Ruins, computers and demons (dream)


The Force is Strong With This One
I thought I would share a dream/nightmare I had a few years ago ( 5 or 6 I think, not entirely sure). It's still incredibly fresh in my mind, and I doubt I'll ever forget it.

The dream started in a large, lovely grass field, close to some classic ruins (either roman or greek). I was there with other people, it seemed that we were students on a school trip.

Soon enough, me and another guy (a real life friend, at the time, as well as someone I had developed strong romantic feelings for. Also kind of a jerk) decided to make our way towards the opening of a tunnel of sorts, located on the side of a hill. This tunnel seemed to be part of the nearby ruins, it even had a couple of columns at the entrance.

As we went deeper into the tunnel and it got darker, I started to get a bad feeling, as if we shouldn't be there, as if something very bad could happen. But we proceeded and after a turn to the right, we came upon a gate fashioned out of steel bars. My friend decided to pick the lock while I remained on the lookout for any signs of trouble. He quickly succeeded, and we stepped forward.

After a few steps, the corridor opened up into a gigantic room, so big that I couldn't even see the end of it, neither in length, nor in width, nor in height. And the place was simply marvellous! There was a wonderful combination of nature and technology. On my left, against one of the two walls I could see, there was an endless line of futuristic keyboards and displays showing all kinds of data. On the right, in multiple lines parallel to the keyboards, an apparently endless number of enormous, high tech, very neat looking computer cases, going as high as the eye could see. Also, coming from the top, there were these small waterfalls of crystalline water, feeding into small open canals on the ground, which was covered in flat stones, without so much of a splash. There were also creeping plants coming down from the top, growing on the computers or just in midair. The room was very bright, and the light seemed to be slightly greenish-blueish.

With my bad feeling completely gone, we started walking through the room. For some reason, in the dream, I knew that these computers contained... cheats, codes for videogames. Anyway, our attention was soon captured by one of the displays on the left.

The monitor was displaying a single, black and white photo. The photo depicted 4 or 5 people: a man, a woman and some children, in what appeared to be a room used for executions. The man was sitting in what looked like a mix of an electrocution chair and a lethal injection table. I remember calling these people "the bunny gang", or something along that line.

In the dream, I knew for certain this was a photo, and yet after a few seconds, the people in the photo started moving around and their faces began to twist in a horrifying way. Now terrified, I told my friend that we should stop looking at it. I knew that if we didn't stop, something horrible would happen. But he kept looking, and even I found myself unable to look away.

Suddenly, the room turned dark as night, a few red lights being the only light sources left, and through the same corridor we came in from, a literal horde of people rushed in, surrounding us. There were men, women and even children. Except they weren't really people. Where their eyes and mouths should have been, there were nothing but black, indefinite holes. Actually, it seemed there was something even worse with their mouths... But I've never been able to picture it clearly.

Conscious that in a few instant they would jump at us and do something (not sure what) very painful and very lethal, I got close to my friend and rested his head on my chest, so that he wouldn't have to look. Then, right before the actual attack, I woke up.

I found myself in a fetal position, trembling and sweating cold, with my eyes shut tight and the strongest feeling that one of those things was actually behind me and it would attack at the slightest sign of movement or even if I had just opened my eyes. So I didn't. I remained still as I could for an indefinite amount of time, until I fell asleep again and eventually woke up in the morning.

Now, I've had nightmares before and since and, as is probably true for most people, more than once I've had the feeling that something bad from my nightmare followed me in my room, in real life. But the feeling usually only lasts for a few seconds, then I open my eyes, look around and calm down. Never has that feeling been so strong or long lasting as that night. It was pure terror.

I've often wondered about the possible significance behind this nightmare. The symbolism I spotted is kind of interesting: descending into the underground, going somewhere prohibited, finding secret or prohibited knowledge, being attacked by... demons? Not exactly a typical "dark man dream", but close enough to consider the similarities, I think. I have a few theories about what my subconscious may have tried to communicate, although I take it all with a grain of salt.

Maybe the message was "Carefull about seeking hidden knowledge (about yourself or the world), you may find something you're not ready to deal with" OR "Try to cheat and get free meals out of the universe and you're in for a bad time" OR "Carefull who you'd like to create ties with, they might lead you in a very unsafe spot, leaving you exposed to attacks"

Maybe all of the above, maybe something else... Maybe I just ate something bad for supper :P

Anyway, I thought it would be nice to share this, see if anyone has any thoughts or ideas about it. By the way, sorry about the long post, I spaced it a lot to avoid the "text wall" effect but I may have exaggerated a little.
Vajra said:
I thought I would share a dream/nightmare I had a few years ago ( 5 or 6 I think, not entirely sure). It's still incredibly fresh in my mind, and I doubt I'll ever forget it.
As we went deeper into the tunnel and it got darker, I started to get a bad feeling, as if we shouldn't be there, as if something very bad could happen. But we proceeded and after a turn to the right, we came upon a gate fashioned out of steel bars. My friend decided to pick the lock while I remained on the lookout for any signs of trouble. He quickly succeeded, and we stepped forward.
In the dream, I knew for certain this was a photo, and yet after a few seconds, the people in the photo started moving around and their faces began to twist in a horrifying way. Now terrified, I told my friend that we should stop looking at it. I knew that if we didn't stop, something horrible would happen. But he kept looking, and even I found myself unable to look away.
I've often wondered about the possible significance behind this nightmare. The symbolism I spotted is kind of interesting: descending into the underground, going somewhere prohibited, finding secret or prohibited knowledge, being attacked by... demons? Not exactly a typical "dark man dream", but close enough to consider the similarities, I think. I have a few theories about what my subconscious may have tried to communicate, although I take it all with a grain of salt.

