All's fair in war I guess. Certainly the Russians are also engaged in information war. Are they lying? Sometimes. Is lying 'bad' though, all the time, no matter what the circumstances?
At least Russia doesn't lose sight of what is objectively real, whereas the other side is building castles in the sky.
First up, the author is Julia Davis from 'LA Homeland Security Examiner'. And propaganda-making is her thing:
Anyway, starting from the bottom...
#59, RT took that down shortly after publication. That'll teach them for trusting Nevertheless, while the RAND document itself is a fabrication, that is exactly what the US is doing there.
#53 In this context, an Academi/Blackwater denial press release is not credible. However, a German intelligence leak to a German media outlet is.
#52 There are no official Russian armed forces in Ukraine, just as there are no official American armed forces in Ukraine.
#45 Yeh, and not a single shot was fired!
#43 Jen Psaki has uttered so much BS in recent months that she really needs her own website to host it all so that everyone can laugh at it.
#41 That photo may not be contemporary, but organ harvesting does appear to be a problem in Ukraine:
#32 The Kiev junta isn't "threatening to imprison journalists", the Kiev junta is assassinating Russian and other foreign journalists, and sending mobs to torch the offices of Ukrainian outlets that are 'insufficiently Ukrainian'.
#31 Whatever, they have clearly and openly identified themselves with Nazism.
#30 You have got to be kidding me! People were shot in the head and she's concerned about which trees are still standing in Maidan Square??
#28 They have every reason to speculate about direct the involvement by the CIA.
#24 Nitpicking. Wow, they're really reaching for anything they can find. Remember, this is supposed to be 'Russia's top 60 lies about Ukraine'!
#21 It's not a lie that people are fleeing across the border to Russia.
#16 Like many others, that's probably just a mistake and hardly 'a lie'. Ukrainians have been randomly shot in the head by US-backed forces since February 21st this year. Is that a lie?
#13 Like many others, the poster clearly meant that as a joke.
#9 This is an example of the many that use a file photo - common media practice - to go with a story because there is no photo or video footage to go with it.
#1, 2, 3 Where's the evidence? You can't post these and say 'see, they're lying!'
Most of the others are either based on opinion, or are from social media feeds. If I had a couple of free days to trawl through people's tweets, I could find hundreds or thousands of egregious lies posted by Pentagon-bots about Russia. Right from the very beginning...