Seeing the unseen...


The Living Force
So lately i've been getting messages from the universe in a weird sorta way, i was gonna jot dot my observations on my livejournal, but figured this would be a more interesting venue.

So i met this kid recently, Ryan - few years younger then myself but acts more mature then persons at my age or above. We have some things in common and thats kinda what caught my attention. He drives the same car i do, Ford Mustang GT. He has the 50th aniversary edition, i have the Bullitt, both are limited/special editions. Mine is dark blue, and quiet (took the loud exhaust off) his is bright orange and loud.

Thats the car thing, it seems as if the universe is trying to convey something about our interaction in its typical imagery-esque way, but alas im not quiet "getting it".

Going forward with the car thing, he keeps a "dirty" and a "clean" shirt in his car and i've noticed in the last few days several instances where if i had done the same it would have been useful, thus i started mimicing his pattern. Again the obviousness of the "sign" is apparant, but i have no clue as to its "deeper" or "theological" meaning. The rational meaning being obviously that it's convinent to keep multiple shirts on hand, but it stands out in my mind and i keep thinking im missing something.

He also reminds me of myself at his age, and seems to have a distinct "vibe" that i can only describe as unique. Maybe he's some sort of mirror, or colinear soul, im not to sure, i have a feeling being able to interpret dreams helps in decyphering these messages and im def lacking in that regard. Typing it out gave me the mirror idea, so maybe ill go with that and see what i notice. ::shrugs::
Ok, I'll take a stab at this, but I could be way off - I'm thinking that if this guy is reflecting something about you, well the vehicle could represent you moving through your life, and in your life, you "wear' or need both a dirty and clean shirt, which could be the "clean - good, STO side, and dirty - the bad, STS stuff that you experience as you go along in life. Like he's showing that you are encountering both the good and bad in life and need to be prepared (with both shirts).
Oh and specifically he mentioned it being a clean tee-shirt and a dirty tee-shirt, almost like the light/dark tee shirt comparison made by marciniak's pledians.

I mean, i know i have a light side and a dark side... so that much isn't new, maybe its trying to say something about how the sides are balanced when my conscious perception is that the STO side tends to dominate.

His car is loud (color and sound wise) and mine is quiet... he's straight and im well... not... Lots of opposites being juxtaposed through my interaction with him... i just dont quite understanding the theological reality behind the scenes here.

Man this waking up bit is frustrating, anyone got some red pills to share? ;-)
Cyre2067 said:
I mean, i know i have a light side and a dark side... so that much isn't new, maybe its trying to say something about how the sides are balanced when my conscious perception is that the STO side tends to dominate.
I was thinking not so much about you having light/dark sides, but more like, you encountering situations/people of both natures and needing to be prepared for this. And aren't you travelling sometime soon? Maybe the vehicle refers to travel - and on your trip you are gonna face some good and bad situations?

Actually this is probably a very simplistic analysis, although its the first thing that came to mind, but I agree that there is most likely more to it, though I will leave that to wiser forum members!
It's possible you may have met one of your "probable selves" as described in the Jane Roberts Seth books.The group she was associated was quite small but there were uncanny similarities between various members in terms of personal history, affinities and temperament.According to Seth, people have multiple simultaneous incarnations, not only in this dimension but in others as well.
In one such example the author of the book I read, who was part of Robert's group, and supposedly another incarnation of Jane, had a lucid dream in which she travelled to an alternate reality and met a couple who in her life were quite successful but in that reality were bitter failures.Laura mentioned something similar-that in some life she is still married to her original husband.
Not exactly the same thing, I know, but a credible extrapolation of the "fragmented soul unit" theory.
Could be the reason the guy is so similar is because he IS you-just in another body! ;)
Another way of viewing this is through a dream perspective. Pretend you dreamt this person and your association with him. You would say that he represents an aspect of yourself, similar to what Godot described, but in psychological terms.

The question then would arise: what aspect does he represent? In other words, what are the common points and what are the differences? Let's take the car metaphore in a dream context because it stuck with you.

The car in a dream is usually our vehicle, and can symbolize a psychological vehicle (external personality) or the physical vehicle (body). Your vehicles are both cool and flashy, fast and sleek as well as "classics". I look at your picture Brent and could easily imagine you being a Mustang if you were a car.

