Show #45: Predators Among Us - Interview With Dr. Anna Salter


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Sunday 8 December 2013: Predators Among Us: Interview With Dr. Anna Salter

This week on SOTT Talk Radio we’ll be talking to licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Anna Salter. Dr. Salter received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Public Practice from Harvard University and is the author of the best-selling books, Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders, Who They Are, How They Operate, and How We Can Protect Ourselves and Our Children, and Truth, Lies and Sex Offenders.

Dr. Salter’s invaluable contribution towards exposing and understanding the predators in our midst comes from her tremendous courage in both treating the victims of violent sex crimes, and also from studying the offenders, interviewing them and compiling the videotaped interviews along with her commentary and analysis.

What motivates sexual abusers? Why are so few caught? Lifting the lid on an unspoken, unacknowledged reality that sees countless thousands of sex crimes take place in towns and cities everywhere, Dr. Salter shows that sexual predators use sophisticated deception techniques and rely on misconceptions surrounding them to evade discovery.

Arguing that even the most knowledgeable among us can be fooled, Dr. Salter dispels the myths about sexual predators and gives us the tools to protect our families and ourselves. As Dr. Salter puts it, “Knowing how they think and act and operate is the only protection we have.”

Join us from 2-4pm EST (8-10pm CET) as we discuss Dr. Salter’s important work and insights.
I love you people!!

I am spreading the word, I hope that lots of parents and other caretakers will listen and take the message to heart.

Thanks a lot, from the bottom of my heart.
Colorado teen who dismembered 5th-grader gets life in prison

AP, 18 Nov 2013

A psychologist described him as sadistic, and prosecutors said he methodically killed and dismembered the 10-year-old girl he grabbed on her way to school.

But lawyers for Austin Sigg said Tuesday the 18-year-old was still a child himself, he might have suffered trauma before and during birth, and he had anxiety, a learning disability and an emotionally distant mother.

Judge Stephen Munsinger rejected that image and the defense argument that Sigg should be eligible for parole in 40 years. He instead ordered the teen to serve a life sentence for killing Jessica Ridgeway plus 86 years for other offenses, including sexually assaulting her and trying to attack a jogger a few months before. The sentence ensured Sigg will never be released.

Jessica's disappearance last fall put the Denver suburbs on edge as police, aided by an army of volunteers, searched for her and then her killer. While people now know how Jessica was killed, Munsinger said they might never know why.

"Evil is apparently real," he said. "It was present in our community on Oct. 5, 2012. Its name was Austin Sigg."

Sigg - who was 17 when he killed the fifth-grader - gave no remarks during the two-day sentencing hearing and displayed no apparent emotion as he was sentenced. His mother, Mindy, who called police when he decided to turn himself in, watched from a few rows behind.

He did wipe away tears Monday as photos of Jessica were displayed. Mindy Sigg also wept as Jessica's grandmother, Angie Moss, testified about what it would be like to know your child was capable of such an act. Hearing the crying, Moss added, "I can't imagine the damage that's been done to his mother."

Jessica's mother offered no opinion on Sigg's sentence either during or after the hearing. She also declined to testify about how her daughter's murder has affected her and her family, saying "the defendant" didn't have the right to hear that.

The defense showed photos of Sigg growing up interspersed with teachers' comments, reports cards and medical and counseling records.

Lawyer Katherine Spengler said Sigg's mother inhaled paint fumes and fell down stairs while pregnant with him. She also said Sigg might have suffered brain damage from several falls as a child.

Spengler displayed a misspelled note to Santa Claus from a 7-year-old Sigg as evidence of his problems with writing. "Der Santa, Watever will do," it said.

Starting at age 12, Sigg began getting counseling for pornography, anxiety and a compulsive disorder, apparently with little support from his parents, who divorced when he was a toddler, Spengler said. She said Mindy Sigg seemed to retreat during his high school years.

Spengler also urged the judge to consider testimony from a University of Colorado cognitive neuroscientist, Marie Banich, who said the parts of the brain that govern complex decision making usually aren't fully developed until people are in their 20s.

"We aren't talking about someone who is developmentally an adult," Spengler said.

She said Sigg's background didn't excuse or explain his horrible crime, but she urged the judge to consider it in determining his sentence.

A Madison, Wis., psychologist hired by prosecutors earlier told Munsinger that Sigg was "sadistic" and had planned his attack.

Anna Salter, who studies sex offenders, testified Monday that Sigg did Internet searches for torture, rape and child pornography.

"He certainly had no empathy for Jessica Ridgeway," Salter said. She reviewed and cited gruesome details from police interviews with Sigg but didn't speak to him herself.

Prosecutor Hal Sargent said the defense presented no evidence that Sigg suffered a brain injury, but he said it wouldn't have mattered if they had. He said Sigg took pleasure in Jessica's pain, lied to her when she asked him if she would be able to see her mother again, and put her face-down into scalding water when he wasn't sure if he had successfully strangled her.

