scorpion in dream, spider shadow on ceiling


The Force is Strong With This One
I don't like talking about this kind of thing because I always get some remarks, but last night was not quite the same stuff.

Last night had another lousy dream, this time about a red/orange scorpion escaping from a drawer and coming my way, I move out of the way in my dream and wake falling of the bed, hurting my shoulder on the dressing table stool. I then crawl back onto the bed and turn round to lie on my back I see this huge shadow of a spider over the light fitting and stretching at least one meter to each side of the fitting, and looking ready to jump down. Not moving a muscle I stare at it, telling myself it is not real. It then spins itself into a ball and disappears into nothingness.

This is not the first time I see this kind of spider, but not so big so enormous. The previous times (2 years ago) was in the afternoon on two occasions while lying on my bed and just staring to the side of the bed, at the dressing table stool. This spider was spinning itself into a ball and disappears, about 3 or 4 cm diameter. One more time (last year) on the ceiling in the evening, this time it was next to the light fitting but bigger, about 30cm stretched out, it then glided down towards my headpost above me. I didn't move, not knowing what to make of it but following it with my eyes, it disappeared when reaching the headboard above my head, much to my relieve. Then some weeks later on my bed again at night, a shadow of an eagle or similar bird also about 30cm across flying from left to right across the ceiling.

What should I make of this, is it just illusions? I am thinking of this apartment, something wrong here? I don't do drugs or take any medicine, although I have problems with arthritis, fibrmyalgia, and another condition. I try to keep my comfort zone with simple excercises, breathing and diet.
Hello Causal Wanderer, you could do a search for 'silk pyjamas' on the Forum, as I have seen a C's reference to their protective qualities.
Also if you are doing Laura's breathing exercises (EE) it may help you to relax more.
Causal Wanderer said:
What should I make of this, is it just illusions? I am thinking of this apartment, something wrong here? I don't do drugs or take any medicine, although I have problems with arthritis, fibrmyalgia, and another condition. I try to keep my comfort zone with simple excercises, breathing and diet.
The first thought I had after reading your post was that these dreams might be related to diet. My current understanding of arthritis and fibromyalgia is that they are inflammatory reactions (stress) occurring in the body. It may also be possible that you have some stress in your life that is reflected in your dreams.

The time that I have had similar dreams was when I ate something that caused a reaction so I'm wondering if there may be something that you've been eating that is doing the same thing but are currently unaware of it's effects on you.

Fwiw, I think dreams are information that our reading instruments (the body/mind) attempt to make sense of. It can be a way for our bodies to communicate information to us. How clean/healthy the machine is determines the kind of information it resonates with or perceives (noise to signal ratio). Hopefully that makes some sense and helps. If not, feel free to ask for clarification and I'll try to explain further.

added: sentence
Hi guys and thanks for your responses.

Yeah what can we do, dreams ...

To clarify my post, what disturbed me was not the dream, it was the second time I have this dream, and the last time I also moved out of the way, but did not roll of the bed. What disturbs me is the shadow of the giant spider I saw on the ceiling when getting back on my bed, this I have never had.

Most of my dreams I have had as least two times. The best one was last year when I was travelling in an old Greek or Roman city on a hill, just before I woke up a voice said 'This is the city of god'. I have been thinkng about this dream ever since. Who wouldn't?

I don't think it can be diet related, I really eat most basic. All fresh, no processed stuff except for soya sauce, oil, and such. (beer occasionally)

I must add, since discovering the book by Dr. David Dryland "The Fibromalgia Solution". I felt so good to finally find a source of information for most of my symptons that I actually felt better just by reading this book!

As for med and breathing, I am doing some lighter version of EE breathing, not yet into full pragram. I have done some some "body breathing" that I read in a gong-chi article, that did have some good results, yup, warts, boils have gone away.

I am only just realising the importance of meditation and mindfulness, this is potent stuff and I am working on this.

Thanks all and, meditate.
Obviously diet, stress or other environmental factors may contribute, but I think it comes only frame the main information of the dream. You could try to classify the three animals and two furniture of dream, you see there may be more clear:

1. The scorpion could indicate a sneaky person (output tray), who wants to poison you.

2. The spider could indicate a person who wants to trap you (the canvas).

3. The flying bird is a symbol of freedom, perhaps the one you seek.

4. dresser, with drawer may want to indicate that the attack is done by things found in drawers. For you to see what you suggest things that we put inside a drawer (folder phone is also an expression "out of the drawer folders").

5. The bed where you sleep, your rest and your symbolizes tranquility.

The action of your dream, is the fall of your tranquility, but obviously if you were jostled by the scorpion you have not been captured by the spider. This means that the success of the trap depends on you.
The fact that in your last dream you to take consciousness of a lucid dream and that it is false, may indicate that you are going to realize that the troubles are only illusions.
"A man warns worth two" ... "knowledge protects".
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