Sherlock holmes


FOTCM Member
Hey guys,

I went to see this movie and was simply entertaining.

the music was very good i consider, and the photography was excellent for those who haven't seen it or heard about it here's the website link for trailers and synopsis:

Sherlock Holmes official website.


Now, i found pretty interesting how the plot plays out, specially the part behind the motive for the whole plot.

How he used "magic" to spread fear amongst the people both from the secret society and in london, and the very reason he used before parliament, how he was intending to re-create an english global empire and regain control of the colonies in the US.

as i was sitting on the theatre i was getting the impression that it would be an excellent example to explain people not familiar with Andrew Lobaczewski's work how a pathocracy is developed in a given group, association, society, country!

The very behaivours within a pathocratic group, the dynamics and how roles are decided within.

i have never personally read the work of sir Arthur Conan Doyle, so i couldn't tell you if it was a very good adaptation maybe laura can shed some light on it if she sees the movie, as she is a reader of Conan Doyle.

But i personally liked it and found it very interesting, has anyone else seen it? or does anyone have any feedback about it, it is always welcomed! :)

Thank you!
Hi Alejo. I've been such a fan of the Sherlock Holmes character, that sometimes when I go back and read one of his adventures, I feel like I've traveled back in time, complete with all the emotional experiences I had the first time through.

It was exquisitely agonizing trying to figure out, from Doyle's clues, how Holmes thought in order to solve his mysteries and then there were the occasional head-slapping "coulda had a V-8" moments.

Anyway, I've seen the movie trailer, but I think if I go see it it'll be due to the special effects, but if I do, I'll try and give you my thoughts on the adaptation too. :)
Hi buddy.

thank you,i figured that i could not come to an accurate opinion of the movie without reading the books, but you have!, so it's lovely i am really looking forward to reading your thoughts thanks!! ;D
The special effects are very tempting.....and Rachel Mcadams looks as sharp as always :D such a good looking lady ..ohh I could't stop myself from saying that :P .....w'll see about the movie .
See, it's funny because as much as i love special affects, I'm one person who hates the way this movie has been made so actiony and all special affects.

To me, Sherlock Holmes is supposed to be an old man with a magnifying glass, solving mysteries. I'm just sick of how Hollywood has to make EVERYTHING full of action. My ideal Sherlock Holmes movie would have been a very deep intellectually capturing movie. Not Iron Man take 3-

This is just my personal opinion of course as I have not seen the movie.

But I found the casting all wrong lol... :shock:
I just visited the official site, and this is definitively not a Sherlock Holmes movie. There is too much explosions! And the Dr. Watson looks younger than him!
Deedlet said:
To me, Sherlock Holmes is supposed to be an old man with a magnifying glass, solving mysteries.

Exactly. I've never seen any movie do justice to any good book...even Anne Rice's stuff. It would be interesting though, to see the differences that just reinforce the original's timelessness. And did I mention the special effects? Whoah! :)
Deedlet said:
See, it's funny because as much as i love special affects, I'm one person who hates the way this movie has been made so actiony and all special affects.

To me, Sherlock Holmes is supposed to be an old man with a magnifying glass, solving mysteries. I'm just sick of how Hollywood has to make EVERYTHING full of action. My ideal Sherlock Holmes movie would have been a very deep intellectually capturing movie. Not Iron Man take 3-

This is just my personal opinion of course as I have not seen the movie.

But I found the casting all wrong lol... :shock:

If you Netflix, there are a series of movies about Sherlock Holmes done by a British actor named Jeremy Brett. They are true to the books, and among my favorites. Brett really nails Holmes in all his quirks and eccentricities, and it was a sad day indeed when he passed away. :(

If you haven't seen these movies, I highly recommend them! :)
Deedlet said:
See, it's funny because as much as i love special affects, I'm one person who hates the way this movie has been made so actiony and all special affects.

To me, Sherlock Holmes is supposed to be an old man with a magnifying glass, solving mysteries. I'm just sick of how Hollywood has to make EVERYTHING full of action. My ideal Sherlock Holmes movie would have been a very deep intellectually capturing movie. Not Iron Man take 3-

This is just my personal opinion of course as I have not seen the movie.

But I found the casting all wrong lol... :shock:

I'll agree with that!
Gimpy said:
If you Netflix, there are a series of movies about Sherlock Holmes done by a British actor named Jeremy Brett. They are true to the books, and among my favorites. Brett really nails Holmes in all his quirks and eccentricities, and it was a sad day indeed when he passed away. :(

If you haven't seen these movies, I highly recommend them! :)

Cool, thanks Gimpy! I'll try and get a hold of them :D
Deedlet said:
To me, Sherlock Holmes is supposed to be an old man with a magnifying glass, solving mysteries. I'm just sick of how Hollywood has to make EVERYTHING full of action.

I beg to differ, Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is not an old man and never have been. :) He is in his late 30s or early 40s(his face is smooth and his hair is touched with gray) and often demonstrates amazing fits of physical strength and endurance in D's stories. Watson also is no flab, having served as a military physician for years.

But, as you said, Holmes's greatest strength is intellectual deduction and power of observation.

