Scary dream


Jedi Master
Hi all,

I have had an experience I wanted to share with you and, maybe, get some feedback on it. Before I start, I would like to give you some background information about myself.
Although pretty grounded, I’ve always had an interest in the paranormal. I used to heal and can see aura’s. Besides this I can see, for lack of a better word, raw energy. It is not the same as seeing aura’s (they are very fine in energy structure). I see this energy as snow on a television. It’s all around, has (a lot of) color and it moves, swirls, sometimes even has a certain structure and sometimes I can manipulate it somewhat. It is always present and I have seen it as long as I can remember. But, I have never encountered people who see it too.

The second piece of background information is about an experience that happened some years ago. I had an awkward dream/experience. I dreamt that I was being taken (abducted), couldn’t move and I felt a presence when in this (dream) state. I protested as loud and as hard as I could (No!) that they should leave me alone. I can still remember the rush of wind in my ear (very, very weird) and the feeling of motion, like I was being transported (up? down?). After that I awoke to the light of day. I still do not know if it was trickery of the mind or real.

Well, last night, I had a similar experience. I was pretty deep in dream state and it was dark and I couldn’t move, but aware. I felt a presence of something and again I protested to leave me alone. I finally managed to wake up and I turned to my wife who too was very much asleep, so deep asleep she was making (protest) noises. But, and this is what scared me, I saw a lot of energy around/above her, like something was taking energy from her. I accidentally touched her and she turned and continued to sleep, me half asleep as well, fell back and slept again. This morning I was pretty broken. Although I work out and eat right, we’ve felt pretty drained lately. (as a side note: The General Law is leaning on me/us at the moment, more so than I’m used to, but that’s a different story for another time).

I still don’t know, what it was I was dreaming. Before that I had a recurring dream about seeing UFO’s, where it’s always night and I see them flying in the night sky (like big shiny stars) or I feel their presence and try to run from them. But what happened last night, I’ve never experienced. Was I food for the moon? (it was a full moon last night) or was my mind playing tricks?
I had a troubling dream about two nights ago. I remember only a few seconds worth of it, but the physical effects that you described rang a bell. I remember being shown what looked like a pillar of energy in the shape of "I" (a long vertical shape with horizontal sticks in the ends of it, that is, not the letter "I" itself). I also remember struggling against looking at it, as watching it felt draining and terrifying, but something forced me to anyway, a fact that seemed odd immediately when it happened to me. Then, I was taken away from it and I woke up only to fall asleep immediately again. At the morning I felt more drained than I have in a long time. It did go away pretty soon though.

No idea whether there could be any relation, but there are atleast some similarities with your experience and I thought about starting a thread for it, but decided soon that it was "just a dream".
Hi Snow/Smallwood

fwiw I think this may be relatively commen among the people here.
Some recent threads that come to mind are and

The best information I've learnt about these things has come from the Wave and Adventure series.
I have not read it yet but from what I understand Laura's book High Strangeness explores these things in detail.

One of the first threads I posted related to my own experiences of these things

My understanding from that and the wave/adventure series and the posts above is that fighting it is good, and that learning as much about yourself and these matters and applying what you've learnt offers the best form of protection available. Working with something tangable (yourself and what you've learnt) rather than these intangible things has helped me a lot.

Beyond this, hopefully someone more knowledgeable can help you more with this.
Smallwood and RedFox, thank you both for your input. it gave me insight in the some of the mechanics of my own (way of) sleeping and dreaming. Hinted by one of the threads, I put our bedroom window ajar to let some fresh air in at night and I can tell you that, after a couple of nights, it helps (hence my later reply, so I knew it had an noticable effect). Normally I open the window only in the morning and keep it closed at night because of the outside street noises, but I guess I need to change that habit a bit. I now feel more rested in the morning :D

Still, it doesn't completely ease my mind of what I saw, I mean, watching (that kind of) the energy drain was something new to me...

