Self fearmongering


Jedi Master
Fearmongering is a syndrome in which people perceive the world as more dangerous than it really is.

When I started paying attention to the thoughts in my head, I realized that oftentimes, my initial response is to consider negative consequences. This could be related to the parents, when they think of their child future, or about something that their child is intending to do, bad scenarios and outcomes are considered first. I never heard that it is not normal - the parents are always protective of their children and such concerns are natural.

Whether it is an unconscious thing or external influence - I don't know. But, as soon as such thoughts are appearing now, I just drop them off immediately and do not let them mentate any further. That, in turn, is helping me to change the outlook for the future. It is hard to resist thinking that the life is going to be harder, as I age, as the economies, countries, etc are predicted to experience hard times, as natural events are getting more destructive. Naturally, I have been preparing for the worst and hoping for the best, but that change of thinking patterns is giving me hopes that my future may not be worse off, then my past.

I suspect that self feamongering is the thing that many people are experiencing. Are you fighting it or accepting and go along? Could it be influenced by "attached spirits"? I am not going into the extreme cases, which may be caused by biochemical brain disorders like paranoia or mental disorders like schizophrenia. I am talking about the thoughts, that could be considered normal concerns or cautions, that arise as a first reaction, naturally.

I suspect that self feamongering is the thing that many people are experiencing. Are you fighting it or accepting and go along? Could it be influenced by "attached spirits"? I am not going into the extreme cases, which may be caused by biochemical brain disorders like paranoia or mental disorders like schizophrenia. I am talking about the thoughts, that could be considered normal concerns or cautions, that arise as a first reaction, naturally.
In 2019, when I heard that the first 5G tests would be conducted in my city, I wanted to flee, to disappear, to escape the 'certain death' that I envisioned. I spent the entire summer of 2019 making plans and evaluating all possibilities. I obsessively tracked the rising number of cell towers in my neighborhood, in my city, and in my country. When I walked, I avoided paths near cell towers in order to minimize my EMF 'exposure.' It was nerve-wracking!

Then the 'plandemic' hit, and all my escape plans turned to dust. And here we are now, 'bathing' in negative frequencies, yet we are doing quite well.

Looking back, I think 'self-fearmongering' stems from the fact that, due to our inability to control, or cope with a certain situation, we focus on a very specific, 'all-or-nothing' outcome that is supposedly tied to our self-preservation. We overblow the significance of the outcome and then we start pursuing a self-centered quest from which fear can blossom because the wider picture is severely neglected.

In conclusion, assumptions can kill you. This is why it is very important to cultivate a state of 'non-anticipation.'
Great topic to bring up, SlavsOn.

“Fearmongering is a syndrome in which people perceive the world as more dangerous than it really is.”

This original premise might need some work.
1. Fear mongering is usually one party inflicting fear onto another. And the actual result of fear mongering is the perception you mention above.
2. Your title is self-fear mongering which is also a little diff.

But what strikes me is that the world IS dangerous BUT the odds of actually being exposed to that danger are much lower than the fear mongering (self induced or external) would have you believe. Fear mongering also deals with timeliness. OMG act NOW before it’s too late! 10 years later something actually happens and it isn’t all that bad after all. Or it IS that bad but somehow we are able to deal with it.

It comes back to the inducement to action being the point of the fish peddlers.
"Self fearmongering" would mean selling or peddling to yourself fear.

Fear is probably the most destructive emotion we have. Yes it has it's purpose, like for survival, but if you're constantly selling (and buying from) yourself fearful outcomes to situations then you will be in a constant state of fear.

Remember, when you generate fear or any other negative emotion, by yourself or from external influences, you are providing food for STS beings. You be tasty to them !

To add to the good advice already given, be careful of your thoughts. They are powerful, and as has been said they can destroy you if you let them carry on like a runaway train. They can also liberate you. Balance is the key. If you have a negative thought, balance it with a positive thought, and vice versa, or try to validate if it is just an intrusive thought or not.

An example would be if your child is going to school today, you could worry yourself sick about something bad happening to them, but to counter that, there is the possibility that they make a good friend that day as well.

But both of these things are anticipation though, and this is not good, as it is a form of trying to exert control over the nature of the universe. Just let things flow, and "wait and see" I guess.

There's some good info in this thread Anticipate Not ... Examples in everyday life
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