Sleep paralysis experiences


Padawan Learner
Psychologist Jorge Conesa Sevilla, at Northland College, suggests “for these Sleep Paralysis cases people should try to ride the fear out and then going back to sleep thus retaining those waking levels of awareness to the point of using this technique as a doorway to lucid dreaming.” Lucid dreams are usual to me, yet such Sevilla’s procedure sounds dangerous IMO. Perhaps it would be more viable if the subject is well skilled to the point of not being subjugated even more at dream state. Have someone here tried this under SP circumstances?

For those who are interested ahead follows one of my SP experiences occurred this month a short time ago:
During that night i got before at least two uncomfortable dreams of other realities, as usually i have, with my alternative selfs living in those odd parallel worlds, but i suppose these are narrations for another thread. So according to psychologist James Cheyne at the University of Waterloo, over extended periods in their lives, up to 6 percent of people report multiple sleep paralysis events. If that is the case then indeed i am included in this 6%.

And so once again, as regularly i have experienced this horror throughout my life, i woke up in back position completely paralysed. Except i could open my eyes and could distinctly see a gray form like a vertical cloud over my solar plexus at the bedroom where the darkness was challenged just by a faint blue light coming from a digital clock. I blinked several times but by then the semi-opaque cloud, about one meter tall, wouldn't move from there. I couldn't either speak or scream yet i started making unusual noises using my breathing as a tool till my love-partner woke up and in the darkness attempted gently to wake me up. The problem it was that i was already awoken with open eyes and still couldn't move. Then i closed my eyes and managed to open only the right eye thus seeing the cloud like a smeared form but next oddly absent in the left eye. Yet soon again it was there in both eyes. My partner was now shaking my inert body strongly. Then after one minute, i wonder, i could move my body though apparently still there was some of that cloud hovering the bed. At this point of my life i was kind of familiarized with those SP rascals, so i was somewhat in a calm state of mood, yet even so i thought slapping it to make it to go away at once. How effective this would be? But when i finally sat down, almost nothing i could see of it. I feared to fall asleep again and anyway took some time to do it. In the next day i was feeling myself kind of aroused. Yeah this sounds incoherent but i think this happens to many victims. My theory is that such feeling is a kind of dark residue left in your body by the intruder.

One more detail is that in that night of mare before the sleeping i had observed a strange partial penumbral eclipse of the Moon for a couple of minutes before all of a sudden it vanished. It was a full moon in a clear night without clouds. I had done the sightings through a pair of binoculars. Indeed the strong lunar lights had made me seeing smudges for some moments in my field of vision. I wonder if that negative lunar energy, likely absorbed through my eyes, unbalanced my astral body to the point of making it more susceptible to that attack afterwards.
Hi Gateway,

Gateway said:
Psychologist Jorge Conesa Sevilla, at Northland College, suggests “for these Sleep Paralysis cases people should try to ride the fear out and then going back to sleep thus retaining those waking levels of awareness to the point of using this technique as a doorway to lucid dreaming.” Lucid dreams are usual to me, yet such Sevilla’s procedure sounds dangerous IMO. Perhaps it would be more viable if the subject is well skilled to the point of not being subjugated even more at dream state. Have someone here tried this under SP circumstances?

I haven't done it, and don't think I would! I do think it's a good idea to just try to sleep afterwards, and not let the fear get to you, but I wouldn't recommend lucid dreaming. I also think it could be dangerous. You might find this thread interesting: Induced Lucid Dreaming

Gateway said:
For those who are interested ahead follows one of my SP experiences occurred this month a short time ago:
During that night i got before at least two uncomfortable dreams of other realities, as usually i have, with my alternative selfs living in those odd parallel worlds, but i suppose these are narrations for another thread. So according to psychologist James Cheyne at the University of Waterloo, over extended periods in their lives, up to 6 percent of people report multiple sleep paralysis events. If that is the case then indeed i am included in this 6%.

And so once again, as regularly i have experienced this horror throughout my life, i woke up in back position completely paralysed. Except i could open my eyes and could distinctly see a gray form like a vertical cloud over my solar plexus at the bedroom where the darkness was challenged just by a faint blue light coming from a digital clock. I blinked several times but by then the semi-opaque cloud, about one meter tall, wouldn't move from there. I couldn't either speak or scream yet i started making unusual noises using my breathing as a tool till my love-partner woke up and in the darkness attempted gently to wake me up. The problem it was that i was already awoken with open eyes and still couldn't move. Then i closed my eyes and managed to open only the right eye thus seeing the cloud like a smeared form but next oddly absent in the left eye. Yet soon again it was there in both eyes. My partner was now shaking my inert body strongly. Then after one minute, i wonder, i could move my body though apparently still there was some of that cloud hovering the bed. At this point of my life i was kind of familiarized with those SP rascals, so i was somewhat in a calm state of mood, yet even so i thought slapping it to make it to go away at once. How effective this would be? But when i finally sat down, almost nothing i could see of it. I feared to fall asleep again and anyway took some time to do it. In the next day i was feeling myself kind of aroused. Yeah this sounds incoherent but i think this happens to many victims. My theory is that such feeling is a kind of dark residue left in your body by the intruder.

