Seeming anti-fascist attitude of the Turkish Government


Jedi Council Member
The Turkish Republic has experienced a very unaccustomed governmental attitude in recent years under the AKP (Justice and Development Party) government headed by Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister. This attitude was against the power abuses by some very dark circles within the Turkish Armed Forces acting against the welfare of the nation.

Some historical perspective of mine: When Ataturk founded the nation out of the ashes of the Ottoman empire, he was a very positively progressive pioneer force in this land. He was a great gift from heavens. He managed to lead a seemingly impossible mission in the fight against Western invading forces and, with him, the nation won the independence war in an almost miraculous way. But after the war process, after the new state was founded, he began to be corrupted. I think the dark forces, against which he was very successful during the war time, were able to "beat him badly in the peace time." Because they were very effective in manipulating things in the status quo of a founded state. Ataturk got worse and worse both in terms of his physical and also in his mental, emotional and spiritual health. He became almost tyrannical against the nation. One of these tyrannies was his permission for the extremely tragic 1937-1938 Dersim Massacre by Turkish Military.

The Committee of Union and Progress (İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti) was a powerful political group that Ataturk had come from within. Although this association was pro-progression, it gradually became co-opted, I think, by global dark forces. This association continued as the CHP (The Republican People's Party), which was directly founded and headed by Ataturk. Following Ataturk, this political party was headed by the "second man", Ismet Inonu. This guy was especially pro-fascism. And with him, the CHP was becoming an effective political extension of the secret government. The Turkish military was, of course, to a great extent, the armed tool of this secret government. Many massacres were made against many different components of the nation: Armenians, Kurds, Alevis, Leftists etc. This was being done under an apparent mission of forming a strict Turkish nation-state, inspired by sometimes overt fascist longings.

The Turkish Secret government, which is backed or as if formed by the CHP and by the Turkish Military, was also a great tormenting pressure against Turkish Sunni majority in terms of their Moslem beliefs under the disguise of secularism.

Many devoted activist leftist groups in Turkey acted, especially until the coup of 80, against Military/State torments and pressures towards the public but they did not have much backing from the public itself. They were seen (or sometimes made seen) as plain and dangerous anarchists or communists by majority of people.

The majority of the nation, the Turkish Sunni population (especially the more religious communities), was never questioning against the military in the past, although they knew perfectly that the Turkish Military has always had a very strict negative attitude towards them, too. Because of conservatism, they always remained silent. They thought that protesting against the State/Military pressures was like being a leftist or communist. This fact was deeply exploited by the dark circles.

And, at last, under the AKP government, since 2002, the Government began for the first time to question the dark circles of the military and other related (media, for instance) institutions and groups. This on-going investigation was populary called "Ergenekon Davası" (The Ergenekon Case). Many suspicious, malicious actions of the military were brought to the table in the last a few years. This was something unprecedented. No one else could attempt at such a hard task. But of course, it is perfectly appropriate to ask whether the AKP is doing all this by a genuine altruistic understanding. Not certain. But it is certain that this was something needed to be done. The important matter is where this investigation leads. The Influence of State/Military is so high over the general public psycology (mostly out of fear, of course, although it is disguised as "respect") that, none else other than a religion-oriented government could dare to this profound investigation because this party has a great support from the public (majority of which is conservative, religious, Turkish, Muslim people). It resembles Italy's struggle against the wide spread mafia. But it is feared that AKP itself will become another monster if it takes the country (the law, the military, "the everything") under control. It is a long time argument propagated by the politicized Turkish Military and the CHP and some similar circles that the AKP is in fact a proponent of a religious sheria government. This is just a claim of course. They, in their more conservative times, did support a possible sheria government but now they seem to have formed a less conservative, more open understanding. For this, they had do struggle against their previous mentors, their previous harsher ideologies. And they got a great support from the majority of the nation. Fethullah Gulen seems to be the main driver of the public support for the AKP. He took refuge to the USA because of judiciary persecutions against him. He truly had some pro-Sheria discourses in the past. Many of those who are against the AKP government in Turkey think that all the apparent modernist approaches of this religion-oriented government with Gulen behind the curtain is just a disguise until they capture the actual management of all the country, after which they might openly defend and establish a total religious government. I think this is generally an exaggeration, a paranoia propagated by the dark circles in the military and politics, the secret government, which of course is hand in hand with the global secret government.

But for sure, the AKP is having hard times because of some corruptions, for example the "Deniz Feneri Derneği" (Light-House Association) fraud case, and also because of protecting the religious criminals who were involved in the 1993 Sivas Alevi Massacre. Another problem is the very high pressure on the media. The AKP is also widely criticized for cooperating with the global political powers such as the USA and the NATO although it seems to deeply clash with Israel and defend the rights of Muslim nations. There are some truly good things about the AKP, especially in its struggle to clean the military from the influences of global dark forces, but certainly there are very serious and reasonable doubts on it, too.

Some points that I tried to explain must have been confused, omitted etc. I would like to clarify my views on questions.

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