Sharing a recent event


Dagobah Resident
Hi everyone,

A number of things have happened in my life over the past couple of months, one in particular that I would like to share with you.

Some of you may remember that my wife and I went through a rather large bump in the road this past summer that led us to discussing a divorce. I discussed it here:

Our relationship has been really great ever since. I think that flirting with disaster the way we did made things a lot clearer for both of us. And I learned a lot from the advice and observations some of you made in the above discussion. I've been putting particular attention on the fact that if I truly love my wife, and I do, I should love her the way she is - period.

I realize that the first part of this little story is particularly weird - lame, actually - but there isn't much I can do about that because this is exactly how it happened. I apologize in advance. :lol:

Some time near the end of November, I woke up in the middle of the night with a strong urge to wrap my arms around my wife and just hold her, so I did. Not because of any perceived fear or insecurity, but simply because of a strong feeling of love. I've done this a number of times recently and, as usual, she didn't wake up. What was strikingly different on this occasion was the bizarre train of thought present in my mind. For some reason I was "aware" of a kind of prophecy stating that if the woman I am with at this very moment were to wake up and do a couple of very specific things in the way of sexual advancement, this would indicate that she is the woman that I am destined to be with, that she is "the one". And that if she is that woman, we are capable of doing great things together in our life.

Well, what seemed like five minutes or so went by and my wife slept on. And what went through my mind was this: Well I don't care about any silly prophecy. This is the woman I have chosen, this is the woman I love, and I don't care if she's "the one", or not. I was very happy with that conclusion and very happy just lying there holding her in my arms. And then the strangest thing happened. Without any stirring or gradual waking up, my wife quite suddenly started doing the very specific things that the prophecy had indicated.

I TOLD you it was lame.

I am aware of at least some of the reasons (there are probably many more I haven't thought of) why I should not look for any kind of meaningfulness in any of this. First of all, this prophecy thing sounds like something right out of Harry Potter - ridiculous. Secondly, the idea that any kind of sexual activity could have any bearing on who is "the right woman" for me is simply shallow, at best. Thirdly, no matter how my mind made it seem, the whole "prophecy" was probably concocted at the same time my wife was acting, not before. Heck, it could have been formed in negative time for all I know. And the choice of subject matter - fantasy fiction and sex - seems to indicate more about ME than anything else, unfortunately. But one thing I can't deny is that when it was all over, I was really filled with a powerful feeling that my wife really is "the one", whatever that's supposed to mean. So I decided to give this thing a closer look anyway, and if anyone wants to point out how far off my rocker I have fallen, please feel free.

I was fully conscious of where I was and what I was doing but, at the same time, was experiencing a strange thought process that was clearly not a product of my conscious mind. At least I hope it wasn't - that would be too weird. So if it was not a product of my conscious mind, it could have been a product of my subconscious mind. Being aware of both of these at the same time leads me to think that I may have been experiencing a moment of balance between the two. Could this have been an attempt by my subconscious mind to communicate with me? And no matter what the choice of subject matter may indicate about me, if it was an attempt to communicate, could it have been a success? I certainly like the conclusion that I arrived at.

Now I'm going to jump forward a bit.

On the evening of December 23rd I logged in here to wish everyone a happy holiday season. After I did I started reading some of the others that people had posted and one of them really got my attention (although the others were nice, too). It was this one from andi. Sorry I didn't know how to quote it properly.

Posted by andi, December 23, 2009, 2:00:52 PM in the Holiday greetings thread (What's on your mind section)

"Happy Holidays too ya all, and please consume with awareness !
You know... water is essential to life, too much and it is called drowning Undecided

Holidays are a time where people let go, accept and don't look.
It is a time when one is more vulnerable to all the predators for whom Christmas is just a haunting season have been warned Roll Eyes..

And for those you love, offer them the "real" love :
Love Is...

Most of the people I know confuse love with possession. It's easy to see why; it's built into the fundamental assumptions of our culture. "You're mine," says the popular song, "and we belong together." Hardly anyone stops to question the sentiment.

As soon as we feel love, we immediately attempt to possess. We speak confidently of my boyfriend, my wife, my child, my parent. We feel justified in holding expectations about those people. We consider that perfectly reasonable.

Why? Because all our concepts of love ultimately derive from romantic love — and romantic love is furiously, frantically possessive. We want to be with our lover, to have them to ourselves, to feel their eyes on us, to consume their minds and possess them.

So strongly do we equate love with possession that we may even feel if someone doesn't want to possess us, they don't really love us. Yet I would argue that what we call romantic love is not love at all. It's a kind of emotional storm, an overpowering, thrilling attraction — but it isn't love.