It might help to consider that sleep paralysis can occur when you wake up during REM sleep, which is a period during sleep when the muscles don't move. Perhaps you woke up during REM sleep, which could explain why you couldn't move. I'm not sure what to make of the cloud that you saw. Do you think it could've been something explicable? Did your partner also see it?

Of course, it is possible to experience inexplicable odd things or sense/see a presence during sleep paralysis. But I also think it's important to keep the above about REM sleep in mind, that it's not necessarily something trying to stop you from moving (but is rather a result of a natural state your body is in). I can imagine the experience creeped you out though!
Oxajil said:
I haven't done it, and don't think I would! I do think it's a good idea to just try to sleep afterwards, and not let the fear get to you, but I wouldn't recommend lucid dreaming. I also think it could be dangerous. You might find this thread interesting: Induced Lucid Dreaming
Hi Oxajil, i just have read that succinct thread you linked, it is positively excellent for all tastes i would say. And also your input was appreciated.

Oxajil said:
Do you think it could've been something explicable? Did your partner also see it?
By then i tried my best to not let my spouse realize what i was seeing and going on. How much less fear, better to keep off that thing. Of course after the storm i told the event. Speaking of which since my youth i have instinctively prevented to escalate that negativeness throught unprepared people, indeed as i can recall the worst began early as i was a six year kid. But yeah, according to some plausible articles, which i have read some time ago, such dark figures can be explained by some scientific theories. Yet based in my experiences i dare to disbelieve them in general. Nevertheless i consider correct the information that when your astral body&consciousness separates from the physical body this can provoke sleep paralysis. As well the C’s commented this latter case in some session. Indeed when i was at the age of fifteen i started trying this on purpose (the OBE separation) though usually making a feeble success (by then i had even less knowledge).

At last but not least i would add that also would be enlightening for all to know other SP experiences. Anyone? :)
To add to Oxajil's recommend choices, this session may give you some comfort as well.

Good luck it's not that big a deal. Even if it may be connected to the abduction phenomena.

If it is all viewed from the proper perspective, there is a benefit from said experience. And to think, (which is what is important), that, your still alive, and breathing. So just go with the flow IMHO.

Session 23 July 1995,34873.msg495758.html#msg495758
Q: (L) When you are ready please indicate.
A: Okay.
Q: (L) We have a number of questions and I think Jan wants to lead off this evening. (J) First off, who do we have with us?
A: Curious that you should ask that? What is the expected answer?
Q: (J) A name.
A: You still desire a name. We'll say: Toren.
Q: (J) If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
A: What matters is what matters to you and our desire to comply.
Q: (L) Toren, the first thing on my mind is an experience I had several nights ago. It seemed as though there was some sort of interaction between myself and something "other." Could you tell me what this experience was?
A: Was eclipsing of the realities.
Q: (L) What is an eclipsing of the realities?
A: It is when energy centers conflict.
Q: (L) What energy centers are conflicting?
A: Thought energy centers.
Q: (L) Whose thoughts?
A: Ahh, we're getting ahead of ourselves, are we not? Thoughts are the basis of all creation. After all, without thought nothing would exist. Now would it?
At last but not least i would add that also would be enlightening for all to know other SP experiences. Anyone? :)

Yes, i would have them from the time that i was a child. And it was a flipping experience.
As time wore on they just seem to become more and more numerous. It was when i read the above session, that i became more at ease with all.

Credit the channeler's of truth of this unique dialog of information, with question's, and answers. It all helped to cope with experience.
I used to had this experiences since i was a child and the last years i had them time after time.The "fanny"thing is than i really aware one second before than will happen.I had the lat one couple months ago,but it is not often as before.I learn to do not be afraid anymore.When i am in the middle of the experiences i used to pray the Soul Prayer and ask help to the Divine Cosmic Mind and the "experience"run away very fast and after that my body gets really tired and my soul comforted.

I hope can help you :)
I wanted to add that some times the fear is that of paralysis than the sleep paralysis as an effect of some other fear.

In my case it always felt like a physical , except the dark man dreams.

It may well be a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes the sleep paralysis, since when trying to go back to sleep it pulled me back into the initial stage of the experience, so i had to be fully awake to then go back to sleep again, sometimes, getting up and drink water or whatever. Like turning the car on and then off.

