Seminar on how to be a predator


The Force is Strong With This One
Hey all.

I've been away for a while. School and moving have taken up the bulk of my time lately. but I think you all should look at this. there have been fliers for this guy posted all over the city lately. at first, I thought this was a joke. But since then one of our local weeklies have done an interview with this individual and I have since taken him very seriously. Which he should be. Here is the the cut and pated version advertising his upcoming seminar:


The feminist media just won’t leave Dimitri The Lover alone! So far
this month he was featured on

1. the front cover of EYE MAGAZINE
2. the front page of the TORONTO SUN
3. a radio interview with BEN GUYATT

To hear the interview, during which Dimitri The Lover reveals some
seduction secrets, click on the MEDIA CENTRE link at _

[edited by moderator]


To note: He is a medical doctor who's license has been revoked for having sexually harrassed some of his female patients.

His website has since been taken down, but he still obviously has his tendrils reaching out there. A frightening individual indeed. I'm oping to make use of my contacts at CBC to go there with a hidden camera and see firsthand wat exactly happens at these meetings, with an expose piece assembled to follow. I'll keep you all posted.
I apologize for pasting the vitriolic display that this so-called "pick-up guru" has for his advertised seminars, which was rightly cut by the moderator. I do encourage anyone interested to scan over what filth this person is advertising. For a more sanitized and objective view of "Dimitri The Lover" you can read the article in Eye Weekly here:


That this is condoned by ANYONE, no matter how few and on the fringe they may be now, is clear evidence of how it has been said on the SOTT pages that in world ruled by psychopaths, a psychopathic society is generated and encouraged.
Well, I reckon this guy needs to go in the predator's hall of fame!
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