Sink Holes

Al Today

The Living Force
If I had a coin for every dream I've had that is "odd", I would be a rich man. I'm not in the habit of speaking of such things. BUT, I am compelled to tell about this one...

Reading the SotT article revived remembrance of a reoccurring dream I've had since childhood. Imagine watching a sinkhole being created is the best I can say. The Earth falling down, or being swallowed up, somewhat depicted on a small scale by the article. EXCEPT on a massive scale. And my attempts to escape to secure ground. Many different scenarios and situations but always the same theme, the Earth falling down, sinking down, All around. The last dream was not too long ago. I remember being in a multistory house. looking out the second story window and watching the Earth SINK/DROP all around the house. The house reels to and fro and I frantically try to exit the house, rocking and rolling, being thrown around, trying to remain balanced. Looking for a solid piece of ground to run out on, but all around the Earth kept dropping. Finally, the house sways on a point of Earth sticking up in a point that has not fallen. All around the house is like a gigantic sinkhole and the house stands on a swaying spike of Earth sticking up. Then I usually wake up scared...

I've had variations of this dream way before ever hearing the word "sinkhole". Does the dream mean anything? Is it preparation? I dunno, but "time" will tell if I ever have another dream like that. How would I react to that situation?
And this SotT article stays with the same theme

While think I remember a movie "Crack in the World". Perhaps this triggered the dreams?

On another theme, the space dudes never arrive being friendly.
But for the Love & Light crowd, I rank this movie up the top as "To Serve Man".

So much for dreams... Prophesy Who Knows?
Al Today said:
And this SotT article stays with the same theme

I saw that one on SOTT too. what does this mean ---> "three miles across" ?
I mean is the rift really three miles across ? that would a very huge rift in a very short time ! :shock:
Pashalis said:
I saw that one on SOTT too. what does this mean ---> "three miles across" ?

Definitions of 'rift'
[rift] - (Showing 1 definitions)
1. split or crack
2. disagreement

"Crack in the World"

YeHaw.!.!.! What a Ride, eh?
One showed up in the norwegian town of Hønefoss yesterday:

Yes. and the article doesn't contain any useful information other than one can get from looking at the picture. :)
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