It never failed that wen i slept twice of three times a day i would get one of those nights.
Felipe4 said:
It never failed that wen i slept twice of three times a day i would get one of those nights.

This one rang a bell, Felipe4! There was a time when I had loads of fear and lots of time to sleep after lunch too ;) and that was when I've experienced the most of sleep paralysis.

With time I've managed to get away with the initial shock of those odd wakes, and somewhere I read that the only thing you had to do was to try to move a finger, and stay calm, for the paralysis to end soon. And so it was.

Whatever you may "see" in those moments it's like in between dreaming and a waking state, so not much to worry about. The 'moving finger' trick was enough to make me feel better, like being able to manage it all, have the power to take myself back in shape.
c.a. said:
Good luck it's not that big a deal. Even if it may be connected to the abduction phenomena.
On your abduction remark i would risk to say abduction phenomena in a way or another may be entangled in these sceneries as much opportunist it can be. Just a coincidence probably, but well, since we are in the rain: there is a synchronicity in your remark. Indeed few days before this SP occurrence i had a dream where a gray talked to me in his ship, yet for that particular dream I would risk that likely was just another message sent by my unconscious, … i suppose.
Now I do have a further personal insight at least for some of these dark figures. So here it is the assumptions: Don’t know how the SP is processed yet in what concern the kernel of some of these figures likely in many instances they may be animated thoughtforms created by us or others. And what they want is just your energy to continue living. Obviously also exist more scientific explanations that can work, as well as other strangeness according to the event.

munaychasumaq said:
When i am in the middle of the experiences i used to pray the Soul Prayer and ask help to the Divine Cosmic Mind and the "experience"run away very fast and after that my body gets really tired and my soul comforted.
dantem said:
The 'moving finger' trick was enough to make me feel better, like being able to manage it all, have the power to take myself back in shape.
Nice munaychasumaq. ... Now, something like the ‘moving finger’ i came hastily to discover by myself when i was a kid, yet prayers always worked much more proficiently in my case. Yet ... Surviving is by sure an indispensable item of an inventory resulting from any lesson, but it is not all, i sense. And probably the lessons are quickest learned when elapsed via unpleasant situations repeatedly as much necessary. Just some thoughts.

c.a. said:
If it is all viewed from the proper perspective, there is a benefit from said experience. And to think, (which is what is important), that, your still alive, and breathing. So just go with the flow IMHO.
Session 23 July 1995,34873.msg495758.html#msg495758
Q: (L) When you are ready please indicate.
A: Okay.
Q: (L) We have a number of questions and I think Jan wants to lead off this evening. (J) First off, who do we have with us?
A: Curious that you should ask that? What is the expected answer?
Q: (J) A name.
A: You still desire a name. We'll say: Toren.
Q: (J) If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
A: What matters is what matters to you and our desire to comply.
Q: (L) Toren, the first thing on my mind is an experience I had several nights ago. It seemed as though there was some sort of interaction between myself and something "other." Could you tell me what this experience was?
A: Was eclipsing of the realities.
Q: (L) What is an eclipsing of the realities?
A: It is when energy centers conflict.
Q: (L) What energy centers are conflicting?
A: Thought energy centers.
Q: (L) Whose thoughts?
A: Ahh, we're getting ahead of ourselves, are we not? Thoughts are the basis of all creation. After all, without thought nothing would exist. Now would it?
Good point.
Gateway said:
If it is all viewed from the proper perspective, there is a benefit from said experience.
And to think, (which is what is important), that, your still alive, and breathing. So just go with the flow IMHO.
Session 23 July 1995,34873.msg495758.html#msg495758
Good point.

For the record, that is a quote from the session on the process of Alien Abductions.

If you have not read Laura's Second Edition of "High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions & The Process Of Alien Abduction" you find that it is filled with information with, and for the fight against the intruders.

With readings within for vigilance, and protection. OK then, tally ho.

dantem said:
Felipe4 said:
It never failed that wen i slept twice of three times a day i would get one of those nights.

This one rang a bell, Felipe4! There was a time when I had loads of fear and lots of time to sleep after lunch too ;) and that was when I've experienced the most of sleep paralysis.

With time I've managed to get away with the initial shock of those odd wakes, and somewhere I read that the only thing you had to do was to try to move a finger, and stay calm, for the paralysis to end soon. And so it was.

Whatever you may "see" in those moments it's like in between dreaming and a waking state, so not much to worry about. The 'moving finger' trick was enough to make me feel better, like being able to manage it all, have the power to take myself back in shape.

