short dream involving typical grey eyes


Jedi Master
Hi everyone.
This night i had a very short dream, or at least i don't recall what went before of what i will describe below.

I was walking down one street, and i notice this dog (a labrador or golden retrieval, which are the breeds i most appreciate among dogs) lying in the sidewalk, who looks at me. When he looks at me he has this typical grey alien eyes, big and black and with a, kind of wicked and angry expression. A few moments pass and i fell a pair of hands (i think i associate them with the hands of an old man) touching my shoulders and a voice who said "Don't look at it", and i turn my head from the eyes. After this i wake up.

So, what would you make of this dream, i'm always afraid and also curious when my dreams involve some kind of alien element, especially the greys eyes, something i was really scared of as a child, and that to this day i don't really like to look at. At a superficial level i think it is obvious that it could be something like alien contact (i would not call it abduction because i really don't know how dreams interact with real abductions), and them something coming in my "rescue". The fact that it was so straight forward makes me think that perhaps it could be some king of program, internal or external, to make me feel special, because i was protected by something, i don't know what.
Anyone had a similar type of dream?
Hi Green

My experience is somewhat different than yours. Sometimes when I use visualization for rehearse, (like when I prepare myself for a meeting or interview), I notice this alien being lurking around, which freaks me out occasionally. Now I don't know what to make of it, call it abduction, monitoring, hidden programs, I really don't know. What I do know is that the visualization exercises help me a lot to cope with my social anxiety.
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