Yes, the charges may very well be dropped, and he may be deported momentarily, but the nazi's in Canberra will never apologise or clear his name, and the damage done to the Doctor's reputation will haunt him for the rest of his life. I came across this yesterday or the day before. I think it sums things up quite well...
[from GI Special 5G22 available from The Military Project as PDF or MS Word document from: ]
From: Max Watts, Australia To: GI Special Sent: July 23, 2007 Subject: DR HANEEF
By Max Watts, Annandale, Australia - Max Watts is Co-Author of LEFT FACE, Soldier Unions and Resistance Movements in Modern Armies, with DAVID CORTRIGHT; Contributions in Military Studies, Number 107; GREENWOOD PRESS, New York • Westport, Connecticut • London
I am not quite sure how to report (for a non-Australian audience) the horribly humorous story of the Indian Doctor Haneef and his Sims/Keycard.
Is it a tragedy – a Dreyfus case, how a small would-be Nixon/Bush called Horrible Howard - is desperately trying to save his otherwise fried bacon – his Australian primeministership - by clutching at any straw to reverse looming electoral annihilation?
Or is it a laughable Keystone cops comedy – how this frame-up comes unstuck – because the Australian cops and the government can’t keep their stories straight?
And how to report this without going back in time? Six years to the good ship Tampa, three years to the children overboard, and six weeks to the child-sex-Aboriginal horrors, another method of stealing what’s left of the Aboriginal Land Rights?
2001: The Good Ship Tampa saves Howard’s bacon: Howard, an Australian Bush/Nixon type, Prime Minister in Canberra, is about to lose the upcoming election.
Along comes the big Norwegian freighter Tampa and sees a small sinking ship with 500 people on board. The Norwegian Captain does his good deed and saves the passengers, puts them on his ship, and – he thinks – continues to the nearest land – the Australian Christmas Island.
But Prime Minister Howard soon puts a stop to that!
These passengers are refugees, and mostly brown. They will not be allowed to land. And Howard boasts how he is defending Australia, from the brown hordes!
That was the Tampa election.
2004 November: Another tight Federal election (Australians have them every three years).
Howard is really in luck: Two days before election day, another sinking ship is detected by the Australian Navy. Dramatically!
Photos show the passengers throwing their children into the sea. Apparently to drown them. Howard trumpets: "This kind of person, children-into-the-sea throwers, will never, as long as I am Prime Minister, be allowed into Australia!
"Vote for me, I’ll keep them out!"
The voters do. The conservative/reactionary Howard is again re-elected, is today still prime minister.
That was the Children-over-board election.
The day after that election, very upset Australian Navy sailors tell all: "Hell, the parents were throwing the children into the sea to save them, the boat was sinking under their feet, two women drowned, we did our best, saved almost all."
The again defeated Labor Party ALP had had no idea how to counter Tampa nor the children-into-the-sea throwing propaganda. Their right-wing leaders do not want to confront Australian racism.
2007, June: A Black Tampa – Aboriginal Child-Sex this time: Again, a Federal Election: This time the polls show a 15% (enormous) lead for the ALP plus Greens – (We vote 1,2,3, n preferentially for the Lower House – Labor counts on almost all Greens giving the ALP their number 2 vote).
Howard finds a Black Tampa. Aboriginal Child Sex!
A government report is released: In some of the 60 Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory (where the Federal Government is all-powerful, above the Darwin Territorial administration) little children are raped, abused, by.. not-quite-clear who .. (White men – coming into the villages for ? or ??).
That this has been discussed in many previous reports in the past decades, that the Howard government has cut welfare, social service budgets, anti-alcohol programs by $500 millions since it came to power – and greatly increased the problems – and has destroyed the Aboriginal administrations attempting to control strangers coming into communities, sometimes for child-sex – not mentioned.… Not news.