As a side note. In one of the other threads, I noticed that more people dream of UFO's or alien type things. Is that a sign of the times? I read somwhere that dreaming of ufo's means you seek a spiritual purpose in your life.
FWIW, and this maybe "mumbo-jumbo", but I successfully stopped my "OBE:s" occurring after I drew the 'anuki'-symbol (see Wave vol.2) on a piece of paper and put it under my mattress :-[

I still keep it there, and haven't had any "OBE:s" since. This could be more due to a placebo effect, boosting my "self confidence"/resistance. But who knows, whatever helps... :P
Snow said:
Still, it doesn't completely ease my mind of what I saw, I mean, watching (that kind of) the energy drain was something new to me...

Its entirely possible that you woke up because you have a greater awareness of the situation than your wife. These things can certainly be very disturbing. I don't think easeing your mind totally is a good idea (for the moment) because if applied properly it can lead to greater understanding and awareness of what is going on.

Snow said:
As a side note. In one of the other threads, I noticed that more people dream of UFO's or alien type things. Is that a sign of the times? I read somwhere that dreaming of ufo's means you seek a spiritual purpose in your life.

I'm not sure if its a sign of the times. All I can say is from my own experience I have had knightmares about lights in the sky every since I was a small shild without a concept of aliens/ufo's to draw upon.

Aragon, interesting are you able to find the quote in the wave that references the anuki symbol?
I think aslong as it helps (and you don't invest too much in the 'ritual' aspect of it), this can only be a good thing if it helps you persue the work more clearly :)
Anuki symbol

Okay, here goes. In Wave vol. 2 page 359:
Q: (L)Well, since you guys can do that, why can't you teach us power symbols that will enhance our Reiki?
A: You are not ready?
Q: (L) But if we work on the Reiki will you teach us more power symbols?
A: Okay, we'll give you one. [Pencil is attached to planchette that draws symbol]
Q: (L) What is this symbol called?
A: Anuki. Pronounced: AH - NEW - KEY.
Q: (L) And as it applies to Reiki, what does it do? What does it represent?
A: Retention of energy at location most in need. All Reiki you have as yet learned involves passage of healing energy, this one involves prolonged retention for strengthened power, thus results.
Q: (L) Where are you getting this?
A: Access is Universal.

And on page 358 you see the symbol (no indications in what manner/direction this is drawn - that would be interesting to know)

Edit: Thanks Los, I removed the symbol-pic. Sorry, I guess that is copyrighted material. But maybe Laura could give the permission to publish it? BTW, is it okay to post text excerpts from the books? I've noticed that it isn't that uncommon on the forum...that's why I've done it too (poor excuse, I know...).
hi aragorn, you may want to get permission to upload and post this symbol. as far as I know it hasn't been distributed it publicly.
Q: (L) But if we work on the Reiki will you teach us more power symbols?
A: Okay, we'll give you one. [Pencil is attached to planchette that draws symbol]
Q: (L) What is this symbol called?
A: Anuki. Pronounced: AH - NEW - KEY.
Q: (L) And as it applies to Reiki, what does it do? What does it represent?
A: Retention of energy at location most in need. All Reiki you have as yet learned involves passage of healing energy, this one involves prolonged retention for strengthened power, thus results.

I am interested in seeing this anuki reiki symbol. Has it been published online or is it only in the Wave book 2?
I would like to second that request. Can it perhaps be put into a thread that can only be viewed by members? Or by request? Or by invitation?
Re: Anuki symbol

Aragorn said:
BTW, is it okay to post text excerpts from the books? I've noticed that it isn't that uncommon on the forum...that's why I've done it too (poor excuse, I know...).

Hi Aragon,

There is no problem to post excerpts from books as long as you give the name of the author and the title of the book.
Re: Anuki symbol

Bohort (Namaste) said:
Aragorn said:
BTW, is it okay to post text excerpts from the books? I've noticed that it isn't that uncommon on the forum...that's why I've done it too (poor excuse, I know...).

Hi Aragon,

There is no problem to post excerpts from books as long as you give the name of the author and the title of the book.
Okay, thanks. So quoting books on a forum works the same way as writing a thesis, one just have to name the source.
Still, isn't there supposed to be somekind of limit of how much of some book one can quote? Tried to look this up, but the information I found was vague.

Oh, and while we're on the subject, what about posting this 'anuki' symbol? Is there a reason for the "elders" being kind of "hush hush" about this symbol? This could of course be purely my imagination ;)
I'm noting that the above transcripts have been carefully edited.

