What if those hyperdimensional beings are sort of psychic manifestations of a collective kind of subconsciousness, that has a certain life of it's own, forth density? In other words, the consciousness of menkind has an unknown depth, that is part of an even bigger all terrestrial life including consciousness, that again could be part of an extraterrestrial, cosmic consciousness. If there is the possibility of a telepathic interaction, of a connection between all living things, it could explain, what certain people experience, when they are dealing with higher beings. When you are dreaming, your subconsciousness creates characters with a life of their own as well. So maybe there is no difference at all.
That's why I have been afraid of dreaming since I discovered the mysterious outback the very first time. I am afraid of my own dream-characters! I don't know if I am just simulating them or if they actually have a life of their own. Either way it scares me that I can't answer this question on my own. I don't know, what I am doing inside my body, behind my very eyes! It's strange. I look strange to myself. The outback starts right behind my eyes! Maybe my personal problem is your problem as well, our problem: the problem of our very reality! Maybe we are creating those higher beings, unwittingly with our own 'magical' forces, we don't even know yet. I mean, we do a lot of things unwittingly. Maybe that is the truth 'they' are hiding from us. If we wake up, we might see, that they are just made up by our own, chaotic, untrained and naive minds. Maybe it's like the baby lying in it's bed crying and screaming, because it pulls it's own hair unwittingly, a scene which I actually witnessed! Maybe we could learn from this baby :/
Maybe a 'sighting' of any kind, that has been witnessed by many people might be indeed a mass-hallucination, if it spreads collectively by unknown telepathic effects. One could say those beings live in this kind of psychic media, like a hallucinatory lifeform, a consciousness fragment like all these 'I's inside of me, the servants who each thinks he is the one master.
Maybe forth density is just the finer structure inside of each and everything, like the higher bodies Gurdijeff describes, shades of gray that can't be seen with eyes that have not yet learned to differentiate in a far more advanced manner. Those naive eyes see chaos where actually are patterns and systems of just a higher complexity, following the same principles, that we merely begin to understand. Puh... what do you think? I am looking forward to read your thoughts on this :)
Oh, wait... let me try. *focus, focus, focus* I am already hearing your thoughts! I am seeing your demons, that are my demons! If only :P
That's why I have been afraid of dreaming since I discovered the mysterious outback the very first time. I am afraid of my own dream-characters! I don't know if I am just simulating them or if they actually have a life of their own. Either way it scares me that I can't answer this question on my own. I don't know, what I am doing inside my body, behind my very eyes! It's strange. I look strange to myself. The outback starts right behind my eyes! Maybe my personal problem is your problem as well, our problem: the problem of our very reality! Maybe we are creating those higher beings, unwittingly with our own 'magical' forces, we don't even know yet. I mean, we do a lot of things unwittingly. Maybe that is the truth 'they' are hiding from us. If we wake up, we might see, that they are just made up by our own, chaotic, untrained and naive minds. Maybe it's like the baby lying in it's bed crying and screaming, because it pulls it's own hair unwittingly, a scene which I actually witnessed! Maybe we could learn from this baby :/
Maybe a 'sighting' of any kind, that has been witnessed by many people might be indeed a mass-hallucination, if it spreads collectively by unknown telepathic effects. One could say those beings live in this kind of psychic media, like a hallucinatory lifeform, a consciousness fragment like all these 'I's inside of me, the servants who each thinks he is the one master.
Maybe forth density is just the finer structure inside of each and everything, like the higher bodies Gurdijeff describes, shades of gray that can't be seen with eyes that have not yet learned to differentiate in a far more advanced manner. Those naive eyes see chaos where actually are patterns and systems of just a higher complexity, following the same principles, that we merely begin to understand. Puh... what do you think? I am looking forward to read your thoughts on this :)
Oh, wait... let me try. *focus, focus, focus* I am already hearing your thoughts! I am seeing your demons, that are my demons! If only :P