Nor that the Howard plan is to remove the last vestiges of Aboriginal control over who can come onto their land, into their villages…
That is, also the mining companies who have sometimes complained about Aboriginal reluctance to allow them "in", to dig up their land…
Nor: that the plan of the Howard government is to send in the Army to "control these child-sex abusers" – and Doctors to examine all children under 16… (without their parents permission) for sexual tampering.
Tampering… not Tampa..
2007, July: Doctors.. Doctors?! What, like Dr. Haneef?: A Dr Mohammed Haneef, from Bangalore in India, was one of the foreign doctors (many from "Third World" countries) recruited to help with the doctor shortage (particularly in Queensland, the Northern Territory, in country practices). Dr. Haneef had qualified in Britain before coming to Australia.
He had, leaving Britain, left behind his "Sims Card" [phone card] – with some credit still on it - money lost otherwise.
He had given the card to a cousin in England. A very bad move!
A burning jeep had been driven into the Glasgow airport fence. A Terrorist attack.
Dr. Haneef, on his way back to India, is arrested at Brisbane airport. An Australian aspect to that terrorist attack!
His Sims card, so we are told by the police, the government, the media, was in that jeep !
Dr Haneef is questioned, many many days.
The previously limited interrogation time is prolonged, prolonged, prolonged.
This is not a simple murder, or child-sex, this is Terrorism. The Howard government has introduced new Terrorist Laws, accused bleeding heart liberals of excessive human-rightism. Leftism.
See how we catch them!
Eventually Dr Haneef is brought before a Brisbane Judge. Who, horrors, finds no good reason for keeping him in jail!
He was on his way to India to see his new-born daughter. The judge sets (low) bail. He could, run, terrorise some more ? Get another Sims card ?
But fortunately the Howard Government is not weak-kneed. Its immigration minister handles the problem, brilliantly. Overcomes any notion re "separation of powers, executive interference in a legal case."
Howard’s minister revokes, on the spot, Dr Haneef’s visa.
He is, so Immigration Minster Andrews: "of bad character".
That Dr. Haneef till that moment had been entrusted with patients in Queensland (does that require a good character ? – no one had complained) – irrelevant.
With his visa revoked Dr Haneef becomes – on the spot - an illegal immigrant. Jailed.
Why is Dr Haneef of bad character ? Secret. Will not be revealed.
What is revealed is – that the donated Sims card was not, repeat not, in the burning jeep in Glasgow.
It was in Liverpool, with another, non-terrorist, cousin of Dr Haneef. The information given to the court, the media, by the police, was simply false. Invented.
And the names found on Dr Haneef’s diary, about which he was questioned…. They had been written onto the diary cover by… the police.
Oh dear.
And the media beat-up, Haneef had photographed Queensland sky-scrapers, probably to bomb them ?
A tourist photo with his wife on the beach….
Oh dear !
And worse, these embarassing details are leaking out, despite government efforts threatening lawyers, journos, revealing them, attempts to keep them secret.
Of course such details will not sway the Howard government, Haneef remains in a Brisbane jail. If he were found innocent of terrorism, he will still be instantly deported, for incautiously giving away his Sims card.
In the meantime the Indian government makes noises about Anti-Indian-Australian racism.
Aboriginal communities wonder if they will ever get any foreign doctors (who may become even more reluctant to work in Australia).
Some mention the Dreyfus case, others wonder about the intelligence of the Australian police..
The Australian Labor Party?
Their leaders support the (Howard) government.
Some of their members wonder why bother to vote for the ALP? = Another Liberal (i.e. here: Right-wing) Party.
Fortunately Australia has compulsory voting. You get fined if you abstain. But there may be more spoiled ballots. And maybe not all Greens will vote ALP as (essential for Labor) Second Choice.
Will the Black Tampa and the (non)-Terrorist Doctor Haneef – after the Norwegian Tampa and the children overboard, yet snatch another defeat out of the jaws of a Labor victory ?
To be followed …