Saw this and thought of Laura...

Bookstore or library is my favourite place, I feel relaxed even more than in the nature.

This seems big enough.


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@ everyone - I guess having a library would be a defining characteristic of a True Seeker right?

My library is is huge and it's SOFT. If it was to be HARD, I wouldn't be able to imagine the size.
when I was a kid we had a small library in our old house. it was my favourite place in the world, although I couldn't read yet.
I would like to get payed for reading books, (not for packing socks as I am now:), or at least to have more time to do so. Best time in my life was on collage when I could have stayed in library and read awesome books. Gurdjieff was my philosophy class homework, which lead me to this forum and I really love that you people read so much and write so many cool books. I would like to write one day something but I'm still I'm my learning lessons on hard way phase. Maybe I'll become an expert:)
Martina said:
when I was a kid we had a small library in our old house. it was my favourite place in the world, although I couldn't read yet.
I would like to get payed for reading books, (not for packing socks as I am now:), or at least to have more time to do so. Best time in my life was on collage when I could have stayed in library and read awesome books. Gurdjieff was my philosophy class homework, which lead me to this forum and I really love that you people read so much and write so many cool books. I would like to write one day something but I'm still I'm my learning lessons on hard way phase. Maybe I'll become an expert:)

I just love books and learning. I just wonder how people have the time to read fiction! I haven't done so for decades. Apart from the psychological relationship angle of learning I cannot see the point in fiction.
Ironically I got too cold to sleep last night and was hashing out this thought when hey presto such a post was ideal for me to share my thoughts today! So strange.

My idea was that it would be super if fiction books were written in order to teach all the psychology subjects that we study - after all it is what we are here to learn - reality. It is not taught in schools yet is the major hurdle we all have to learn about and overcome once understood. Utilizing fictional characters to teach people about the basic theories as well as the archetypes would be far more productive!

The only 'fiction' type books I felt that could be useful are biographies and auto biographies of STO type people. I have not read science fiction though do realize there is fact to be found, preferring to use the internet. There is so much to learn from our threads and recommended reading list anyway to even bother to digress to sifting out truth from fiction imo.

My books are all still in boxes so it will make my home once I have the library sorted. All books are reference/factual and I must have well over 1000++ but cannot count them or categorize them yet - which I am so looking forward to doing. I read a book a day from age 7 - though admittedly horse and Enid Blyton etc.

8 cases just delivered from the UK are testament to the shopping trolley syndrome - however that was 4 years of 'wish list'! Plus the warm jumpers and much more wish list stuff - including the cases - all came from charity shops! I never buy new books unless there is no other option - thus my budget goes further too. Neither do I buy or use electronic versions unless alternatives are not available as I just so need and love to hold a real book. As well as annotate or underline for ease of locating pertinent tracts.

Well I suppose we could have a lot worse habits. At least knowledge is No1.
My second habit that I truly miss is creativity and design. I so used to love sewing, knitting (had my own cottage industry on handknits), clothes, as well as soft furnishing etc etc. I just love to design my 'space' which luckily I have done with my 'sanctuary' which as always , is a work in progress. :) I still have my fave old singer sewing machine and at least these skills will serve if the shit hits the fan lol

Libraries - yes - candy to my eyes when most kids preferred sweet shops!

Edit: Typo
Hi, happyliza

happyliza said:
I just love books and learning. I just wonder how people have the time to read fiction! I haven't done so for decades. Apart from the psychological relationship angle of learning I cannot see the point in fiction.

I used to feel exactly the same way. The only fiction I ever read were the books of Roald Dahl when I was a child. For the last ten years, most of the reading I've done has been only non-fiction. But this year my attitude changed towards fiction, and I started reading it again.

My idea was that it would be super if fiction books were written in order to teach all the psychology subjects that we study - after all it is what we are here to learn - reality. It is not taught in schools yet is the major hurdle we all have to learn about and overcome once understood. Utilizing fictional characters to teach people about the basic theories as well as the archetypes would be far more productive!

What seems to be the case is that there is a wide variety of fiction, from junk right the way through to masterpieces. What makes great fiction is exactly what you describe above; even though the story 'didn't really happen', the author gets the characters and the archetypes and the story right.

The first story I really fell in love with for the above reasons was Pride and Prejudice. It spans the range of feelings, of types of people, of love and hate, friendship, strength and weakness.

The only 'fiction' type books I felt that could be useful are biographies and auto biographies of STO type people.

But isn't there value in learning about both sides of the coin? Don't we study psychopaths in order to learn about them, to defend ourselves from them and recognise their traits in ourselves?

When fiction is great, it is archetypal and mythological and myth always has the good and the bad.

I have not read science fiction though do realize there is fact to be found, preferring to use the internet. There is so much to learn from our threads and recommended reading list anyway to even bother to digress to sifting out truth from fiction imo.

I believe there is fact to be found in anything. I also believe that we live in a world of lies. Someone might consider a newspaper to be non-fiction, but we know so many stories in newspapers couldn't be further from the truth. We know that science is corrupt, and so many people believe anything that they're told was said or written by a scientist; but so much science is junk, and really just harmful. I could easily rewrite your above sentence to read, "There is so much to learn from our threads and recommended reading list anyway to even bother to digress to sifting out truth from non-fiction imo."

I'd say the level of discernment required for sifting out the truth from either fiction or non-fiction is pretty even, and that what counts is that we learn how to think about things in the right way.

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