Maybe the message was "Carefull about seeking hidden knowledge (about yourself or the world), you may find something you're not ready to deal with" OR "Try to cheat and get free meals out of the universe and you're in for a bad time" OR "Carefull who you'd like to create ties with, they might lead you in a very unsafe spot, leaving you exposed to attacks"

Maybe all of the above, maybe something else... Maybe I just ate something bad for supper :P

Anyway, I thought it would be nice to share this, see if anyone has any thoughts or ideas about it. By the way, sorry about the long post, I spaced it a lot to avoid the "text wall" effect but I may have exaggerated a little.

Hey Vajra, my first impression was that at least part of your dream may have had something to do with the above. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on 'secret/prohibited knowledge' but surely there's no such thing as a free lunch. But there could be a variety of others things in there for you to decipher.

Perhaps yours was/is about delving into something and gaining from it, without doing the required work, not giving in return, and 'cheating', or at least letting someone do the work for you? Which could 'rob you' of the precious reward of doing it for yourself?

Was or are there behaviours or incidents which could relate to the above?

Which i guess could relate to the Darkman aspect of it: said:
"Dark Man" dream is a dream experience where a dark predator is present in one's environment and a warning that it is about to rob the dreamer of something precious. Generally, the "Dark Man" dreams are wake-up calls for the soul and can reveal what predicament the dreamer is facing.

Often such a dream is a reliable indicator that a person's consciousness is just beginning to gain awareness of the innate psychic predator...

The dream is a harbinger; the dreamer has just discovered or is about to discover and begin liberating a forgotten and captive function of the psyche.

The dark man dream tells a person what predicament they are facing. The dream tells about a cruel attitude toward the dreamer. Like Bluebeard’s wife, the dreamer can consciously gain hold of the "key" question about this matter and answer it honestly, and can then be set free...

The dark man appears in dreams when an initiation — a psychic change from one level of knowing and behavior to another more energetic level of knowledge and action is imminent. The initiation creates an archway that one prepares to pass through to a new manner of knowing and being...

Dreams are interesting in that much of the interpretation relates to so many things in the specific persons life, or so it seems. So the above is a fwiw.

I can appreciate the intensity you mention as when i've had nightmares in the past, i used to wake myself up just before the 'conclusion', and it could stay me for a few moments. That you still remember quite well is interesting, and maybe there's more for information that can be gleaned from it.
Hello Vajra. Thank you itellsya, your response is a set of information, which we must meditate. what I understood is that every knowledge to its price. And the price seems proportional to our karma or our injuries. If we want to learn, we must confront our injuries. At least that is how I understood it.

The interpretation of Vajra, reminds me of the guardians of knowledge. Entities that prevent us, even in our dreams, to access knowledge.

When I was 12 (in the 80s), with my younger brother, we were keen on parallel sciences. During this period, every night I solicited my brother, so we can find ourselves in a common dream. I told him that we had to find a long white corridor with a door 22 or 122 number (I am not very sure of the number, but it looked like the Matrix film, with the long corridor ,with the old Chinese man, the master of the key). Also, it was during this time that I began to lucid dreams. During one of these lucid dreams, I was in a room "prohibited" with my brother. My brother was a prisoner, he was gone. Bad men were with their dogs, and they dropped their dogs on me. I knew the reason for this attack dogs, was the fact that I wanted to enter certain doors dreams. I was only a child, and I was crying. I swore that I would never try to enter the dreams, I was thinking. I did not understand how, in a lucid dream, the dog morcures could make me suffer so much. As soon as I tell the master-dog, I will never come back in dreams, I woke up.
Also in the months that followed, I was physically paralyzed by severe rheumatism, which lasted one year. And I was paralyzed at the same time of the speech, a heavy stutter. Today, I have some after effects of stuttering. My brother became schizophrenic (5 years later). Perhaps is it just a coincidence. Today I redo lucid dreams and sometimes STS entities are attacking me, but in general, I win my fights. I noticed that the weapons attacks, are often made of the material of our ignorance and our fears.
itellsya said:
Perhaps yours was/is about delving into something and gaining from it, without doing the required work, not giving in return, and 'cheating', or at least letting someone do the work for you? Which could 'rob you' of the precious reward of doing it for yourself?