Because real love isn't possessive. It can't be. We'd all agree that love involves giving, not taking. Yet the desire to possess actually springs from the lover's own need — the need for approval from the beloved, for support from a parent, for straight A's from a child, for status, for financial security — for something. A possessive lover is overly focused on what he's getting, not what he's giving. The lover may dignify his dependency with the name love, but it's a lie. How can you really love somebody when you're dependent on them for things you need? That isn't love, that's just manipulation to keep the needed stuff coming your way. Robert Palmer sings about being "addicted to love," but nobody really is. People are addicted to their needs.

And love isn't the same as need. It just isn't.

Of course, a loving relationship will produce interdependencies. But all too often, the pleasure of freely giving changes to a fear of possibly not getting. It's just that this person — your husband, your girlfriend, your child — is suddenly so important to you. You worry about what's going to happen. What they're going to do. And at that moment, love stops.

People sometimes wonder if they're feeling real love. These same people never wonder if they're sexually aroused, or sad. Then what's the problem about recognizing love? Most often, because they're sensing a conflict: they're feeling the depth of their need, not the heights of their love.

There are ways to know real love. It feels calm. It's steady, and it can easily last a lifetime. It's nourishing — people grow under its influence. They become who they really are, and now what someone expects them to be. Real love isn't blind; on the contrary, people feel understood, accepted for who they really are. It's healing. People recover.

So whenever you hear that love is blind, or love can't last, or love is destructive, you can be sure that you're hearing a description of lust, or desire, or need. And it's an accurate description, because needs really are transient and destructive.

But love is something else entirely. An emotion of deep caring that asks nothing in return, an emotion that is fulfilling without any expectation at all, is so rare that most people in our society can't imagine it. They can't imagine feeling it, or receiving it. They may even come to believe it doesn't exist. But it does.

And it's the best thing there is.

Now, I had read this passage before, and I had tried to talk to my wife about this subject in the past, as well. But her reaction was the same one she usually has to the topics I've discovered through the work: that's interesting but it doesn't apply to me. And she certainly never enters into a discussion with me about these things. I have a pretty good idea why, and I'm sure that one of the reasons is because she feels that, as I've been discovering my own faults, I've been trying to point out hers, as well. And I think on some level she's right.

Anyway, as she was crawling into bed I asked her if I could translate it for her and she agreed. When I was done, I told her that the reason I wanted to read it to her was because it struck me right then that this passage really exemplifies the most important part of what it is I am trying to achieve through The Work. That I really see myself in this passage, particularly in having confused love for concentrating on my own needs, and that my greatest desire is to change the way I love, to real love.

At this point in these discussions my wife's eyes are usually closing and she just turns over and goes to sleep. But this time, she shook the sleepiness from her eyes, sat up in bed and began to speak. Roughly translated, she said, "I think I see myself in those words as well. I know we've always loved each other, but we've loved each other badly. We just need to learn how to love each other well." This was the first time she had ever spoken like this. We talked for a while and then she said something that brought a tear to my eye. "You know how I've always been afraid to talk to you about a lot of things? Well I don't feel that way anymore. And you know why? Because I've noticed that you don't have any of the reactions you used to. You just don't. I've been able to tell you a number of big things recently, and you just haven't had those reactions at all. I can see now that you've changed."

I don't know if this could be considered a confirmation of that odd "prophecy" event, but I think it might confirm something else.

Quote by mocachapeau, September 13, 2009, from the disscussion linked above:

"Also, with my mind so occupied with the state of my relationship, I had a dream. In it I was singing the same melody line over and over. When I woke up I decided to get it down in case it turned out to be a good idea for a song. So I picked up my guitar and started putting the melody line to the chords I thought would be most appropriate and realized that I had heard this before. After some searching I found the song: Just Wait by Blues Traveler. The chorus says "Just wait and it will come". But it gets better. I went through the entire tune to isolate the exact melody line I had been singing in the dream and when I found it, I discovered the words "Do you think your suffering's a privilege you share only?" I think that applies to this situation quite well - my selfishness, and of course that my wife is hurting too."

At any rate, the main reason I wanted to share this with you all is that I feel like I've achieved something. I know it's just one small thing, but that my wife noticed I have changed, and told me so, is pretty huge for me. And I don't think I could have made even this small change without the help of Laura, SOTT and the members of this forum.
First of all, I just want to congratulate you on seeing yourself. I think that by working on yourself, it opened up a safe space for your wife to show the parts of herself she was keeping hidden from you. I've been on both the giving and receiving end of this dynamic. It's so easy to get caught up in what we want and who we think others should be. What we fail to realize unfortunately is that when we begin to let go of these possessive thoughts, we get back so much more than we were looking for. It's like it was waiting there for us all along!

