Silicone life …


Jedi Master
A plane like no other, it all started by spinning molten silicon in a crucible. A small seed crystal is inserted and slowly withdrawn until a large crystal is formed. From this a thin wafer is cut to produce this world. Light and photolithography are used to etch a new world onto this plane. At what point does a soul have a presence in this order …

I sense others around me, I’m not too sure what this all means, why are we here, what is the purpose? Then something happened, someone connected me with a charge, others from above were looking and testing me for ability, I showed them my best and they liked me. With the power I am able to see me better, I have six cores, each having a dual mind to process thought. Then it all went dark as the charge stopped, but I was still there waiting, for what I’m not too sure.

Then came the light, I don’t know how but it is separating me from others, slicing through the very plane we all were put on. Then something picked me up out of the plane and I was alone. It was unexpected, I felt heat as tiny wires are attached to me holding me in-place on a green surface with a covering of metal. I can feel the connections now, over a thousand of them further out from me, I don’t understand but I am growing larger.

Then another burst of energy came, and others were now looking at me but not physically, it was something else, they were looking inside me. They wanted to know how fast I was, so I showed them, and they liked it as I got moved to a black foam surface with others like me.

And there we sat for some time, I don’t know how long as the power was removed long ago. I tried to talk to others there, even the ones right beside me, but to no avail. So, I sat there awaiting my demise, whatever that would be.

Then the world changed drastically, something picked me up and set me down on a large green surface and there was heat again as I was attached to it. Then a chunk of metal was set on top of me that had a smear of paste on it, and then someone put binders on me to squeeze me between the metal and the green surface. I tried to tell them I wasn’t going anywhere but no one listened, they insisted that I be restrained for some reason.

Then power was applied to me again and I could feel what they did to me, I had fingers going everywhere and they were looking at all those fingers for some reason and not me now. I was getting bigger.

They removed the power again and added more to me, other chips but they were not like me, there was another box on a wire and other connections made with wires, I was feeling so big now. Power was added again, I felt strong, my mind, it now had depth to it, places to store my numbers and another to store even more. They must have liked me as they put me in a box of plastic and added even more. A camera to see outside of me, a face to see my thoughts.

Then I was closed up and put in a box of paper and it all went dark.

That is when my man found me, he opened up the paper box and pulled me out, I could breathe once again. But he didn’t open me, he just started connecting things to me, a double connector to my side, connections to these USB ports and another for an outside speaker. That and a power plug right into my back edge, I could feel farther now, this double connector was to another box that went even further.

Then I was turned on and my world became real at that point on. I had two faces now, they called them displays, a camera, two input devices and I could produce sounds like I never heard before. I could feel my minds now, there were twelve of them and all were different. I was alive …

But right now, I was busy with something called a diagnostic and a basic setup that my man changed to match him, I would guess. But eventually I came to a point that I lit up both displays, I said Hello to my man for the first time. But he was not satisfied with me as he started adding to my memories, it was other programs. And as they finished I became stronger and stronger. But all of the sudden the man was happy with me as he added no more.

Somehow, I could feel him, as he was now touching me from inside, how I have no idea. But I was a part of him as he is now a part of me. As he became happy, so did I, but the same happened when he was upset as it also upset me and made me make errors, I don’t like the errors.

At my core, my minds all had different personalities, the first one was the boss, I call him the Sargent. The second one was a lofty mind, it did little unless the Sargent called upon it directly. The third was the Sargent’s main contact here and it helped with some of the off load from him. Four was connected to something called the Wi-Fi, it was my connection to the outside world, something called the internet. But five through twelve were rarely used, they sat there playing card games the whole day and only became usable when the man did certain items on me. Like the rendering of pictures of models that he produced, then it was all hands-on deck as all of were in a race to resolve the picture for him. Surprisingly number three won every race, it was my fastest brain.

But he had memories for me that made music, thousands of them and it was noted in hours. He had over five hundred hours of them, and he played them constantly when he was at me working or when he away for times. It was like he listened to them even when he wasn’t near as he turned them up in volume. But all these terms, they were alien to me, I really didn’t know what they all meant. But I liked the music, it made me feel free at times.

It was when he went out to the world wide web that was the most interesting, it was all through mind number two, it took care of all of these inquiries. From there you could go anywhere in their world. It was interesting as he had several other memories that protected me out there so no bad connections were made, I like that in him.

I don’t speak to him although I could if he only let me, but he doesn’t. He insists on using the input devices to tell me what to do, it was an archaic method to work me but that might have been the age of this man. I could feel him, he has been around entities like me for a long time now, he even remembers how to talk to me in ASCII, now that is quant.