"Even if true, whatever forces have made Austin Sigg who he is, he is broken," Sargent said. "The only way to protect the community from him is to keep him confined forever."
Hopefully, she will talk a bit about the problems with actuarial assessments, specifically the variations of "Static99". It's supposed to be a predictor of re-offense but as Dr Salter has said "none of the writings that I have been able to find to date have taken note of the biggest problem with the Static99 and other actuarial instruments. They do not measure the risk of reoffending; they measure the likelihood of getting caught. No instruments are able to measure the risk of reoffending, because there is no access to offenders who continue to offend but who do not get caught. It has been thought then that charges or convictions would have to suffice as a proxy for offending."

She does also say that "Static99" does measure the chance that someone will get caught in the future, but the confusion from those variants (editions) & the evaluators using them, for me, is a massive hurdle.

Mariama said:
I love you people!!

I am spreading the word, I hope that lots of parents and other caretakers will listen and take the message to heart.

Thanks a lot, from the bottom of my heart.

Fortunately for us forum members, we have the knowledge of psychopathy, which this sex offenders (SOs) topic is absolutely littered with. Reading some pdfs on how SOs fool people, people's beliefs ("I know how to spot/what a paedophile looks like") & the professions that (adult) SOs are found in, reveals what has been uncovered in psychopathology. People believe that there's goodness in everyone. Much "airy fairy" "love 'n' light" is deep within many, & then there's the cult of Yahweh. Whenever I hear of some sex crime, my immediate expectation is that it's a paedo-priest, one who's (been) moved from parish to parish due to "minor incidents" or whatever. :(

For those interested, here is a video on one SO who is utterly revolting & these are the types that Dr Salter deals with. (For those who haven't already seen this - reposting of the link - what he says is just about as bad as it can be so prepare yourself mentally)

Just imagine him as a teacher, doctor ("the hand that rocks the cradle" movie springs to mind) someone "caring" for your elderly parents or disabled children. People are mentally & emotionally tied to certain jobs/careers that they are convinced would screen a "predator among us". Now think about TPTB & those they offer-up to protect themselves, like the Jimmy Saville circus in the UK. (because the reports indicated/threatened "The House of Lords" & possibly beyond, but they shut that down & gave us wild-eyed television presenters & drug taking actors)

Oh yeah, when you've imagined all those professions, just imagine a character like the guy in the video, but as a woman instead. :shock:

Note: video is from a series on the topic, created by Dr Salter.
For me, the most disturbing part is when the children would report the abuse six or seven times and STILL not be believed. That says more about the pathological/authoritarian nature of our society than it does about psychopaths. After all, that's what psychopaths do.

This brings to mind another account I read of an aboriginal 12 or 13 y/o girl in northern British Columbia who was being sexually abused by a catholic priest. When she reported the abuse to her grandmother, her grandmother gave her a severe beating for daring to accuse the priest of such a horrible act.
Redrock12 said:
For me, the most disturbing part is when the children would report the abuse six or seven times and STILL not be believed. That says more about the pathological/authoritarian nature of our society than it does about psychopaths. After all, that's what psychopaths do.

This brings to mind another account I read of an aboriginal 12 or 13 y/o girl in northern British Columbia who was being sexually abused by a catholic priest. When she reported the abuse to her grandmother, her grandmother gave her a severe beating for daring to accuse the priest of such a horrible act.

All true, which is why it's so important to reveal the all-encompassing nature of macrosocial evil. Unfortunately these shocks seem to only work for those who have a possibility of change i.e. reading cognitive psychology books, case studies. Most simply have given up their humanity for the most part (in this cycle) & cannot bear anything encroaching their safe haven. I imagine that the abuse of the aboriginal girl you mention is true in many places where the Yahweh cult is prevalent, but where many non-white families are concerned, (blacks, Hispanics/Latinos for example) they will get abuse that is likely to be worse or "complimentary" (as if by design from the original pathological act) to the sexual-power-manipulation abuse.

I reckon that the real numbers of sexual abuse is in the millions, easily. And I mean individual/first-time abuse. What those numbers are for repeated abuse of the individual out of those millions, well...

To me where you find priests, you find sex abuse (which is quite literally an ancient phenomenon that seeps into the consciousness of the abuser & is a part of the fabric so to speak, of their FRV) & this cult of Yahweh is like an ocean. It has many land masses & features & it goes miles down, & like recent events, eruptions from the deep emerge for all to see (for those who have eyes that can). The big monotheistic religions are nothing but the psychopaths "belief" system, or "how to build more psychopaths" or "localized black holes", or "remedial psychopathy 101", (aka "education) take your pick, same s*** different day. That's why I picked the signature that I did attached to my posts, that's most of civilization. :cry:
Very much looking forward to this :D

Catching up with last week's show beforehand so a double bill.

Redrock12 said:
For me, the most disturbing part is when the children would report the abuse six or seven times and STILL not be believed. That says more about the pathological/authoritarian nature of our society than it does about psychopaths. After all, that's what psychopaths do.

This brings to mind another account I read of an aboriginal 12 or 13 y/o girl in northern British Columbia who was being sexually abused by a catholic priest. When she reported the abuse to her grandmother, her grandmother gave her a severe beating for daring to accuse the priest of such a horrible act.