The whole transcript is

A: You do??? [inscribed giant question mark on board]
Q: (L) Do what?
A: You said you understood concept. Really? Learn.
Q: (L) Well, since you guys can do that, why can't you teach us power symbols that will enhance our Reiki?
A: You are not ready.
Q: (L) But if we work on the Reiki will you teach us more power symbols?
A: Okay, we'll give you one. [pencil is attached to planchette which draws symbol]
Q: (L) What is this symbol called?
A: Anuki. Pronounced: AH - NEW - KEY.
Q: (V) And, as it applies to Reiki, what does it do? What does it represent?
A: Retention of energy at location most in need. All Reiki you have as yet learned involves passage of healing energy, this one involves prolonged retention for strengthened power, thus results.
Q: (L) Where are you getting this from?
A: Access is Universal.
Q: (L) Did Dr. Usui also receive this and then not remember it? I mean, the story is that he received a LOT of symbols, but as far as I know, there are only half a dozen or so being passed down in the teachings.
A: Usui did not reveal all to Takata.
Q: (L) Why?
A: He was told that the knowledge was priceless and must not be wasted by too much dissemination particularly to those who do not have the burning desire for truth. Those who did, as you do, would find some way of accessing knowledge.

Bolding is mine.

You'll also probably notice that the symbol isn't available on the web.

So well come to this sentence by the C's again.

Those who did, as you do, would find some way of accessing knowledge.

So how do you access this without being handed it to you on a platter? Easy, you have to pay for it. Get yourself a copy of Wave 2. You know where the symbol is and you know the page number. If you are one of those who "have a burning desire for truth", what price will you pay? And in buying Wave 2 and getting the also get a cracking good read.

The Work involves efforts and sometimes there "ain't no free lunch". There's a section in Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous on this page 165-166.

The talks given embrace a period of a few months. It stands to reason that it is not possible to re-establish the talks in their exact order because very often G. touched upon twenty different subjects in an evening. Much was repeated, much depended upon the questions asked by those present, many ideas were so closely connected that they could 'only be separated artificially.

At this time certain definite types of people had already begun to show a negative attitude towards our work. Besides the absence of "love" many people were very indignant at the demand for payment, for money. In this connection it was very characteristic that those who were indignant were not those who could pay only with difficulty, but people of means for whom the sum demanded was a mere trifle.

Those who could not pay or who could pay very little always understood that they could not count upon getting something for nothing, and that G.'s work, his journeys to Petersburg, and the time that he and others gave to the work cost money. Only those who had money did not understand and did not want to understand this.

"Does this mean that we must pay to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?" they said. "People do not pay nor is money asked for such things. Christ said to his disciples: 'Take neither purse nor scrip,' and you want a thousand roubles. A very good business could be made of it. Suppose that you had a hundred members. This would already make a hundred thousand, and if there were two hundred, three hundred? Three hundred thousand a year is very good money."

G. always smiled when I told him about talks like this.

"Take neither purse nor scrip! And need not a railway ticket be taken either? The hotel paid? You see how much falsehood and hypocrisy there is here. No, even if we needed no money at all it would still be necessary to keep this payment. It rids us at once of many useless people. Nothing shows up people so much as their attitude towards money. They are ready to waste as much as you like on their own personal fantasies but they have no valuation whatever of another person's labor. I must work for them and give them gratis everything that they vouchsafe to take from me. 'How is it possible to trade in knowledge? This ought to be free.' It is precisely for this reason that the demand for this payment is necessary. Some people will never pass this barrier. And if they do not pass this one, it means that they will never pass another. Besides, there are other considerations. Afterwards you will see."
Thanks Johnno, yes that sounds very reasonable. And I guess because I really want to know which way this symbol is drawn (which is important I believe), I will find a way to access that information sooner or later.

I have a pretty good idea though in which manner this symbol should be drawn based on my training in traditional reiki ;)
I don't know, if I draw it correctly but I tried to do it in a single continuous line starting at the upper part. When the drawing is completed there is an inflow of energy. I hope this is the right way to do it.
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