I love Sherlock Holmes's stories and practically know some of them by heart. From the reviews, I got the impression that this new movie is not really a SH movie, but rather a "based on Arthur Conan Doyle's characters" production, with a goal of establishing an independent franchise, like the Pirates of the Caribbean. They appear to have bundled together a bunch of stories and characters, and reworked some relationships and story lines. Esthetically, it's also not true to the time period. Nothing typically victorian about it; rather, that has been used as an inspiration in creation of a dark urban setting with a retro feel.

That being said, I am still looking forward to seeing this movie as a story in its own right.

Speaking of SH movies that are true to the original books, another very good production is a Russian mini series, with Vassily Livanov as SH, Vitaly Solomin as W and NIkita MIkhalkov (better known as a producer) as Henry Baskerville. I think it can now be found with English subtitles.

Livanov was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes in this series. New Zealand mint chose the faces of Livanov and Solomin for their collectible coins commemorating Sherlock Holmes (here is a link to images: \\\
I saw the movie with my parents last weekend, and it was pretty good, imo. I especially like the "clue flashbacks."
Hildegarda said:
I beg to differ, Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is not an old man and never have been. :) He is in his late 30s or early 40s(his face is smooth and his hair is touched with gray) and often demonstrates amazing fits of physical strength and endurance in D's stories. Watson also is no flab, having served as a military physician for years.

But, as you said, Holmes's greatest strength is intellectual deduction and power of observation.

After watching the movie (which I enjoyed greatly, including the soundtrack) I can say that it was authentic in both of the points you mentioned above.

Also, here is a quote from one of the reviews left on IMDB.

***Mild Spoilers Alert***

26 December 2009
Author: paperback_wizard from United States

It saddens me... not the movie, but the number of self-professed Holmes aficionados who apparently have no knowledge of Holmes. For the record, Holmes was a miserable, irresponsible drug addict who did indeed sleep on the floor, insult his best friend, experiment on his dog, and never ever wore a deerstalker's cap (at least, not until television was invented). He was a brawler who practiced martial arts and was as likely to slum around in the filthiest of rags as he was a suit.

It wasn't until after Doctor Watson took him in hand that he truly refined himself and became a "respectable" member of society. And yes, we can tell that this movie takes place THAT early in their relationship because Watson has not yet married his wife (the retconning did annoy me, too, by the way, but you just can't avoid a little re-imagining here and there).

Speaking of unavoidable, Irene Adler, Holmes' one uncapturable (is that a word?), simply had to be cast as a potential love interest. The flirting, the romance, and the near-make-out session were irresistible to the director (and to all of the audience who're honest with themselves).

That being said, I felt Robert Downey, Jr. played Sherlock Holmes to perfection. His characteristic caustic attitude towards Lestrade and even Watson at times was exactly how I'd imagine him. He gives several summations of his observations and deductions that brought Holmes to life in an almost unparalleled way. His fight scenes (preceded the first few times by superhuman calculations) show both the mental and physical sides of Holmes in ways that Watson's notes can't quite convey, but at which they constantly hint.

As for Watson himself, Jude Law delivered a wonderful performance. I was a little skeptical of how well he fought, given Watson's wartime injury, but his character and demeanor were entirely on the nose. His loyalty to Holmes despite his frustrations with him could not have been captured more expertly, I feel. No one, no matter how patient or forgiving, could endure Holmes forever without the occasional confrontation. The original Holmes, after all, was not above insulting his best friend or even deriding his deductive capabilities at times. Nevertheless, Watson never could abandon his friend in his time of need.

This version (or vision, if you will) of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's greatest creation may be more swashbuckling, more thrilling, and more edgy than any other incarnation, but that doesn't make it any less faithful to the original. Aside from a little revisionist history in the cases of the female leads, nothing is that far out of the ordinary; and no amount of references to Madonna will change that.
Oh, what a hoot! :lol:

Just got home from seeing this one. I've been re-watching the many series that Jeremy Brett did, and it was a nice surprise to see Robert Downy Jr using many of his mannerisms and physical quirks in his portrayal of Holmes. That was cool.

A small comment on the villain after a spoiler space:

The bad guy had an odd tooth showing when he spoke, and it cracked me up so bad I had to clamp hands over my mouth to keep from braying like a donkey. He had AN EGG TOOTH, like a reptile does when it hatches! His entire plot was so basic STS, with the whole nine yards of mumbo jumbo, that it was fun to see the guy get his comeuppance, via the Natural World.

If you like a little whiz bang, it wasn't a bad movie at all. ;)
Thumbs up - if you are after relaxing entertainment.
Magic, secret societies, applied science (or pseudo science), Victorian era - what more do you need for Saturday evening :)
I thought Guy Richie did very good job.
Excellent casting down to every single little character.
Apart from his fake British accent Robert Downey Junior was nice refreshment in long line of utterly unlikeable Sherlock Holmes characters both on big and small screen, same goes for Jude Law as Watson.
Rachel Mc Adams - whoever this actress is, was just perfect.
I thought it was refreshing that usual homoerotic undertones of Holmes/Watson relationship were taken to a comical extreme in this version.

Also great music and visuals - so all in all 2 h well spent.

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