Slow Burn: The Great American Antismoking Scam (And Why It Will Fail)


The Force is Strong With This One
This books goes through some details, concerning the anti-smoking campaign that started about 30 years ago.

I have not read it myself, but it sounds interesting.
SOTT posted the amazon review of 'Slow Burn' in the past - a used copy at Amazon cost $75 at the time.
I recently read 'In Defense of Smoking' that was referenced in the Signs Editorial 'An Evironmental 9/11'
and emailed Lauren Colby the author to ask his opinion on 'Slow Burn' by Don Oakley. This was his reply:
Don's book was based largely on the research that I did.

Both books (Don's and mine) are now somewhat out dated. During the time since I wrote mine, there have been thousands of experiments, trying to induce lung cancer in animals by exposing them to smoke. All have failed.

Also, just recently, a British jurist conducted a lengthy trial on the issue of whether smoking causes lung cancer and concluded that it didn't.
Personally, I didn't find 'In Defence of Smoking' well written and lacking in some places where I had questions and I may buy 'Slow Burn,' since the length (600 pages) would indicate that it goes into much more detail about the topic.

Has anyone read 'Slow Burn'?
Here's a book I recently bought, but haven't read yet. The author speaks very highly of "Slow Burn.:

As for Slow Burn, say they've got a pdf version online, but it seems to be broken. I tried emailing them, but the addy wasn't working either.
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