I think when someone truly loves us, they want to give us what we need/want. They just need to be able to trust that what they are giving is appreciated. If it is not, the withholding begins.

Regarding the sexual issue: I've been on the receiving end of this. In my situation (and my opinion), this did not have anything to do with sex but rather just one of many excuses. The reason I think this is because the same issues of being unsatisfied permeated all aspects of that relationship. When they got what they wanted, they would say that they were dissatisfied about something else. In short, as you put so well in your post, the dissatisfaction resided in themselves not the other person. He (my ex) was looking for someone else to take care of needs that had long ago been neglected. He not only was unaware of the fact that his issues were coming from within himself, he also was unaware of what his particular unmet needs were and projected them onto everyone he met. Narcissism anyone? Really good self mirroring on this by the way mocachapeau!

This prophesy you speak of sounds to me like STS in nature and therefore I wouldn't put any value in it except to learn one of the many insidious ways it can present itself. The reason I think it's STS related is because of the focus on not only the sexual aspect, but more importantly the focus on what the other person has to do in order for everything to be "perfect". This is narcissism at it's finest. "If only this or that person would do such and such, my life would be great." There is no focus on self responsibility and what "I can do". I think this is the clue to what the nature of the prophesy originates.

Thanks so much for this thread. I'm currently trying to find the balance between listening and speaking. What the other person needs as opposed to what I need. Much to think about...
mocachapeau said:
At any rate, the main reason I wanted to share this with you all is that I feel like I've achieved something. I know it's just one small thing, but that my wife noticed I have changed, and told me so, is pretty huge for me.

Hi mocachapeau,

thanks for sharing this, and I don't think it is a small thing to achieve. I think it is indeed huge if the people in our lives are noticing changes within us. So that's a great step you've made there! :)

But I'd still say this is an ongoing thing. See below my thought about your prophesy.

truth seeker said:
I think when someone truly loves us, they want to give us what we need/want. They just need to be able to trust that what they are giving is appreciated. If it is not, the withholding begins.

Interesting you're mentioning this, truth seeker. That's the exact same thing I have been sensing recently in my relationship - just that it's me who needs to develop - for him to be able to not hold back anymore. And it's pretty frustrating to sense it, but then not to be able to "get there".

truth seeker said:
This prophesy you speak of sounds to me like STS in nature and therefore I wouldn't put any value in it except to learn one of the many insidious ways it can present itself. The reason I think it's STS related is because of the focus on not only the sexual aspect, but more importantly the focus on what the other person has to do in order for everything to be "perfect". This is narcissism at it's finest. "If only this or that person would do such and such, my life would be great." There is no focus on self responsibility and what "I can do". I think this is the clue to what the nature of the prophesy originates.

Yeah, what you're saying here makes sense to me. But then I wonder: mocachapeau has definitely made progress in his relationship to his wife.
So what is this prophesy thing about? Is it to deflect his new learned behaviour?
Deflect in the sense of the following:

- mocachapeau has learned an aspect of STO behaviour
- this would be a threat to the control system
- thus the control system introduces an STS influence, namely concocting a "prophesy" that feeds his wishful thinking/STS FRV,
which in turn sort of nullifies his new learned behaviour and he would then be "back in line".

This would then mean for mocachapeau to be very vigilant about what aspects of his machine are being elicited via this "prophesy". Because I can imagine that it is very easy to say to oneself that naw, I don't believe in it anyway, but then there might be a small part within oneself that does go for it and believes in the prophesy, which would then open oneself up for attack or simply nullifies the step taken foward.

Don't know, just my two cents.
truth seeker said:
First of all, I just want to congratulate you on seeing yourself. I think that by working on yourself, it opened up a safe space for your wife to show the parts of herself she was keeping hidden from you. I've been on both the giving and receiving end of this dynamic. It's so easy to get caught up in what we want and who we think others should be. What we fail to realize unfortunately is that when we begin to let go of these possessive thoughts, we get back so much more than we were looking for. It's like it was waiting there for us all along!