It seemed to me after having so so so many of these and noticing the factors and the states, my thought was that the body release chemicals in order to fall asleep and that if you over excite these glans and/or produce too much of these hormones , thus (mess your sleep cycles and biological clock) this tends to happen.

the same happens with dejavu, when i am tired , lethargic or dizzy (taking the emotional state and sensation into account) these are more frequent

Notice that our perception and sensations/feelings are not the same when we are tired and our brain is half asleep, after all, the soul recharges when we sleep and having the soul jumping back an forth so to speak, i would imagine makes our awareness susceptible to these experiences
I experienced sleep paralysis intermittently for a number of years. The fear is unbelievable. I would struggle desperately to wake myself up but I had to ride out the time it took for the episode to end and for me to be able to move again. Even though my logical mind knew that I was not permanently paralysed and that I would be able to move again within 30 seconds to a minute, I still had a terrible feeling of dread. I prayed like mad during each episode and this gave me some comfort. Interestingly I have not experienced an episode of this for a number of years, nor do I even want to again.

Talking or thinking about it always brings to mind the awful cases (luckily few) of people who have been muscle paralysed during an operation but have not been anaesthetised properly and are still awake although they cannot move. Their accounts of the operations are harrowing in the extreme. When I underwent planned surgery a few years ago I impressed on the anaesthetist that my greatest fear was this very situation. She reassured me that modern day anaesthetics ensure that this does not happen due to monitoring of brain waves. I needed the surgery so I had to put my trust in her and all turned out well.
Tuulikki said:
I experienced sleep paralysis intermittently for a number of years. The fear is unbelievable. I would struggle desperately to wake myself up but I had to ride out the time it took for the episode to end and for me to be able to move again. Even though my logical mind knew that I was not permanently paralysed and that I would be able to move again within 30 seconds to a minute, I still had a terrible feeling of dread. I prayed like mad during each episode and this gave me some comfort. Interestingly I have not experienced an episode of this for a number of years, nor do I even want to again.

Talking or thinking about it always brings to mind the awful cases (luckily few) of people who have been muscle paralysed during an operation but have not been anaesthetised properly and are still awake although they cannot move. Their accounts of the operations are harrowing in the extreme. When I underwent planned surgery a few years ago I impressed on the anaesthetist that my greatest fear was this very situation. She reassured me that modern day anaesthetics ensure that this does not happen due to monitoring of brain waves. I needed the surgery so I had to put my trust in her and all turned out well.
Thanks for sharing Tuulikki. What a lesson, no? And what can we get from all this? During my childhood as sequels of these SP episodes, i infer, i had many dreams of me buried alive. Indeed it was likely that that most dreaded me as kid, and lasted till my adult life. In those days of young life i fought in despair to not allow those kind of dreams happening ever again. Yet later in the adulthood these latter dreams echoed to me like a clue of something bigger of this our human reality. I think at different levels some of the forumers also had hints of this line of sight. Right?

c.a. said:
OK then, tally ho.
:D Mirth!!! Yet i'd like to assume the 'tally ho' refers to awareness rather than foxes.
Thank you for bringing this issue to discussion, Gateway, and thanks to all who shared their experiences with SP. I've had some very terrifying moments while under the effect of the paralysis, especially when I was a teenager. I didn't know that it might happen naturally in REM sleep, that's a relief! From what I remember from my latest experiences, the probability of SP occurring was higher if I slept in a different bed or in a different place (the sofa was a confortable but kinda dangerous place to sleep, I recall). I can also relate to those instances when I've had already slept during the day and then at night I'd be restless and after some time I'd see myself in SP, unable to do anything but hope for the best.
munaychasumaq said:
I used to had this experiences since i was a child and the last years i had them time after time.The "fanny"thing is than i really aware one second before than will happen.I had the lat one couple months ago,but it is not often as before.I learn to do not be afraid anymore.When i am in the middle of the experiences i used to pray the Soul Prayer and ask help to the Divine Cosmic Mind and the "experience"run away very fast and after that my body gets really tired and my soul comforted.

I hope can help you :)

Good advice ! thank you ! I had several experience like this, and feel very scary. It began when I was a young girl. Some experiences happened during a rest (so not on night but during afternoon) and some experiences happened during night. When it was during the afternoon, i could hear sounds that were not in the reality (children, alarms, etc). For both cases (during afternoon and during night), i learn to control my fear and i used to scream in my head, like if i was making a strong effort to wake up and i use my "willpower" (i don't know if it is the good word) to wake up, and it works. The experiences duing afternoon make me think to a kind of switch to another reality but it may be an illusion.
I had sleep paralysis until I started meditating regularly. Firstly, I think this helps you to be more aware of different states of consciousness and then to somehow to figure what to do in those states. It's not a matter of being a 'victim' as you stated, but being more in control of yourself, OSIT.
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