Sleep paralysis high strangness or a bad bowl of chili

Mr Meowgi

The Cosmic Force
I realize that this topic has been covered numerous times in this forum and on the site as a whole but not as a topic unto itself. I myself have suffered from this since I can remember which goes back to the 70s perhaps even the 60s. Each case of this must be looked at individually in my opinion. According to Wiki.
this occurs during REM sleep "level three sleep" and that we should not be alarmed in fact if we just relax it will end. A change of diet and breathing techniques may very well help some individuals as it may just be a human disorder with a reasonable explanation as well as a cure in certain people. Let me describe my latest incident which occurred just two nights ago as well as give you some history of my accounts.
On Thursday I had a few cups of coffee before noon and none afternoon. For dinner I had sesame chicken, house special soup and house special fried rice. I am a picky eater and the place I chose for this meal uses no MSG and has an above average reputation for food quality. About 8:30 pm I had some fresh pineapple cut from a pineapple bought that day. I went to bed around 11pm with my cat in tow. He likes to sleep with me. I knew that I was going to have problems that night due to a few known precursors. That strange unnatural sleepiness, ear ringing/ pressure variation in my ears. My cat had followed me around the entire night as well. I fell into a dream right away, a strange dream at that. I was on a set of railroad tracks that I walked when I was young. A voice outside of myself kept saying " the forth density is in the fog" . I saw the fog and in it were various odd small creatures not menacing at the time but shape shifted shortly into hungry little beasts. Things got weird then and the voice outside said "the dragon lives over there". At that point I got very scared and the paralysis started. I fought it as always and the more I fought the stronger it got. Finally I thought my eyes were open as I was looking at the wall next to my bed, but this too was an illusion. Upon finally waking up as my eyes opened I saw a mantis type fade off in front of me. Yes big black and red eyes and a mantis head. The cat was sleeping next to me and only about 25 minutes had past since falling to sleep. The whole rest of the night every time I would fall asleep the cat would walk across me. This happened all night. It was as if he was trying to protect me as I saw him looking at the window from the end of my bed.
My list of incidents could be a book and I have only had peace from them a very few times. In the mid 90s after a month filled with them I had had enough. One night I blew up a quarts crystal from around my neck in which the pieces were hot to the touch. Another the double doors on my room were rattling so bad and the ruckus so high that the whole house woke from a dead sleep. It stopped for a long time after that when I finally said from my mind " why are you here". I think I scared them off. I have been able to crack my eyes open during these events as I can generally hear and feel what is going on around me. I have seen creatures, shapes, lights and all sorts in my years.
My childhood was not filled with trauma as I grew up in a middle class household and my parents are still together to this day after 45 years of marriage. I was the kid that didn't fit though. I had many many strange waking events as well and was quite intuitive from a young age. As a teen my mother would have to shake my foot to wake me as I would come up swinging. That is not normal unless something is happening when you are asleep. I have not gone through any hypnotic regression to this point but am starting to look in that direction. I have read high strangeness and went bingo when I read page 244. Laura hit it on the nose at least in my case.
As with everything looking at the clues is the key. Perhaps that bad bowl of chili is the answer in some case, but not all. Was that a UFO, swamp gas or a hologram. If we can look at those that really are having high strangeness and help them to stop the feeding and abductions are we not working against our slavers?

Hi David,

As you probably know, many of us here have experienced some form of 'high strangeness'. Because of the incomprehensible nature of such events, one of the more difficult things to believe is that often there are mundane causes for what we perceive. Perhaps if you can view these dreams as possible symbolic reflections of our internal landscape, it can help you to gain some perspective.

You mentioned diet. What we eat serves to feed us in many ways - mentally, physically and spiritually. So what we eat can affect how we think and what we feel (both perceptions). Some foods are not optimal for mental, spiritual or physical well being.

So sometimes dreams can serve as a mirror that reflects our lives at the moment. One way to discern what is really going on with these dreams may be to remove what the most likely possible causes are. This would include gluten (as in the rice and sesame chicken), sugar (also probably in the chicken) and dairy. You may also want to remove the coffee.

Another type of food is knowledge. Although you may not realize or remember any trauma in your past, more than likely there was some that was covert as all of us have narcissistic wounding. Not sure if you've read any of the big five but I think it may do you well. This will help you to understand dynamics as they relate to relationships with others as well as yourself.

From what you've said about waking up fighting, my take is that perhaps something is there that you may want to take a look at.

Mr Meowgi said:
If we can look at those that really are having high strangeness and help them to stop the feeding and abductions are we not working against our slavers?
As far as I know, the only way to truly be of service to others is to help ourselves first. We can only do that when we master and take responsibility for ourselves. At that point, we are 'working against our slavers'. Hope that helps. :)
Thank you Truth Seeker for your insight. I have read quite a bit on the site here to include most of The wave series/ Adventure series along while back 2002/2003 and am at current back tracking some of my reading. Yes there may be mundane answers to outrageous things in ones life. This particular issue is one that has haunted me since childhood. My very close friend has been telling me to look at diet for sometime now. He has cut out dairy, gluten, caffeine and has a high protein with a good fat content and low carb. diet. He still has sleep paralysis from time to time and explains it much as I did. I have not really brought this subject up prior except with close friends for fear of being labeled as a nut job. I have woken with strange bruising, scrapes, strange marks and things most of my life. Not all were in relation with sleep paralysis but many were. Awaking swinging or violently has not happened in at least 15 years it pretty well stopped in my late 20s. I have looked into the so called scientific reasons for this for sometime now and for the most part I see hogwash. Optimizing my diet is something I am working on but is hard on a limited income. Free range foods are expensive although deer season is around the corner. If anyone else who suffers from this has any suggestions I am quite open to suggestions.


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