Your color is darker and introspective, his is "louder" and calls attention to itself. Regarding the "clean" and "dirty" shirt thing, this strikes me as strange. I can understand keeping "formal" and "informal" shirts to quickly dress to the occasion, but I would gather that if I got a shirt dirty, I would not keep it that way but clean it when I could.

My father used to wear cloths around the house that he rarely cleaned (which irked my mother to no end). He did this because he figured cleaning them would wear them down. However, I kept noticing personality changes with the dirty clothes, very subtle ones, where my father would be sloppy in his behaviour as well. Instead of being clear he ended up reserving the clean persona as a public face and the sloppy personal at home, where a lot of what he repressed with the public face would be given free reign.

Your friend strikes me as someone who cares about his public face, and cares to make a separation between a clean presentation and a "dirtier" "be yourself" one. The danger with this is that it can draw a line in our psyche for the convenience of the opinion of others, and is counter to being sincere with self and others.

I'm just reading this in a symbolic dream-like context mind you since you brought up the mirror analogy. In any case, the clean/dirty thing is useful and convenient, but it can also foster getting used to changing masks and reserving the underside of ourselves for the "dirty" down times, instead of being the same self all the time.

Your friend seems to be suggesting a lesson to you: "Hey man, it's all in the image. Keep the image clean." What struck me was that your friend acts mature. The question is, is that also an image?

If you look at the pattern of your dreams, and a lot of your posts, the predator within is constantly trying to pull you into playing roles that deny the inner nature that you are cultivating. I see the inner predator trying to convince you of a connection between this person and yourself, so you can adopt his ways, to which of course your inner programming will generate positive reinforcement (convenience, camaraderie, feeling and being affirmed being cool, etc).

I am not saying to blow this guy off, but notice what happens when you diverge from the tendency toward identification. Look at the real differences between you, and look at your predator (as it revealed itself so far) and how this person mirrors common patterns or conditioning between you.

In short, this person seems to go by the motto: "looking cool and acting cool is being cool", while your true self is exploring: "being cool is simply being cool". His motto means that the residues of uncoolness must go somewhere. If just experiment with emphasizing the differences between you, he may react a certain way. And if he does, you may just start wondering if there is feeding going on.
Thanks Eso, I shall experiment based on your observations. My pic actually is the only one i have that can be made that size easily. I tried changing it before to show myself in a more recent setting, but it proved too difficult to work right so i just left the original. An interesting observation is that my sunglasses in picture are the same color as my car. I've also noticed that my dog and my car have the same shape to our physicality. We're all "cut" looking, or "muscular" or "having sharp edges" and my friend has the same feature to his physicality, augmented by many shiny metal objects, he has a few piercings.

In thinking of terms of common conditioning he has the same preference for green herbage i do, and i've noticed when i hang around him we tend to smoke a lot more then i would solo. I've been on a downward trend for some time, in terms of usage, and lately its been cropping back upwards. Not particularly because of him, he's just one of a number of variables, the largest being my intense boredom and inability to find something that moves me.

I think what strikes me the most is how he reminds me of myself in the past, actually right when i was his age, i was doing the same things. Smoking lots, getting piercings in places that makes the 'rents scream, and generally reserving myself in social situations as to pertain who was fun to hang out with, who had unique individuality and who was just another social archetype running a program i've seen a thousand times over. His appearance of maturity is just that, an appearance, but its one he knows how to generate, and i did the same thing at his age. The actual immaturity comes through subtly in comments that he makes, stuff that i already know to be true or false based on my experiences, but i had those experiences AFTER i became older then he is now (i think that makes sense...) so following the timeline that is my life, if i was him i would have said the same thing not knowing what i know now. So when that happens i relate my experiences to him, and it seems to click in his mind.

Keeping in the back of my mind that persons may be introduced in order to ellicit a certain response, im continuing to try to self-ob, so i can see if some sort of "trigger" is turned on when we hang out. Thus far the only thing i can see is that i have a physical attraction to him and we tend to smoke and just hang out (this tends to be the dominant pattern with all of my friends, lol thats why im constantly bored...) This may make me more open to his suggestions, but as long as they are innocuous and are not substantially different from those made by others i can't single him out in my mind.

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