Was or are there behaviours or incidents which could relate to the above?

Definitely, my lack of participation to this group being the most obvious example. I'm sure I don't need to explain how much I've learned thanks to you all thus far, or how important it has been/is for me, and yet, for years I've effectively let others do the work for me, without giving anything back. So yeah, I'd say that's spot on.

itellsya said:
That you still remember quite well is interesting, and maybe there's more for information that can be gleaned from it.

Actually, after writing the dream down, I got to consider my friend's role more attentively. In the dream, it was partly thanks to him that I got myself in a dangerous situation, and at the end, I embraced him and effectively tried to shield him from the horrible sight of our impending doom. And as I said, at the time I was quite enamoured with him. Unrequitedly so.

Now, it's a fact that unrequited love has been a huge problem for me in the past, one of my main sources of suffering. In fact, for years it's been a constant. And it was the main driving factor behind my darkest moment thus far (which happend some years after this dream), although certainly not the only factor.

So, perhaps another message that my subconscious was trying to pass was to be wary of that particular recurring theme in my life, of the fact that allowing myself to blindly "follow my heart" (ignoring my "bad feelings", in real life just like in this dream), to remain asleep and enamoured with my own suffering, would lead me to a very dangerous spot. Which it did, eventually. The idea makes sense to me.

Kisito said:
The interpretation of Vajra, reminds me of the guardians of knowledge. Entities that prevent us, even in our dreams, to access knowledge.

Just to be sure I was clear, I didn't consider the room itself as containing any real, secret knowledge, nor the "demons" as real beings. Rather, one of my interpretations was that it could be a symbol, a reminder that, as I learn more about myself and my inner workings, I will inevitably see more of the darkness within myself, and that it won't be pleased at being exposed.

Kisito said:
Also in the months that followed, I was physically paralyzed by severe rheumatism, which lasted one year. And I was paralyzed at the same time of the speech, a heavy stutter. Today, I have some after effects of stuttering. My brother became schizophrenic (5 years later). Perhaps is it just a coincidence. Today I redo lucid dreams and sometimes STS entities are attacking me, but in general, I win my fights. I noticed that the weapons attacks, are often made of the material of our ignorance and our fears.

I am very sorry to hear that Kisito... I'm not sure I know enough about lucid dreaming to express an informed opinion, but I would like to ask: considering the kind of experiences you've had with it, which would, by logic, lead one to belive that lucid dreaming might be very dangerous, why would you risk attempting this again? Do you think lucid dreaming could help you achieve something so important that it's worth the potential risks involved?

Or maybe I misunderstood you, and somehow you are "lucid dreaming" without actually trying to, in which case forgive me for assuming otherwise.
Vajra said:
itellsya said:

I am very sorry to hear that Kisito... I'm not sure I know enough about lucid dreaming to express an informed opinion, but I would like to ask: considering the kind of experiences you've had with it, which would, by logic, lead one to belive that lucid dreaming might be very dangerous, why would you risk attempting this again? Do you think lucid dreaming could help you achieve something so important that it's worth the potential risks involved?

Or maybe I misunderstood you, and somehow you are "lucid dreaming" without actually trying to, in which case forgive me for assuming otherwise.
Vajra Hi, I do not know if lucid dreams are important for the understanding of knowledge.

But when I want to make a lucid dream, the first thing I think is to seek knowledge, gnosis. That's my main goal before falling asleep. But in lucid dreams, there is a feeling of intoxication of power or power, it is very surprising is enjoyable for me. I feel that this is a challenge, a battaille our demons and our weaknesses.

Let me explain, when I do lucid dreams, the feeling of power is so high that my conscience is often altered by my desires and fantasies.
My first desire is to fly like a bird, it gives me a lot of confidence, and I can defeat my enemies.
The second is sexual desire. In these lucid dreams, I wonder each time what is allowed. Are the characters in my dream are aware, or imaginative? I always culpabilse soon as I desire to approach with a woman, and in those moments, I wake up. When I wake up, I'm angry with me, because I preferred women instead of knowledge. I think my work is not just related to sex, but the desire in general.

Also, there are about three weeks, I made a lucid dream. So like every time I pass through the window and I fly. There are tall buildings, and the full moon. I hesitate between going into the apartment of a woman, or head towards the moon. I move towards an apartment, and my heart was ashamed, I begin to Chutter in the air, but I pulled myself together. I do not have any desire and wish to know the gnosis. So I head very quickly to the moon. I'm in space towards the moon, but I feel a resistance, and I can no longer move forward. I fall and I fall through the clouds. I stabile at my building through the glass of the window, and I go in my room. I lie in my bed to wake me up. I wake up, but I find that I am in another lucid dream, I no longer want to play, I close my eyes and wake me for "real".

I do not know if the resistances of the moon are those of STS entities, or my own fears.

That said if you want to know more about lucid dreams, there Castaneda's book, "The art of dreaming."

However, Gurdjieff, did not seem to affirm that lucid dreams were particularly important for the 4th way. :zzz:
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