

Jedi Council Member
I come across new movie - Skyline that deals with E.T. invasion, i think it's something like World of the worlds and it's interesting that trailer says that S. Hawking warned about that aliens can be malevolent. It will be released in November.


there's another movie that has already been released, it's like Cloverfield and is called Monsters, it's about some space probe that has crashed in Mexico with new lifeforms.

It looks like there is more and more psychological conditioning for what is to come.
Monsters was quite nice. The photography was great.
The pace is quite slow so the trailer is just there to pump up the expectations.
I would not say it is an absolute must watch but it's an interesting setting for a romance movie.
I gotta say that the first time I saw the trailer for this movie was right around the time all that disclosure talk was going on with Richard Dolan et all. So I just think it's kind of interesting timing for this movie to come out...
The Skyline movie caught my attention as well. As already said above it's another movie to get us all used to this alien idea. Personally I like S-F movies so this will be on my watch list.
Definitely seeing an increase in alien invasion films with this one now playing and Battle: LA coming in March 2011.

At this point I find it hard to tell if Hollywood if pushing some form of propaganda or is just cashing in on the trend, thereby adding fuel to the trend. I guess it could be both.

I think one youtube commenter summed it up nicely here as follows:

27 minutes ago

@Mrhuge222 yes, they started to begin preparing and brainwashing us with movies like these since the INDEPENDENCE DAY movie...that got us all thinking there might be ALIENS out there...from then on, MEN IN BLACK AND SO ON, SO MANY alien invasion movies are made in order to prepare us for our own evil scheme to make the whole world into one f***ing SOVERIGN EVIL government aka NEW WORLD F***IN ORDER!

Perheps he should've said "distract from" instead of "prepare for", but otherwise I think he's quite on the mark.
Well, we can go even further back with the movie series, Alien. Heck, one sequel even included human impregnation.

The monster movies of the 50s and 60s have also contributed to a forming of social consciousness toward what an alien looks like and how they are predatory, keeping the enemy out there instead of right here.

There was an interesting movie from the mid-80s, called Enemy Mine. It was among the very few movies I've seen that portrays aliens as relatively decent in human terms (compassion, empathy, etc.).

So, it appears the stage is set for fear of an invasion of outsiders that look nothing like us.

Whether by accident or design, it certainly does provide a distraction from the current reality where hyperdimensional nasties rule through controlling those in power, who in turn facilitate social programming.

It occurs to me that this could be a good way to turn mankind against any non-human species that actually try to offer aid to humans during a hyperdimensional or extraterrestrial invasion.

I watched it and I can say to me it was good movie, there was almost always some action after the invasion.


The begging is similar to Cloverfield, characters are normal people living their lives, partying, having their problems, issues when the invasion is going to happen. The aliens are like some kind of robots, but maybe they are and organic, it is all very mysterious to the end like when they take humans and it isn't shown for what purpose, the movie is similar to war of the worlds in a sense but the action is put in one building in L.A.There are these lights from aliens in the beginning of the movie and later that draw people to it, that is it controls them and then the aliens take them. They have some flying things that catch people and giant creatures or robots that catch people after the invasion has begun. What was interesting there were military drones(to me it was interesting they were using drones similar to F-117) that were sent to nuke mother-ships and one of them succeeded to fire one nuke and that one ship fell to ground but it started to regenerate so it was kind of realistic in a sense that it was shown that our technology isn't a match for them(and there were many mother-ships also), in other movies humans always find some way to defeat them. There was also lot of panic in the movie which was also in a way realistic, and shows how people show different face like always in life-death situations. And in the end two main characters, this man and his girlfriend which is pregnant, are taken by mother-ship with some kind of beam and then in the end is shown why they use humans, they program their brains and take their head off, that is their brains and put them in some kind of fluid and then in the alien bodies that are waiting them, it's like some symbiotic relationship. Only the brains are programmed to serve aliens, but while the all brains were blue, that of main character was red and when put in body his brain gained control of that monster like body, the programming didn't work. And his girlfriend was pregnant so the aliens figured that out and didn't took her brain, they wanted to do something else to her so the main character with his old brain and new body saved her, but was going to be attacked for that, and the movie ends here. There isn't really an end, and I like that because it was more realistic, but i get impression many people didn't, probably because they like happy ending like in a War of the Worlds or I.D.
If anything they are trying to get us to believe that aliens are out there, rather than already living among us. And that they fly spaceships made out of physical material, rather than being shape-shifting multi dimensional aliens that have powers outside of any human beings understanding.

Thats why i dont believe that this is conditioning us to accept some kind of invasion. Its already happened, just not like most people think it would.

Its the way 'they' keep us thinking we are more powerful than we really are. Like we could see the aliens coming, and could fight them face to face etc etc.
Its all about feeding our ego to think we are this all powerful being, when in reality comparing us to them is like comparing a pig to us. I bet pigs think they are the centre of the universe aswell, until they are put through a meat mincer.

Alien movies have always been around. Look at the old 'V' series which portrayed aliens as human looking with reptile bodies underneath. The only agenda (if there is one) is to keep the the majority of people belieivng that aliens have around the same intelligence as us, but have slightly better technology and look different. If anything, its dis-info. But it keeps us thinking we are powerful, which keeps them in control of us.

Still... ill watch it, as the trailers look pretty good.
I just got back from watching this movie. And I have to say... as far as alien invasion movies go... this movie really sucked imo.

It was slow, and the whole movie took place inside the apartment building/roof. True, there was the fact of people acting differently to the situation presented, but that's with every movie like this.


I personally thought the ending of the movie was going to happen in the middle of the movie. That the guy was going to get some sort of super power because of the fact that he was able to escape the 'light beam' at the beginning. The guy himself wasn't a very bright or special fellow, so the fact of his brain being different than every single other human was kind of a stretch. There was nothing special about him at all, so why would his brain act so differently than the rest of the human race?

One of the major "give me a break" moments was the fact that hey actually had an anti-smoking slur in it. This one scene where the main girl character (who is pregnant) is there and a couple of other people are there panicking after witnessing some of their friends getting killed, and were super stressed out- this one girl lights up a cigarette to calm down and the pregnant girl starts to leave the room because of the smoke. The boyfriend (main guy character) asks her why she's leaving.. and the girl is like, "because of the smoke". The other girl with the cigarette gets upset and says something like "I think considering the circumstances, I'm allowed to smoke." And the pregnant girl goes "well I'm pregnant, and I thought maybe...*starts crying*" And the other girl puts out her cigarette. I was like OH GAWD... :rolleyes:

The fact that the humans only used a nuke to fight back in itself was total propaganda, as most people on here (like me) would think the US army has more weapons to use than nukes.. but whatever nukes is the way to go in movies.

The ending was kind of cool, but I thought it should have happened way sooner. I wasn't really expecting a happy ending, but I did feel that the movie ended right when things got interesting which was a total disappointment.

All in all, I give it my personal thumbs down- but of course, as always that's only me and you should watch the movie and decide for yourself whether you like it or not.
Possibly another blockbuster alien based movie coming out next summer called Cowboys & Aliens starring Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig.


Also another one but based on a comic book called Green Lantern where the main guy gets his powers from aliens whose job is to defend the universe: Another soon to be summer blockbuster starring Ryan Reynolds.


There is definately an upsurge in this stuff... Maybe it is just the in-thing like Vampires...
Jonathan said:
Total thumbs down on Skyline. Ugh. Deedlet's post hit the nail on the head.

I was thinking about renting Skyline based solely on the alien's invading scenario, but thankfully I checked out this thread beforehand.

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