Boyce told CBS news.

Boyce took the opportunity to get his students out on the field to see a rare example of how geological events can happen surprisingly quickly - turns out Earth’s bits and pieces don’t always move at a glacial pace.

"When we think about geology, we think about processes that happen over millions and billions of years, so the opportunity to bring students out and see something happening over a scale of hours gives them the idea that not only does geology take forever, it can also happen almost instantaneously," he said.

The best hypothesis scientists have been able to come up with is that the crumbling, buckling road is the result of a progressive landslide in the surrounding hills. Satellite images going back to 2011 show obvious cracks in the surface of the road, as well as significant shifts in the shape of the hills, perhaps due to getting saturated by a great deal of water at some point.

"[It] appears as though the soil moved underneath the road, and then lifted it up. Which is quite odd," George Dvorsky reports for Gizmodo. "Normally, a landslide would just wipe the road away. Before-and-after pics of the site show that the road is situated on a box cut, and that the unloading of material from the slope likely contributed to the landslide."

The jury's still out on this one, but for now, the 3-km stretch of Vasquez Canyon Road between Lost Creek Road and Vasquez Way is reportedly closed until further notice.

Published on Nov 22, 2015
When mother nature strikes...and the road becomes the mountain!
Aerial Video from Vasquez Canyon Rd. Santa Clarita, CA
A massive landslide along Vasquez Canyon Rd caused the road to buckle and split into huge chunks of cracked pavement. This massive geological upheaval caused some sections of the road deformation to shoot straight up more than 15 feet. The significant damage caused by landslide is certain to keep this portion of Vasquez Canyon Road closed indefinitely.

I'd like to say nobody knows why because official-doom isn't selected for originality of thought but for their life long subscription to mind control as a religious conviction. Can I say that? ;)

Now I'm hoping that I'm not barging in with a bunch of stuff that's well known by forum members already. Right now it doesn't appear so, and I'm going to post this rather long post hoping it's not too much to take in all at once.

A number of events seem interrelated based off what I've been examining for a number of years, but essentially there's two main themes which are involved in Earth Changes. There's the Expanding Planet Model, or Expand'0 Planet in the local dialect. Then there's CERN. Are you folks familiar with these two topics to any degree, do you understand the main ideas behind these two subjects?

Starting with the Expand'0 Planetary Model.

The expanding earth model is unquestionably accurate in my own mind. The proof is the biological evidence which has been shown that proves large dinosaurs could not have existed in the present gravitational field. We either have the understanding of gravity and physics wrong, very likely, or else the entire disneyland story of planet earth is wrong, also very likely.

The biology of a muscle is the same for a mouse as it is for an elephant. That is, both have the same relative strength. Studies done show that the muscle mass of brontosaurus would have to have been at least twice what it was to even have lifted it's head over it's shoulders, and this doesn't address the biology of blood pressure systems which is another giant problem. The estimates are that an average bronto which has a neck size of about 11 feet across would have needed to have been at least 20 feet across for the muscles to have been strong enough to lift it's head off the ground to reach it's shoulders. So that's the sketch of the biological refutation of the existing, and rather recent invention of the drifting tectonic plate idea about how our Earth has become what it is today.

An idea which was invented when I was in third grade BTW, so tectonics is not like a proven science by any means, it's a hypothesis which isn't even validated to the level of a theory since no subduction zones have ever been discovered. Only cracks and expansions, mostly on the sea floors, at least until recently.

Somewhere's on the net, there either is, or once was, an article on this from a couple biology professors. I know this is a problem for the powers that be having myself been banned and blacklisted from AlienScientist for broaching this illconcieved revelation. I have to conclude Alien Scientist is controlled opposition.

I have since not found this article. Probably Google has sent it to the other side of the web. It's there though. Anyways, it's out there. The biological evidence refutes that the planetary size of earth as being stable. That is, the Earth could not have been the same if, in fact, our understanding of gravity as relative to the size of mass is accurate, which it probably isn't, because reptiles like a brontosaurus could not have lived in the present gravitational field. Physically impossible.

Neil Adams, an artist, has some excellent video's he's created showing the planetary expansion processes of Earth and Mars.

You can see by the thumbs up and down on this video that a large portion of the viewing population isn't quite ready for prime time, but then they also probably have no knowledge of the biological proofs that refute any other explanations. Opps!

So there's that theme: That is, the earth is expanding and it's involved in a process of expanding right now. It does this for reasons which are suspected but largely unknown, probably or likely involving the intercourse between the Solar System and the energy fields that the Star which our planets follows, or more accurately ride along side with, as it passes around the Galactic Core.

