Second Hand Smoke Kills Everyone (well... almost.. or.. not really)

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
In response to the new (err... old) research just released on the dangers of second-hand smoke, has produced the following flier.

As they say on their front page:

It is of extreme concern that fraud is now officially endorsed and used by such a high health authority, which has chosen to falsely represent statistics that are thoroughly faulty in the first place for political purposes. This is the way of the new "public health".
interesting, I never believed that secondhand smoke BS anyway. It might be irritating but I don't think it will kill you any faster than being alive will.
Especially liked the last paragraph "... blueprint for social engineering...", makes me want a cigarette.
Pollution, DU contamination and precipitous global warming have all been drastically, and intentionally, worsened by the obscene wars and anti-environmental actions of the Bush Regime from day one of its reign. It was about to become a very hot topic for BushCo, but now there is suddenly a "new" anti-smoking "study" and a terrifying Surgeon General's report to deflect the public's attention, as well as their justified fears and anger, directly onto smokers and smoking and a full 180 degrees away from the Real problem, toxic levels of global environmental destruction and pollution, all of it caused by the global Pathocracy of the wealthiest individuals and corporations.

The U.S.leads the world in producing lethal substances which poison all the world, but people pretty much worldwide have been brainwashed to believe it's the smokers who are causing their lung and other cancers, their heart disease, and all else that is ailing them more and more by the day. It's from secondhand tobacco smoke, not the foul water they drink, the poisoned air they breathe and the radioactive DU particulates raining down upon them.

The several truly independent studies done on "secondhand cigarette smoke" exposure have all concluded that it is harmless. Period. There is simply NO evidence of any adverse effects from exposure to it, either immediately, (except for those with severe allergies or respiratory diseases from other causes) short term or long term. None such have ever shown up in those few truly scientific, and truly independent, private studies and honest research done on the subject.

The most recent, new and unbiased study was done in Britain and the results were published in Britain's most prestigious medical journal, (the name of which escapes me at the moment). It came out just days after SotT ran an article "Environmental 911", by Mathew K. Kiel, evidently based on more than a year's worth of research on the whole subject of the health risks of smoking.

In that article, (recommended reading for anyone wanting the full "low-down" on the subject) there was a good bit of detail as to how all of the "many" studies "proving" the dangers of both smoking itself, and most of all the alleged ills from exposure to "secondhand" smoke, were bogus. The article said they all were reiterations of basically the same, three, government-designed, government-conducted and government-published "studies." It concluded that the whole anti-smoking myth is propaganda, with the same pieces being recycled over and over for psy-ops purposes. Looks like the article nailed it right on the head, doesn't it?

And here it is, confirmation, months later, of what the SotT folks were already on top of and covering in depth quite a while ago. I am NOT surprised at either firm confirmation that SotT had the facts right or that they came in way ahead of the "pack" with putting it together to reveal the Pathocratic agenda behind the anti-smoking Programme.

Way to go, SotT. Good "shooting" yet again. Do you folks polish your "crystal ball" regularly, or is it done with tea leaves and entrails at the dark of the moon? :lol:

Seriously, your prescience speaks well of both your efforts and your sincerity. It is not easy for you, I am sure, to be the ones who keep pointing out that the emperor is not only naked but also exceedingly ugly, extraordinarily stupid, a pathological Liar and a psychopath to boot.

Magus said:
The most recent, new and unbiased study was done in Britain and the results were published in Britain's most prestigious medical journal, (the name of which escapes me at the moment). It came out just days after SotT ran an article "Environmental 911", by Mathew K. Kiel, evidently based on more than a year's worth of research on the whole subject of the health risks of smoking.

In that article, (recommended reading for anyone wanting the full "low-down" on the subject) there was a good bit of detail as to how all of the "many" studies "proving" the dangers of both smoking itself, and most of all the alleged ills from exposure to "secondhand" smoke, were bogus. The article said they all were reiterations of basically the same, three, government-designed, government-conducted and government-published "studies." It concluded that the whole anti-smoking myth is propaganda, with the same pieces being recycled over and over for psy-ops purposes. Looks like the article nailed it right on the head, doesn't it?
Magus, would it be possible to find the name of the journal? Was it available online?
hkoehli said:
Magus said:
The most recent, new and unbiased study was done in Britain and the results were published in Britain's most prestigious medical journal, (the name of which escapes me at the moment). It came out just days after SotT ran an article "Environmental 911", by Mathew K. Kiel, evidently based on more than a year's worth of research on the whole subject of the health risks of smoking.