Yes, I think that's it, as well. I realize now that it was the key to the whole thing and the one part I wasn't getting. Although I was learning to think and behave differently, I was also thinking about the importance that my wife do so as well, because that's what I felt we (I, actually) needed. And by doing so I was expecting something from her and therefore still projecting an image of my making onto her. So in that respect it was the one way in which I wasn't thinking differently at all. As soon as I stopped thinking that way it was like a barrier I had created simply dissolved and, as you say, what was there waiting for us all along came pouring through.

truth seeker said:
Regarding the sexual issue: I've been on the receiving end of this. In my situation (and my opinion), this did not have anything to do with sex but rather just one of many excuses. The reason I think this is because the same issues of being unsatisfied permeated all aspects of that relationship. When they got what they wanted, they would say that they were dissatisfied about something else. In short, as you put so well in your post, the dissatisfaction resided in themselves not the other person. He (my ex) was looking for someone else to take care of needs that had long ago been neglected. He not only was unaware of the fact that his issues were coming from within himself, he also was unaware of what his particular unmet needs were and projected them onto everyone he met. Narcissism anyone? Really good self mirroring on this by the way mocachapeau!

This prophesy you speak of sounds to me like STS in nature and therefore I wouldn't put any value in it except to learn one of the many insidious ways it can present itself. The reason I think it's STS related is because of the focus on not only the sexual aspect, but more importantly the focus on what the other person has to do in order for everything to be "perfect". This is narcissism at it's finest. "If only this or that person would do such and such, my life would be great." There is no focus on self responsibility and what "I can do". I think this is the clue to what the nature of the prophesy originates.

Puzzle said:
Yeah, what you're saying here makes sense to me. But then I wonder: mocachapeau has definitely made progress in his relationship to his wife.
So what is this prophesy thing about? Is it to deflect his new learned behaviour?
Deflect in the sense of the following:

- mocachapeau has learned an aspect of STO behaviour
- this would be a threat to the control system
- thus the control system introduces an STS influence, namely concocting a "prophesy" that feeds his wishful thinking/STS FRV,
which in turn sort of nullifies his new learned behaviour and he would then be "back in line".

This would then mean for mocachapeau to be very vigilant about what aspects of his machine are being elicited via this "prophesy". Because I can imagine that it is very easy to say to oneself that naw, I don't believe in it anyway, but then there might be a small part within oneself that does go for it and believes in the prophesy, which would then open oneself up for attack or simply nullifies the step taken foward.

Don't know, just my two cents.

I quoted your comments together in this way because reading them has led me to seeing the sexual issue and the prophecy thing as one and the same.

I think the prophecy could very well have been an STS attempt to derail me from the path I am now on, and that it's use of the sexual issue was chosen because of the importance I have put on it in the past. If sex still had the same importance for me that it has in the past, my reaction to this event could have been much different. At the moment when I thought the prophecy was not going to be fulfilled, I would probably have felt a great disappointment. And when it started to come true, I may have then attached such an enormous importance to it that my feeling of being with the "right woman" would have come about for all the wrong reasons.

What struck me the most about the experience was not the fulfillment of the prophecy itself, but how I reacted when I thought it was NOT to be fulfilled. I really didn't care! At that moment I felt happy being with my wife because of the love I was feeling for her, not because of any kind of sexual activity. I realized afterward just how much my attitude toward sex had changed, for the better. And if this was some kind of STS activity, I believe that it may have failed because of this change I have undergone. The fulfilling of the prophecy was certainly interesting, and moving, but not as important as the other reaction.

One thing I failed to mention in my original post was the hypothesis I had reached, because of this event, on the subject of what it means to be with "the one". "The one" is not one specific person who does such and such, as truth seeker put it . "The one" is the person you have fallen in love with, chosen, and that has chosen you, no matter who that person is. And as long as you both express real love for each other you really CAN achieve great things together. THAT is why I feel that my wife is "the one" - together we are discovering real love. But with all the different possibilities that present themselves in our lives, it could have been someone else.

And Puzzle, you are so right about being very vigilant. I could have swallowed this the wrong way, hook line and sinker. But with truth seeker's and your help I have become a little more aware of the possible dangers involved. I just hope I haven't already missed something.

Thank you both for your comments and observations.
mocachapeau said:
What struck me the most about the experience was not the fulfillment of the prophecy itself, but how I reacted when I thought it was NOT to be fulfilled. I really didn't care! At that moment I felt happy being with my wife because of the love I was feeling for her, not because of any kind of sexual activity.

This is really great, mocachapeau, and I'm glad for both your wife and you! By taking this important step forward, you've opened a new door for you both,
and I wish you the happiest of further learning and of exploring your love for each other! :flowers:
Puzzle said:
This is really great, mocachapeau, and I'm glad for both your wife and you! By taking this important step forward, you've opened a new door for you both,
and I wish you the happiest of further learning and of exploring your love for each other! :flowers:

Thanks Puzzle! I'm already appreciating the new atmosphere, and can see how it has created a better environment for the further learning, as you say.
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