The Force is Strong With This One
There is a little known sequel to the Rocky Horror Picture Show that was released in 1981. Brad and Janet now a few years into their marriage, find that their hometown of Denton has been transformed into a type of Reality TV show sponsored by Farley Flavours (a multinational conglomerate), that just so happens to be owned and run by Brad's long lost twin brother Farley. The towns populace has been brainwashed to constantly watch reality TV and soap operas run out of the studio, and the whole population of the town is the studio audience.
What makes this film worth watching to me is how accurately the reality TV phenomenon is portrayed, especially in 1981 when reality TV did not enjoy the same mass popularity it does today. Brad is also segregated from Janet by "doctors" who claim that his mental health is deteriorating, but really it is just a ruse to break him and Janet apart. Farley attempts to seduce Janet with his own brand of "Shock Treatment" and rigorous exposure to his reality TV, and even makes her the star of her own show.
Highly recommended, it is a good laugh and full of some good music as well.
What makes this film worth watching to me is how accurately the reality TV phenomenon is portrayed, especially in 1981 when reality TV did not enjoy the same mass popularity it does today. Brad is also segregated from Janet by "doctors" who claim that his mental health is deteriorating, but really it is just a ruse to break him and Janet apart. Farley attempts to seduce Janet with his own brand of "Shock Treatment" and rigorous exposure to his reality TV, and even makes her the star of her own show.
Highly recommended, it is a good laugh and full of some good music as well.