Sleep paralysis and image dreaming


The Force is Strong With This One
Hello everyone.

I've noticed something weird and I don't really know how to deal with that. Evil, frightening and fulled with details dreams are haunting me for some time, firstly I thought it's just someting I've red about or watched a movie so i am just living the subject while dreaming but there is never a peaceful dreaming and there is never a sleep without a paralysis. I think I found the half-hearted solution which in reality isn't a solution at all. I've noticed that when I fall asleep on my back the paralysis always catches me, when I fall asleep on stomach or aside it never happens. I could even say 'You want me to expercience the sleep paralysis? Ok, sit down and wait I will make it happen just because I know how'. So the near solution is the position of sleeping to avoid it but it's not the solution I am looking for in case of asking why me and what's the point?

While having paralysis there are always image dreaming, once there was a guy in a black suit standing over my bed only watching and whispering some words or sentences in unknown language, next time I didn't want to open my eyes but my mind told me that it's the same guy but he wasn't whispering anything I felt like he is laying beside me and he was whistling some melody I've never heard and I didn't remember the dream until I wrote the song with this melody and the dreaming image came up to me like a hurricane.
Next time the paralysis caught me: I was running away from the car accident place to my best friends house where somebody else was awaiting me it was an old woman with blonde hair she had very warm smile and her appearance was very familiar to me but I couln't recognize her anyway... She told me to follow her back to the accident place, when we walked together she started running and her face turned over horror, her smile was like ripped of from ear to ear and the teeth was sharp like knife blade, then she caught my face with her huge hand and pushed to the ground and when I hitted it my dream turned to sleep paralysis I remember lying on my bed, couldn't make any move only opening eyes was possible, I also remember my thoughts like 'omg, do I really want to open my eyes? maybe I will try to quicly move my muscles just to wake up' but I felt some power inside like you know... I was here few times, I know about paralysis and I told myslef that nothing here can hurt me so I opened my eyes and I saw the old blonde woman walking in the circle in my room she noticed me watching her so she stopped, she putted some black letter on the table and she walked into the wall, then I woke up but there was nothing on my table.

After that the sleep paralysis has stopped for 2 weeks I guess and the last one that happened few days ago, I remember it waswas kinda weird but which of yours and mine aren't?

I slept and under the closed eyelids i saw a strong light, my first thought was that somebody turned on the light in my bedroom and it's already 5a.m. (my waking up hour to work) but I couldn't move and I already knew what is happening and instead of past experiences I couldn't open my eyes so I only relied on hearing. i've heard this weard sound I can't even compare to anyhting, some energy was trying to break through closed window (it was like, something was too hot and the glass was melting so it was letting it to break into inside), I felt my body slowly rising up high on something really warm from the bottom, I've heard birds singing and trees humming but this sound became quieter when I was higher and higher, the fear was growing up and I was trying to move the muscles much harder then I always used to. Don't remember what happened then but the next scene was that some sharp nailes scratched my front-right forearm and I spontaneously woke up, I was too scraed to turn the light on and check the hurted body part so I decided to stay awake til the morning. When it became brighter I checked my forearm but there was nothing but a bit of red stains but I guess it was just a bad sleeping position.

Even if it's the imagination... Something must be going on, my friends dreams aren't that evil and frightening as mine. They usually tell their dreams were like 'Oh, last night I dreamt that my mom bought new car and it was flying, I was so happy I felt sad it was just a dream' or 'i dreamt that everything was made of glass and i was affraid to touch anything just to not harm myself' everything seems to be a DREAM and my dreams are like 'bad reality upcoming'. And i am a very positive-thinking person, lots of laughing and surrounded by many good people so I don't know why I 'dream' about so dark things.

i feel happy to have such place as this to talk about because my friends and family they don't accept these subjects (besides my Mom - she's the Medium or Indigo child ;D as I call her) but the rest they think we are crazy weirdos to believe that there something much more then just a dream or even a conspiracy, so we work in hiding when no one sees us noticing 'another werid phenomena seen'...'

Thank You :)

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