In that article, (recommended reading for anyone wanting the full "low-down" on the subject) there was a good bit of detail as to how all of the "many" studies "proving" the dangers of both smoking itself, and most of all the alleged ills from exposure to "secondhand" smoke, were bogus. The article said they all were reiterations of basically the same, three, government-designed, government-conducted and government-published "studies." It concluded that the whole anti-smoking myth is propaganda, with the same pieces being recycled over and over for psy-ops purposes. Looks like the article nailed it right on the head, doesn't it?
Magus, would it be possible to find the name of the journal? Was it available online?
There is the British Medical Journal, The Lancet and Nature.

But I can't find it in relation to any of these.
The best I could find is this study published in 2003

via a link from this page after a scroggle search

I couldn't find anything new specific to 2006 that is an actual study. The initial study I think we are talking about is the link above.

Here are the results for a search for 2006 in the BMJ

I think Magus might be referring to this article or maybe this one that came out in June,HWELTR
THANK YOU, MIKE! And Thank You All, My Cherished Sibling Forumites and Reader Friends.

That last link Mike gave to us IS the article I refered to, the one that the SotT team beat to the mark by weeks. It provides serious confirmation of their "Environmental 911" guest editorial feature. I am most grateful for the help, and it has warmed my heart that such erstwhile companions as yourselves went a-searching to find that link I could not provide.

Your kindness is most appreciated. This is, IMHO, a display of exemplary dedication to nailing down the facts. It speaks well not only of yourselves but of this Forum's members' Works and purposes in diligently finding and making known the truth. If this doesn't demonstrate to doubters and detractors that the FACTS are the true and core concern for the members of this Forum, then their minds are already too far closed for anything to persuade them of our integrity.

Even better, the additional links found lead us to other articles with more coverage of the topic. It surely does seem that a massive hoax has been foisted upon the global consciousness. ALL of the items you've provided will be useful, and those of us who might choose to do so can make good use of them to battle the Pathocratric Lies and the anti-smoking Control Programme. I have copy-pasted all of the links to my browser and will go to retrieve the actual articles when I can.

I do sincerely apologise, to Harrison and to all of you, both in this thread and in the Forum as a whole, for not having been able to properly provide the article's link myself. It was not from carelessness or rudeness. You see, Gentle Friends, I have recently lost nearly all of the sight in my one good eye, following a small mishap. The remaining eye has been legally blind from birth. Although it has always Seen much and Seen clearly, it does not have the physical vision to read well, with a tested acuity around 20/300. I am now having great difficulty with any text smaller than 24 point type, and preferably in bold face at that.

This makes navigating the internet, correspondence, and even reading and posting in this Forum very difficult now. Finding back files for articles, locating links and web pages, is nigh onto impossible. I must now draw largely upon memory to provide pertinent information.

Some items and web pages do not expand everything on the screen when I use the Codekey-Pluskey combination keystrokes on my old Mac. (Any solutions you, my most Helpful Sibling Forumites, might offer to that problem would also be of great help.)

I am entering but the 4th week since the mishap, and have far to go yet in compensating and adjusting. The first priority was learning how to touch type, and slowly it gets better. I must now write the posts in Composer, with the text expanded to the required degree of enormity, then reduce them to normal after they've been corrected. Finally, I can copy-paste them into the Forum's Quick Post window. Eureka! It IS doable, but so very much slower. When the fatigue factor is included, these are the reasons why I am so tardy now in making a timely reply to your posts above.

My humble gratitude will be with all of you, my erstwhile Forum Companions, if you will be so very kind as to look up and post such things as links or titles, just as you did with this one, whenever I am forced to leave them out. I will provide the best descriptions and "pointers" possible to help you do so, and I will henceforward honestly state that I could not see well enough to find them, when such was the case.

Again, my apologies for having forced such a reference source "chase" upon any of you without an explanation. It goes against this old fellow's grain to have to plead or cater to any physical limitations the body may seek to impose. But sometimes the better part of being strong is found in knowing where and how we may be weak or damaged, admitting those things to ourselves and others, and then sincerely asking our proven and trusted friends for the help we need in order to overcome those limitations. In just that way, I do now need your help and heartily appreciate how fortunate I am to have such companions as you of whom I may ask it.

Most Gratefully,
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