Now I'm certainly not qualified to speak with any authority on these topics, they are the topics which I feel are linked to the on-going events which we are now seeing that are largely unknown in recorded history. This involves moving mountains, mud volcano's, sand geysers, planetary wide extinction level events, falling birds, missing planes, disappearing acts of all kinds, blaw, blaw, blaw. A lot, if not all the insanity we are now seeing is connected to this understanding that we are involved in another planetary changing event which is being brought on by the Sun's interactions with it's native environment.

OK, well there's the expanding earth and this idea, this understanding, is evidently very ancient knowledge.

Now if you buy this, if you buy the expanding planet model, or anything like it really, then you need to look at CERN. Ya know, that giant hole in the ground in Europe that's making anti-matter?

Now when I was kid they taught us that matter can be neither created nor destroyed. Evidently that's not exactly true. CERN is actually all about creating matter, that's what it's doing essentially, at least that's my understanding.

OK, well thoughts comments, whatever?
Hi gambeir. There is a long thread here on the forum about CERN, it can be found here . Feel free to use the search function to find other discussions on these and similar topics. :) :welcome:
gambeir said:
Now when I was kid they taught us that matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
Conservation of mass applies during chemical reactions. In nuclear reactions, some mass can be converted into or energy or vice-versa, but it is the total energy of the system that is still constant.

Next comes the rest energy, mc². [. . .] A mass m at rest has an equivalent energy content of mc², which must be included in the mass's total energy in order to make the law of the conservation of energy still hold under the postulates of relativity. A mass m at rest can disappear completely as long as an energy mc² appears in its place. Mass by itself need not be conserved. It is the total energy that must be conserved.
- Great Ideas in Physics: The Conservation of Energy - The Second Law of Thermodynamics - The Theory of Relativity - Quantum Mechanics by Alan Lightman NY: McGraw-Hill, 2000, p. 165.
CERN, well it should be a concern.

All the explanations, mathematics, physics involved doesn't mean one thing if it isn't being supported by the scientific method used to discover the truth, and there is a scientific method used to discover the truth . What we have going on is the reverse of a search for truth in a classical sense. For example, the media, being the mouthpiece which is selling the "raison d'etre" for things like CERN, does so by using their typical key-word faint, which in this case is to call a hypothesis a theory. Sometimes they speak about a unified field theory, like it was pear on a tree somewhere's about.

A Theory is a known truth and a theory is merely the truth for the moment. That is all it is.

We don't have a string theory, we have a string hypothesis. All these explanations from official sources are doing is ignoring real science because science isn't mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and a host of other disciplines at all. Science is a methodology, it has several avenues of methodology but one method of proof, and we use that method to test for deception and to prove a case in a court of law.

A skilled investigator uses a null hypothesis theorem to test for the truth, and he/she does this by applying a destructive methodology to the case involved. That is they process evidence, take statements, construct plausible explanations, and then they try to destroy their own case because this is exactly what the defense will try to do. This is the same process which turns a hypothesis into a theory BTW, and which is precisely what is being refused almost entirely across the board in physics today.

In the case of the on-going wars surrounding the ideas in physics we aren't seeing this happening. We aren't seeing the testing to destruction which is required to produce evidentiary proofs.

What we are seeing instead is steady stream of ever more inventive forms of fantastical and complexity of structural ideas, to counter the allegations from an opposing camp in physics, the unsanctioned campers as it were.

Once upon a time there was this thing called Peer Review which supposedly functioned as the loyal opposition. Today that opposition is outside of the loyal part. Like if you're not with us, then your'e like against us. There is opposition and it is marginalized and cut out of the discussion. Kind of like telling people the theory of gravity doesn't support the supposition that we are living on a planet that has remained constant in size. The don't want to listen to that conflicting evidence, but listen or not, they don't make the final choice, the jury does, and that jury isn't going to be public perceptions in this case, it will be the actual physics of the Universe which decides the case.

The idea that because hypothetical mental exercises all come together, the proverbial holy grail of the unified field theory as some like to call it, will constitute a truth is entirely illogical. It will perhaps constitute a unified story, but will it be real physics or fantasy?

Bamboozling is to make something so arcane as to require the services of specialists in order to make that which isn't understood seem understood, but only by a specialized class of priests, which brings me to the idea that it takes intelligent people, educated people for the purposes of deciding what's to be allowed and what isn't.

This idea that physics is now so complex and so arcane as to be beyond the comprehension of the majority is a dangerous notion. It's probably not an accidental notion. It is, after all, simple bamboozling of the people at large.

This idea that people with a 4th grade education aren't suitable to understand the complexities is another indication of deception, it's used to obscure the truth almost without exception. If you cannot explain something to the level of an average person than you yourself really don't understand what you're claiming to know, and in this case that's probably not a good thing either.
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