Sea retreated 100 meters in Istanbul! (Turkey)

thank you for posting.

Strange happening- so far rising sea levels were the most predicted phenomenon. I wonder how it happened and how long lasted.
It is not full moon - which is a time for high ebb and flow?!
Could be due to a sinkhole? In this case there would have been some large eddies...

Just my thoughts
Perhaps it is something to do with "Perigean Spring Tides". Tides are usually fullest on a new moon or full moon. But when the moon is also further away or closer to Earth than normal (i.e. at the perigee or apogee of its orbit about the Earth), the tides can be greater or lower than usual.

The Moon was at apogee on 5 December 2015 (
It was a New Moon on 11 December 2015.
Maybe the photos were taken around 8th to 11th December, rather than the article date of 17 December?

Google Translate translates some of the comments below the article as being something like "This happens every year."

Wikipedia article on "Perigean Spring Tides", sometimes called "King Tides":
The news report seems to suggest that the retreat was related to a storm in some way. And some commentators of the news site who claim to be living in that area say the event is something ordinary which is witnessed every year in some shallow parts of the sea. But I do not know if this claims are true.

davey72 said:
Even the Sea doesnt want to be associated with Turkey right now. lol.
Yeah, maybe. Some important individuals from the mainstream Turkish spiritualism had claimed in some of their books etc. that Turkey is a very special nation in all the world, that it has a very speacial and sublime mission to fulfill in the future of the world.

It appears that our nation is fulfilling its very special mission not by committing to STO but to STS. But helping Putin unfold Russia's mission thanks to the Turkish Government's utmost meanness and stupid malignancy is something to be amused of, I think.

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