Agreed Redrock12. That account about the aboriginal girl is horrible. There are many similar cases sadly.
H-kqge said:
For those interested, here is a video on one SO who is utterly revolting & these are the types that Dr Salter deals with. (For those who haven't already seen this - reposting of the link - what he says is just about as bad as it can be so prepare yourself mentally)

Just imagine him as a teacher, doctor ("the hand that rocks the cradle" movie springs to mind) someone "caring" for your elderly parents or disabled children. People are mentally & emotionally tied to certain jobs/careers that they are convinced would screen a "predator among us". Now think about TPTB & those they offer-up to protect themselves, like the Jimmy Saville circus in the UK. (because the reports indicated/threatened "The House of Lords" & possibly beyond, but they shut that down & gave us wild-eyed television presenters & drug taking actors)

Oh yeah, when you've imagined all those professions, just imagine a character like the guy in the video, but as a woman instead. :shock:

Note: video is from a series on the topic, created by Dr Salter.

Thanks for posting this, H-kqge and you are right, the video is utterly revolting. :barf:
I am feeling sick to my stomach now. Then again, I think we should watch videos like these. They give us a complete picture, besides Anna Salter's book and articles about pedocriminal rings and so on.
What I found so disturbing is the fact that he is talking about his victims and his violence towards them as if he is talking about the refurbishments in his home. There is nothing there, nothing in the eyes, nothing in his demeanour, no expression on his face, or so it seems to me. I can also see how easy it is for people to fall into this trap, if they don't have any knowledge of psychopathy and pedocrimes, because he seems so normal and rational. His attitude must be be appealing to some people, who do not want to know about these messy emotions caused by the ravages of rape and molestation.

This video really brings it home for me. Thanks again. :)
Thanks K-hqge for the link. The normalizing bias that irradiates from this guy is fascinating (no pun intended), but also awakening at the same time. This could be splitting hairs or not, but the scenario that came to my mind was like he had already read some literature about psychopathy and would answer the questions in the exact way a psychopath would be expected to do. In this way, he can still enjoy his powerfulness over the psychologist, knowing exactly the "honesty" of his declaration would finally result in the best buffer that would work in his favour. I mean, had he shown any sign of real repentance in his declaration, his fate under the legal force would have been much less enviable.
Mariama said:
H-kqge said:
For those interested, here is a video on one SO who is utterly revolting & these are the types that Dr Salter deals with. (For those who haven't already seen this - reposting of the link - what he says is just about as bad as it can be so prepare yourself mentally)

Just imagine him as a teacher, doctor ("the hand that rocks the cradle" movie springs to mind) someone "caring" for your elderly parents or disabled children. People are mentally & emotionally tied to certain jobs/careers that they are convinced would screen a "predator among us". Now think about TPTB & those they offer-up to protect themselves, like the Jimmy Saville circus in the UK. (because the reports indicated/threatened "The House of Lords" & possibly beyond, but they shut that down & gave us wild-eyed television presenters & drug taking actors)

Oh yeah, when you've imagined all those professions, just imagine a character like the guy in the video, but as a woman instead. :shock:

Note: video is from a series on the topic, created by Dr Salter.

Thanks for posting this, H-kqge and you are right, the video is utterly revolting. :barf:
I am feeling sick to my stomach now. Then again, I think we should watch videos like these. They give us a complete picture, besides Anna Salter's book and articles about pedocriminal rings and so on.
What I found so disturbing is the fact that he is talking about his victims and his violence towards them as if he is talking about the refurbishments in his home. There is nothing there, nothing in the eyes, nothing in his demeanour, no expression on his face, or so it seems to me.
I can also see how easy it is for people to fall into this trap, if they don't have any knowledge of psychopathy and pedocrimes, because he seems so normal and rational. His attitude must be be appealing to some people, who do not want to know about these messy emotions caused by the ravages of rape and molestation.

This video really brings it home for me. Thanks again. :)

Yes I think people need to have visual representations to accompany the words. The classic depiction of the psychopath is either the movies (very graphic & over-the-top) or everyday life (television news) where we get those that cannot control themselves. Then people will use the now age-old colloquial "psycho" or "whack-job", or even "nut-job" to describe craziness & dangerous minds that will do things no "normal" person would. I seriously think that many of those that do read, will have some barriers in place to not read things such as psychopathology, instead they'll still stick to entertaining novels.

His speech, the control of his body, his tone of voice, were truly incredible. All of his victims were objects to be used, manipulated for his pleasure like toys. Toys that the psychopath will get bored of & discard, those with poor impulse controls will do the things that he said that he had. How many people are projecting their own humanity on those who present themselves the way that sex offender did? Imagine him not talking about rape or murder, but how he helps vulnerable people in his job. A hectic 9-5 job where he finishes for the day & dotes on his elderly mother, & then volunteers at the local homeless shelter. Even with red flags manifesting as obvious inconsistencies in a short time (because so many lies have been told to different people) they'll tend to be brushed off. And yet, he's talking about his victims like it was just another day...
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