I discovered this site about a week ago and have been reading through the discussion board and the Cassiopea documents - the information presented is really interesting- and I am still trying to make a discernment the ideas presented. I am also trying to put this together with ideas discussed by Jordan Maxwell, and the symbolism (both in language and images) of the illuminati. There are some interesting ideas about this at http:(2slsh)www(dot)gnosticmedia.com/eidetic/index.php regarding astro-theology.
Any opinions from others in the forum regarding this research? There is much discussion about colntelpro and disinformation - with the apparent level of sophistication of disinfo how to vet information to determine what is reliable and true and what is not?
Any opinions from others in the forum regarding this research? There is much discussion about colntelpro and disinformation - with the apparent level of sophistication of disinfo how to vet information to determine what is reliable and true and what is not?