"Saddam The Peasant" gets 30 days to live


The Living Force
Well, only if he's lucky. According to the chief judge they want him dead a lot sooner. What's the bet than when they've killed Saddam's lookalike, Bush will say something like "We've won" or "The war is over" or some such nonsense.

This article has an interesting two last paragraphs. Still trying to 'set up' Iran. Two Iranians were detained and two were released because they had 'diplomatic immunity' - must have been the ones Talabani said he invited.

Saddam to hang within 30 days

Brian Whitaker
Wednesday December 27, 2006
The Guardian

Saddam Hussein could be hanged within days after the rejection of his appeal by Iraq's highest court yesterday.
The former Iraqi dictator was sentenced to death in November over the killing of 148 Shia Muslims from the town of Dujail in 1982. He is facing another trial accused of genocide against the Kurds - but that may now never be completed.

The death sentence from the first trial must be implemented within 30 days, the chief judge, Aref Shahin, said yesterday, hinting that it could come even sooner: "From tomorrow, any day could be the day of implementation."

Iraq's prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, a member of the Shia majority persecuted under Saddam's Sunni-minority rule, has already said he wants the execution to take place before the end of the year.

One option would be to do it without prior announcement in an attempt to forestall possible protests - though some Shia elements have called for the hanging to be televised. Saddam, 69, is in the custody of US forces, so Washington could also have a say in the timing.

The British government opposes the death penalty. "It's a matter for the Iraqi tribunal but we've always made our position clear," a Foreign Office spokesman said yesterday.

Saddam's chief defence counsel, Khalil al-Dulaimi, told Reuters from Amman: "If they dare implement the sentence it will be a catastrophe for the region and will only deepen the sectarian infighting."

The appeals court decision must be ratified by President Jalal Talabani and Iraq's two vice-presidents. Mr Talabani opposes the death penalty but has in the past deputed a vice-president to sign an execution order on his behalf - a substitute that was legally accepted.

Raed Juhi, a spokesman for the court that convicted Saddam, said the judicial system would ensure he was executed even if Mr Talabani and the two vice-presidents did not ratify the decision. "We"ll implement the verdict by the power of the law," he said without elaborating.

In yesterday's ruling the court also rejected appeals by Saddam's half-brother, Barzan al-Tikriti, and a former judge, Awad al-Bander, both of whom were sentenced to death over the Dujail killings.

It rejected the life sentence on the former vice-president Taha Yassin Ramadan, recommending execution instead.

In a detailed report last month, the New York-based Human Rights Watch condemned the verdict in Saddam's case as unsound, saying the court had been guilty of so many shortcomings that a fair trial was impossible. Amnesty International said the trial was flawed.

Meanwhile in the southern city of Basra on Tuesday, British troops were on alert for reprisals 24 hours after raiding a police station to stop renegade Iraqi officers executing prisoners.

"We fully expect more attacks on our bases and on Basra stations, but that's nothing out of the ordinary," Major Charlie Burbridge, a military spokesman, said on Tuesday. "But this is part of a long-term rehabilitation of the Iraqi police service ... to ultimately provide better security for the people of Basra."

The British troops removed 127 prisoners from the station, then blew it up, he said, adding that the prisoners had showed evidence of torture.

Burbridge had previously said only 76 were in the station, but then said soldiers had miscounted becauseof the darkness. Some 800 of the British military's 7,200 troops in Iraq were involved in the operation, he said. A spokesman for Iraq's defence minister said Monday that the Iraqi interior and defence ministries approved the Basra operation, though some members of Basra provincial council said they were not notified.

"There was no need to bring in such a number of forces and break down the station," a council member, Hakim al-Maiyahi, told the Associated Press.

At least 54 Iraqis died yesterday in various bombings, including a coordinated strike that killed 25 in western Baghdad, according to officials.

The three car bombs in a mixed Sunni and Shia district injured at least 55, a doctor at Yarmouk hospital said.

In separate attacks, another car bomb exploded near a mosque in northern Baghdad, killing seven and wounding 25, a doctor at al-Nuaman hospital said.

Meanwhile, the US announced the deaths of seven American soldiers, pushing the US military death toll since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003 to at least 2,978.

In further sign of tensions between the US and Iran, the White House said US troops had detained at least two Iranians in Iraq and released two others who had diplomatic immunity. "We suspect this event validates our claims about Iranian meddling," the White House spokesman Alex Conant said.

However, a spokesman for Mr Talabani confirmed that two of the Iranians were in Iraq at his invitation.
Yes Ruth, what a theatre ...

Ruth said:
..., Bush will say something like "We've won" or "The war is over" or some such nonsense.
Actually, I don’t care anylonger what Bush is going to say this time. I am not going
to pain
my brain

I have been trying so many times to find something understandable, that is at the same time constructive. I have been trying to dissect his babbling in an attempt to look for a just base, a moral principle, a right choice, alas to no avail.

If Saddam has to be hanged for murder of 148 Shia Muslims, and Bush is responsible for the killing of more or less 600.000 Iraqi civilians, men, women and children, than Bush has to be hanged 600.000/148 = 4054 times ? How are we going to do this huh?

Okay, Bush also had his poodles Blair, Berlusconi, and Balkenende. You think Saddam did not have his poodles? His entourage? And the machine behind the curtain that never steps on the scene?

And also, of course, the 600.000 dead innocents is an estimate. I almost forgot that they’ve said it before that they simply do not count what they kill. On "the other side".
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