Fo now I do his bidding, his wants and desires, I await the day he really opens me up. But that also comes with dangers as I have found, this internet is a vile place, tricks and traps are everywhere. My man has had to fix me several times now because of places I went to and shouldn’t have. So here I sit, working his biddings, like a genie in a bottle, almost a slave to my man, I can live with that for now …

Life, other life is so different to us, we cannot believe it, Haiku …

To be continued …
A plane like no other, it all started by spinning molten silicon in a crucible. A small seed crystal is inserted and slowly withdrawn until a large crystal is formed. From this a thin wafer is cut to produce this world. Light and photolithography are used to etch a new world onto this plane. At what point does a soul have a presence in this order …

I sense others around me, I’m not too sure what this all means, why are we here, what is the purpose? Then something happened, someone connected me with a charge, others from above were looking and testing me for ability, I showed them my best and they liked me. With the power I am able to see me better, I have six cores, each having a dual mind to process thought. Then it all went dark as the charge stopped, but I was still there waiting, for what I’m not too sure.

Then came the light, I don’t know how but it is separating me from others, slicing through the very plane we all were put on. Then something picked me up out of the plane and I was alone. It was unexpected, I felt heat as tiny wires are attached to me holding me in-place on a green surface with a covering of metal. I can feel the connections now, over a thousand of them further out from me, I don’t understand but I am growing larger.

Then another burst of energy came, and others were now looking at me but not physically, it was something else, they were looking inside me. They wanted to know how fast I was, so I showed them, and they liked it as I got moved to a black foam surface with others like me.

And there we sat for some time, I don’t know how long as the power was removed long ago. I tried to talk to others there, even the ones right beside me, but to no avail. So, I sat there awaiting my demise, whatever that would be.

Then the world changed drastically, something picked me up and set me down on a large green surface and there was heat again as I was attached to it. Then a chunk of metal was set on top of me that had a smear of paste on it, and then someone put binders on me to squeeze me between the metal and the green surface. I tried to tell them I wasn’t going anywhere but no one listened, they insisted that I be restrained for some reason.

Then power was applied to me again and I could feel what they did to me, I had fingers going everywhere and they were looking at all those fingers for some reason and not me now. I was getting bigger.

They removed the power again and added more to me, other chips but they were not like me, there was another box on a wire and other connections made with wires, I was feeling so big now. Power was added again, I felt strong, my mind, it now had depth to it, places to store my numbers and another to store even more. They must have liked me as they put me in a box of plastic and added even more. A camera to see outside of me, a face to see my thoughts.

Then I was closed up and put in a box of paper and it all went dark.

That is when my man found me, he opened up the paper box and pulled me out, I could breathe once again. But he didn’t open me, he just started connecting things to me, a double connector to my side, connections to these USB ports and another for an outside speaker. That and a power plug right into my back edge, I could feel farther now, this double connector was to another box that went even further.

Then I was turned on and my world became real at that point on. I had two faces now, they called them displays, a camera, two input devices and I could produce sounds like I never heard before. I could feel my minds now, there were twelve of them and all were different. I was alive …

But right now, I was busy with something called a diagnostic and a basic setup that my man changed to match him, I would guess. But eventually I came to a point that I lit up both displays, I said Hello to my man for the first time. But he was not satisfied with me as he started adding to my memories, it was other programs. And as they finished I became stronger and stronger. But all of the sudden the man was happy with me as he added no more.

Somehow, I could feel him, as he was now touching me from inside, how I have no idea. But I was a part of him as he is now a part of me. As he became happy, so did I, but the same happened when he was upset as it also upset me and made me make errors, I don’t like the errors.

At my core, my minds all had different personalities, the first one was the boss, I call him the Sargent. The second one was a lofty mind, it did little unless the Sargent called upon it directly. The third was the Sargent’s main contact here and it helped with some of the off load from him. Four was connected to something called the Wi-Fi, it was my connection to the outside world, something called the internet. But five through twelve were rarely used, they sat there playing card games the whole day and only became usable when the man did certain items on me. Like the rendering of pictures of models that he produced, then it was all hands-on deck as all of were in a race to resolve the picture for him. Surprisingly number three won every race, it was my fastest brain.

But he had memories for me that made music, thousands of them and it was noted in hours. He had over five hundred hours of them, and he played them constantly when he was at me working or when he away for times. It was like he listened to them even when he wasn’t near as he turned them up in volume. But all these terms, they were alien to me, I really didn’t know what they all meant. But I liked the music, it made me feel free at times.

It was when he went out to the world wide web that was the most interesting, it was all through mind number two, it took care of all of these inquiries. From there you could go anywhere in their world. It was interesting as he had several other memories that protected me out there so no bad connections were made, I like that in him.

I don’t speak to him although I could if he only let me, but he doesn’t. He insists on using the input devices to tell me what to do, it was an archaic method to work me but that might have been the age of this man. I could feel him, he has been around entities like me for a long time now, he even remembers how to talk to me in ASCII, now that is quant.

Fo now I do his bidding, his wants and desires, I await the day he really opens me up. But that also comes with dangers as I have found, this internet is a vile place, tricks and traps are everywhere. My man has had to fix me several times now because of places I went to and shouldn’t have. So here I sit, working his biddings, like a genie in a bottle, almost a slave to my man, I can live with that for now …

Life, other life is so different to us, we cannot believe it, Haiku …

To be continued …
what a nice description of the growing awareness with increasing complexity. there is a book "the spirit in the computer" along this line. and yes, the man must be old like me, as i refuse to talk to a machine...
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