Russia Challenges America in American Backyard


The Living Force
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Russia Challenges America in American Backyard
By Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S


Russia continues to challenge America’s status as the only super power in the World. This time it has brought the challenge in the American backyard. Russia has brought its war ships to Venezuela. The Russian Naval fleet consists of the nuclear carrier “Peter the Great”, and submarine destroyer Admiral Chebaynenko and two other supporting ships. Russia has already sent its bombers to Venezuela. Two submarines carrying nuclear missiles will also be there.

Many People think that this is Russia’s “Tit for Tat Response” to the American ships sent to the Black Sea near Georgia. The Russian ships will be traveling 15,000 miles. They passed the straight of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea, very close to the American ships there. Russia wants to send a very strong message to America that it is going to challenge the American domination anywhere and everywhere in the World.

In 1962, America forced Russia to take out its missiles from Cuba. However, Russia is now discussing with Cuba regarding developing a space station there. Russia is also sending its ships to Syria. All these measures may be intended to pay back the American for its installation of missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, the Russian army lacked funding. There was no money to put gas in the planes or ships. Once a mighty army, the Soviet army quickly degenerated. Now, thanks to the oil prices, the Russian economy has bounced back.. the Russian army is becoming a big force capable of challenging the American and the NATO forces anywhere in the World.

At present, Russia has a big advantage. The American and the NATO forces are bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan and are facing an almost certain defeat. America can not afford to open another front. The War in Afghanistan has a very good chance of spilling over to Pakistan. Pakistan, a very important ally in the war against terrorism is ready to switch sides. General Kayani may tilt Pakistan towards China.

The signing of the nuclear treaty between America and India will leave no choice for Pakistan. Pakistan has to sign a similar treaty with China. India, for all practical purposes, has joined America in anti China, anti Islamic and anti Russia alliance.

India is bound to face very serious consequences of this alliance. India’s neighboring countries have started tilting towards China. The latest example in Nepal, Nepal is moving away from an exclusive relationship with India to a more balanced relationship with India and China. There is a strong anti Indian sentiment among the Maoists in Nepal, many of them believe that India subjected Nepal to unequal treaties.

If the pro American leadership in Pakistan falls and there is rise of anti American and anti western Islamic fundamentalist forces, that can prove extremely dangerous for India.

Another problem India is going to face is that the Indian army's heavy weaponry comes from Russia. When Russia starts perceiving India as an American ally, it can make things difficult for India by showing its support to china and the Islamic countries. The Indian army may face a serious challenge in trying to find replacement for its heavy weaponry. India may also loose Russia’s support in the United Nations, particularly on the issue of Kashmir. It was the Russian veto which helped India to keep Kashmir. The traditional American and Russian roles may be reversed in the Indian subcontinent, the Indian army may have the American weapons and the Pakistan’s army ends up with the Russian weapons.

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