Santeria in evil organizations


FOTCM Member
I am not sure if this will generate a lot of discussion, but I just found it curious and I had a few musings about it that I figured I would share.

Medellin, is the city in Colombia that became famous in the 80's because of their cartel, which was headed by Pablo Escobar, who got to control over 80% of cocaine market in the world, was in Forbes richest men in the world list and kind of single handedly declared war against the government, won several battles and in the end it was an effort by Colombia (both officially and at the criminal level), the US and Israel that finally brought him down, he had ties to the CIA and who knows what other organizations.

The amount of misery that this generated in that city, it left a deep scar in the countries conscience, but I've been wondering about the spirit world in that place, mostly because it has become an international destination for those seeking to hire services from underage girls, it has made the news on several occasions where citizens from several places are caught redhanded with teenager girls.

But then, I ran across this news article the other day that kind of left me wondering.

How a Colombian criminal group used witchcraft and Santeria to evade the police

After a year-and-a-half-long judicial investigation, authorities identified the bizarre ‘modus operandi’ used by the criminal group known as ‘Robledo’ to commit their crimes in Medellin, the capital of the Colombian department of Antioquia, Semana magazine reported on Saturday.

The criminal organisation, which operates as a legally constituted company of 170 employees, earned around $120,000 a month for carrying out its criminal activities, including enforced disappearances, murder, drug trafficking and extortion.

According to Semana, the criminal gang was led by a 43-year-old wheelchair-bound man, identified by the alias ‘la Bruja’. The judicial investigation revealed that Robledo's leader consulted the cards to anticipate the risks that his organisation could run and, in this way, evade the authorities.

In an operation carried out by the Metropolitan Police of the Aburrá Valley, objects and substances related to witchcraft and Santeria rituals were discovered in a room of the Bruja's house. ‘He does things based on Santeria and gives recommendations in the light of that,’ a source who knew the Bruja told Semana.

On the other hand, Semana detailed that the members of Robledo use Santeria to move around the most dangerous areas of the city, as well as making ‘blood pacts’ with other criminals so that they do not operate in their territories.

La Bruja was arrested on Wednesday by the police along with 24 other members of his organisation. When he became aware of the presence of the authorities, the man threw his mobile phone over the balcony of his flat, located on the 25th floor, so that his device would not be searched.

it made me think of the discussion had on Egregores, the mention the C's made once of Skid Row in Los Angeles and the nasty energies that hangout there, and I thought that, evil people are evil people, and that generates an energy that can attract disembodied entities that feed off of that energy, so much so that you end up with criminal gangs guided by disembodied entities to commit their crimes.

And then I thought about those videos of the funny waving clouds over the ME and Ukraine from a few years ago, and all the misery in those places and the gangs of disembodied entities that must be guiding the actions of some of the evil operatives in those regions.

Anyway, the article itself is interesting on its own, but those were the thoughts I had while reading through it.
May be the attractions from/to the egregores are already there (at birth?) before the gangs become gangs, or the junkie become a homeless junkie being pulled to an area like skid row, or posse, by little nudges through life to makes decisions in the wrong (or right, depends on the perspective) to multiply the feeding and misery.

When I first read about egregores to me they didn’t sound like something that can operate without a network and an overseer, so people have to drawn together in common mind frame to feed the egregore, who feeds 4DSTS.

What I find super interesting is that my daughter goes to a catholic school and while I was reading the egregore thread she saw something in her classroom come through a ‘hole’, she drew it, like a tear in some fabric, and she drew the thing that came through and looked at her, with detail.

I’ll see if she still has the drawing when she gets home.

I wondered if may be because we grok at Catholicism (it’s a good school, great reputation, and close to home so it was our best choice) that the thing she saw was expressing disapproval at her inner mocking of religious studies.

Anyway, I hope she still has the picture, if it was an egregore she saw it was really ugly.
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